These Are The Top Places Where You Should Never Ever Swim

Published on July 8, 2019

Myrtle Beach

While Myrtle Beach in South Carolina can be quite a fun vacation destination, it’s important to know that sometimes the beach can be a quite dangerous. This beach can sometimes have very strong rip tides that can catch off-guard swimmers. In addition, the beach is home to cannonball jellyfish that can easily paralyze those they sting and can even be deadly in some cases.

Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach

Gulf Of Thailand

The Gulf of Thailand is quite gorgeous and is the perfect location for the best possible Instagram photos. However, it is also home to box jellyfish, which is quite a dangerous species. The jellyfish’s sting is so strong that it can cause the person who is stung to go into shock. This is quite dangerous if its happens in the water, as the person can become paralyze temporarily and lead to drowning.

Gulf Of Thailand

Gulf Of Thailand