Things You May Have Never Known About Saudi Arabia

Published on November 30, 2023

Police And Police

There are different types of police in Saudi Arabia. Of course there is the police that is in charge of dealing with criminals, but there’s also a religious police force, called the “Committee for the Preservation of Virtue and for the Prevention of Vice.” There is also a crew called the “Mutaween” that is in charge of making sure that both residents and tourists alike are dressed appropriated and behaving well.

Police And Police

Police And Police

Founding Father

King Abdul Aziz bin Rahman Al Saud, or Ibn Saud, helped make Saudi Arabia what it is today. In 1932, he crowned himself king after proclaiming independence for Saudi Arabia. The king had 17 wives and 44 known sons, while also having an unknown amount of daughters.

Founding Father

Founding Father