These Are The Top Places Where You Should Never Ever Swim

Published on July 8, 2019

West End, Grand Bahama Islands

The Bahamas are quite the tourist destination, and with good reason. There some of the world’s most beautiful beaches here. However, with that, come the dangers of sharks. Tiger Beach is named for the tiger sharks that hang around the area, and these are quite vicious sharks. If you choose to swim here, do so with caution.

West End, Grand Bahama Islands

West End, Grand Bahama Islands

Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu, located in Rwanda in Africa, is known as one of the most dangerous lakes in the world. The reason why is that it can sometimes “explode,” or erupt, due to the fact that it is located close to a volcano. These lake eruptions result in a release of carbon dioxide, which is not something you’d like to come in contact with while on a swim, or at all.

Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu