These Are The Top Places Where You Should Never Ever Swim

Published on July 8, 2019

Laguna Caliente

Laguna Caliente, found in Costa Rica, can be directly translated to “hot lagoon.” The reason this lagoon gets this name is because it is quite hot, like volcanic level hot. Its location in the middle of a stratovolcano means that a human could not survive a dip in this lagoon. In fact, visitors need a special permit just to traverse the areas around the lake.

Laguna Caliente

Laguna Caliente

Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan

Lake Chagan in Kazakhstan is also known as the “Nuclear Lake,” which should be enough information for anyone to understand why it is not safe for swimming. This lake was actually formed after an underground nuclear bomb was set off. Therefore, this crater lake is actually quite poisonous. Definitely find somewhere else to swim!

Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan

Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan