These Are The Top Places Where You Should Never Ever Swim

Published on July 8, 2019

Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Lake Nyos can be found in Cameroon in Africa and was actually formed after a collision of an asteroid! Luckily, it has stayed pretty docile since its creation but because it’s located by the Cameroon Volcanic Line, it is still host to some geologic activity such as eruptions that result in carbon dioxide emissions. This can quickly turn deadly, so it is advised to stay away.

Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Lake Nyos, Cameroon

Nyiragongo, Congo

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, you’ll find the Nyiragongo. You definitely should not even consider swimming here, as it is actually a volcano, and in fact, is the largest lava pit on Earth. It is also one of the hottest swimming holes that can be found, which also emits carbon dioxide. This combination is enough to have us looking for a different vacation spot.

