People Get a Surprise After Feeding a Seemingly Homeless Dog

Published on September 10, 2023
Many people’s heart goes out when they see homeless dogs. Daisy had been seeing the same Labrador for five full days and wanted to help the pup. As she bent down to pet him and offer treats and toys, she noticed a collar. This made her wonder if the pet had an owner, so she checked for details. Though she found something, it was strange and didn’t make much sense to her. What would she decide to do? Would the thought of taking the animal to its owner be a good one?


Daisy and her friends went to the park frequently, and she noticed a stray-looking dog. It wouldn’t allow anyone to come close and appeared watchful. They waited five full days and decided to do something about the pup when no one claimed it.



Animal Services

Daisy called Animal Control and was told they couldn’t find the owner. Still, they asked where the dog was located, saying they would come get him. However, she wondered what they’d do and decided to switch to another option.

Animal Services

Animal Services


The Local Shelter

Animal control personnel told her that the dog would be taken to the animal shelter. If it weren’t adopted within five days, it would get euthanized. She hung up the phone without telling them where the dog was, deciding to take matters into her own hands.

The Local Shelter

The Local Shelter


A Good Deed

No one else even noticed the dog anymore, but Daisy continued visiting the park to give him something to eat and check on him. She enjoyed the encounters, and the pooch was more at ease now. Maybe she had another course of action available.

A Good Deed

A Good Deed


The Long Talk

Daisy never wanted pets before, but she talked to her husband about taking in this homeless dog. He agreed that they should adopt the animal, though it would be a lot of work. Would he accept the leash they’d have to put on him?

The Long Talk

The Long Talk


Making a Plan

John and Daisy went to the store to buy dog food, play toys, and treats for the dog. They found him in the park by the dining areas, showing him what they’d purchased. She was surprised by the animal’s response!

Making a Plan

Making a Plan


Early Morning

No one was around because it was early, and the dog spotted her and was drawn to the things she’d brought. She was surprised to see he was coming toward her without her calling. Maybe this would be easier than they’d hoped!

Early Morning

Early Morning


A New Life

Daisy was happy to think that she would be providing a better home environment to this dog. The Labrador came closer, and she knew they’d succeed because the dog seemed to trust her. Still, she had to be careful!

A New Life

A New Life


Change of Schedule

Daisy would often put the food out and step away, allowing the dog space. However, she now put the items on the ground and sat close by. John stepped away, and the dog stiffened when he realized she was staying there. Would he run away?

Change of Schedule

Change of Schedule



The dog was upset that Daisy wouldn’t leave. He walked around the food and wouldn’t take one step closer. Likewise, he made a few guttural noises at her, and she quietly called to him. Finally, he started to come forward.




Building Trust

This dog was prepared to run away at the slightest movement. She sat perfectly still while he ate, reaching out to pet him afterward. That’s when she realized something. The dog had been so hungry that it had to stay and eat, and its body was completely rigid.

Building Trust

Building Trust



There was a neckband on the dog, and it was almost the same color as its fur. Therefore, she’d never noticed it before. She was upset, thinking that he had an owner already, so she had to learn the truth.




Checking for Tags

Daisy looked all around the collar for a tag, and the dog remained calm. She saw a box-shaped label, but it almost seemed too large for the neckband. She expected to find the owner’s details, but she was shocked at what she noticed.

Checking for Tags

Checking for Tags


A Strange Combination

On the tag, there were some numbers and letters; she thought they might be a username/password combination. However, there was no website or name on it. She figured it was a way to track the animal, but the third row shocked her.

A Strange Combination

A Strange Combination



Daisy held the dog and motioned at John. Then, she showed him the information on the collar. They agreed it had to be longitude and latitude numbers. Was this pointing to where the owner lived, and what was the password and username?




Solving the Mystery

John went online and found an address. The dog was relaxed by then, so they decided to take the pooch with them while they went to the location. They might even find the owner and confirm that the furry pooch was being properly cared for.

Solving the Mystery

Solving the Mystery


Mixed Feelings

Daisy and John put the dog in the car and set off for the address he’d found. They were silent because they had already formed a bond with the pooch. They’d cared for the pet and wished they could simply adopt it right away.

Mixed Feelings

Mixed Feelings


A Big Change

Little time passed before they got through the city. Clearly, this dog was happy with being in a car and was quiet and enjoying the ride. Once they got closer to the address, it got agitated and seemed to know it was going home.

A Big Change

A Big Change


Bad Neighborhood

They got closer to the location, and the area became more industrialized. There weren’t many trees, and it seemed to get dreary. Daisy saw many deserted buildings, and it made her question where the dog came from.

Bad Neighborhood

Bad Neighborhood


What to Do

The couple glanced at each other, realizing that this wasn’t a good place for a pup to live. Likewise, they now knew why it hung out at the park. Daisy wanted to tell John to go back home, but she had to see if there was an owner.

What To Do

What To Do


Worn Down House

They knew they were close and drove another five minutes. The dog was wagging his tail and started barking loudly when they came upon a dilapidated house. John pulled over, and they realized this was the destination.

Worn Down House

Worn Down House


No One’s Home

John quickly got out of the vehicle so that the barking wouldn’t be heard. He went up to the front door and knocked because there was no doorbell. Daisy was watching with fear and anticipation. No one answered.

No One's Home

No One’s Home


The Dog Jumped Out

Daisy expected someone to respond to the knocks and lowered the car window. However, the dog was ready for this. He escaped from the seat, leaped across her lap, and went straight out the window. It was so fast that Daisy couldn’t react, and the dog was gone.

The Dog Jumped Out

The Dog Jumped Out


Broken Window

John saw the dog stop for a moment, and then he raced toward the house quickly. Though he was there, he couldn’t make it stop. The dog ran to the edge of the building, nimbly missing the man’s outstretched hands, and jumped through a shattered window.

Broken Window

Broken Window


Daisy Panicked

Daisy got out of the car in a panic. She slammed the door and ran to the grassy area to get John. He stood there, shocked. They wondered what to do next. Should they go after the dog, or would that be trespassing?

Daisy Panicked

Daisy Panicked


The Backyard

John took the lead while Daisy tried to find out who lived at the house. She wanted to crack the case and hoped to locate the homeowner in the backyard. She didn’t find anyone, but there was a clue that would help them.

The Backyard

The Backyard


A Broken Door

Daisy saw a rear door, and it appeared to be open. Normally, she wouldn’t enter the back door of another person’s home, but it seemed to be falling apart. What should she do? This was an unfamiliar place, and it could be dangerous!

A Broken Door

A Broken Door


Calling to John

Daisy knew that she wanted to find the dog again. She would take the chance because she believed no one was in the building. However, it would still be wise to ask John to come with her.

Calling to John

Calling to John


Appears Abandoned

John was shocked by her newfound confidence, realizing that Daisy wouldn’t give up. Therefore, he agreed to go inside. He had no other choice but to go with her to protect her in a strange new place that seemed abandoned.

Appears Abandoned

Appears Abandoned


Walls with Graffiti

They pushed open the door, and it made a rattling sound. Daisy wondered if it would shut ever again. They entered cautiously, and it was clear no one had been there for a while. The walls were filthy and covered in graffiti.

Walls with Graffiti

Walls with Graffiti


Confusion Sets In

The whole place seemed dingy and sad. Daisy wondered why the dog was devoted to this property. Had he been living here all that time alone? Someone clearly had to have lived here because of the coordinates on the dog collar.

Confusion Sets In

Confusion Sets In


The Tiny Stairs

The downstairs area was empty, and it showed no signs of people or dogs. John finally found a stairway leading to the second story. This dog had to have gone up there. While they stared up the stairs, they heard a barking noise that had become familiar to them.

The Tiny Stairs

The Tiny Stairs


Old Man in Bed

Quickly, they went up the stairs, and Daisy saw the dog lying on the bed. She felt relief wash over her and then realized he wasn’t alone. There was an old and feeble-looking man petting the pooch. Initially, he didn’t look up.

Old Man in Bed

Old Man in Bed


He Begins Talking

Eventually, he realized that Daisy and John were standing in the doorway of the room. It disturbed him, and the pair couldn’t think of a thing to say. However, the dog was happy to be around everyone, and it calmed the trio. He finally started to talk.

He Begins Talking

He Begins Talking


The Long Conversation

The old man started talking in a quiet tone, pausing after a few words. John and Daisy realized that he had lived in this house for a long time. When the other occupants moved out, no one wanted to buy the property, so he simply moved in.

The Long Conversation

The Long Conversation


Meet Jacko

They learned that the dog’s name was Jacko, and the previous homeowners had owned him. It seems that they’d abandoned the pooch and the house. Since this old man hadn’t had a place to live, he found refuge in it one night, getting attached to the dog.

Meet Jacko

Meet Jacko


Jacko’s Collar

The old man didn’t know anything about the dog’s collar. The previous homeowners had put it on, and he’d simply left it alone. If he was around, he wanted the dog around him, but then he learned something terrible.

Jacko's Collar

Jacko’s Collar


At the Park

For the last week, the elderly man had realized that his health was failing quickly. He knew his time was short, and he wanted someone else to take care of Jacko. He’d asked a friend to pick up the dog and take him to the park for his new adventure.

At the Park

At the Park


Must Separate

The old man wanted someone to appreciate the dog, and he asked John and Daisy to adopt Jacko, treating him well. It was his last wish. Overall, he was happy they’d brought him back one last time, but they had to part ways.

Must Separate

Must Separate



Daisy and John were astounded and offered to take the old man to a hospital. He denied it, saying he had lived his life and wanted to die his way. Though it was hard on them, they expressed happiness in adopting Jacko.

