Gay Couple Faces 5 Years Harassment Before Handwriting Analysis Helps Crack The Case

Published on September 7, 2023

Owning Michelle Fruitzey

Furze shared: “We wanted to take something that was really tough and use it as a way to support and empower young people. We want to turn Michelle Fruitzey into a superstar and allow her to spread the message that bullying, in all its forms, is not OK.”

Owning Michelle Fruitzey

Owning Michelle Fruitzey

Showing Resilience

McLean and Furze could have let this hateful perpetrator drive them out of their own town. However, they did the opposite: they stood their ground and finally got some justice. They used his hateful message to help spread positivity and teach the world that bullying should not and will not be tolerated.

Showing Resilience

Showing Resilience