Unexpected Question By “Special Someone” Melts War Hero’s Heart

Published on August 22, 2018

Always Special

Shantrell further explained, “I’d already known she was special from that day. But when I heard him say that on the show, he was saying she was his hero after everything he’d done. Until he said that about LeShay and her smile and hug, I never knew that could mean so much to a person.” Everyone could attest that there was something both unique and amazing about LeShay.

Always Special

Always Special

A Wish Come True

Ever since he first received a copy of the picture, he was already thinking about being reunited with the little girl. When the moment finally arrived, his happiness could not be rivaled. After all, he “dreamt of this day for a long time.” He also said, “Finding you guys, and knowing you’re okay, has been a weight off of my back.” Maroney was also given the opportunity to meet the entire Brown family and he was glad to know that all of them were doing well.

A Wish Come True

A Wish Come True