Elin Nordegren Reveals What Really Happened To Her Relationship With Tiger Woods

Published on August 21, 2023
Tiger Woods is no stranger to headlines. From an illustrious career to news about his personal life, he always seems to be in the news. After years, the story of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren’s relationship is clearer than ever.

The Original Scandal

In 2009, word broke out that Woods was unfaithful, and people could not get enough of the story. Fast forward ten years, and the two have both moved on. But first, let’s go way back…

The Original Scandal

The Original Scandal

Elin In The Public Eye

Elin Nordegren first became known around the world for dating the world’s most famous golfer. Despite their high profile relationship, it seems as though their personal lives weren’t scrutinized until things took a turn for the worse.

Elin In The Public Eye

Elin In The Public Eye


The End Of Their Marriage

As the scandal broke out, it seemed as though Woods could not control his poor decisions. Along with his unfaithfulness, he was entangled in trouble with police and even headed to rehab. But what of Elin? This is her side of the story.

The End Of Their Marriage

The End Of Their Marriage


Elin’s Background

Elin was born January 1st, 1980, in Stockholm, Sweden. She is has a twin sister, Josefina, as well as an older brother Axel. When Elin was only two years old, her parents divorced, leaving their family torn apart into two separate units.

Elin's Background

Elin’s Background


Growing Up Elin

Despite her parents’ breakup, Elin managed to have a successful upbringing. She earned high grades in school and participated in soccer. She left Sweden in the 90’s in order to live in Berlin with her father. However, only a few years later, she moved back to Sweden and was discovered by a famous photographer.

Growing Up Elin

Growing Up Elin


Her Modeling Career

The well-known photographer that discovered her was Bingo Rimer, and he would launch her successful career. Since he discovered her, Elin modeled for a variety of companies. However, she didn’t feel fulfilled by modeling, so she decided to study to become a child psychologist.

Her Modeling Career

Her Modeling Career


A Different Direction

Despite her aspirations, going back to school was quite the challenge. She had to work part-time and was struggling to make ends meet. This would all change when she met golfer Jesper Parnevik’s wife, who gave her an opportunity for a nanny job in the United States.

A Different Direction

A Different Direction


Life In America

Elin left her whole life behind in order to pursue her new life in America. She left school, her family, and also her boyfriend of the time. The distance put a strain on the relationship, and she found herself single. However, this wouldn’t be the case for long, as soon she’d be introduced to the world’s most famous golfer.

Life In America

Life In America


A Budding Relationship

Although Elin was not opposed to the idea of meeting a new man in her new home country, she was a little apprehensive about dating such a high profile personality. She initially did not accept Tiger’s advances, but eventually she was convinced. They hit it off, and within two years of dating, the pair were engaged.

A Budding Relationship

A Budding Relationship


Wedding Festivities

The pair had an extravagant wedding that included week-long festivities. Their wedding took place in Barbados, meeting their friends and family in the Caribbean island. For a cool $2 million, Tiger booked the entire Sandy Lane Resort hotel in order to accommodate all of their wedding guests.

Wedding Festivities

Wedding Festivities


High Security Event

In addition to booking the entire hotel, Tiger also shipped 500 roses via plane to the venue, as roses are not commonly found in Barbados. The pair made sure the security was top notch and prevented any paparazzi photos from being taken.

High Security Event

High Security Event


Living The Luxury Life

Since Tiger was at the peak of his success while the two were newlyweds, it’s safe to say that they were living the luxury life to say the least. They owned several properties, including a waterfront mansion as well as homes in Wyoming and California, as well as in Sweden.

Living The Luxury Life

Living The Luxury Life


The First Scandal

Elin was initially hesitant about stepping into the limelight. As she feared, in 2006, a scandal began to brew as several compromising photos were released that an Irish magazine alleged were of Elin. She refuted that these photos were of her, but this scandal would become a part of her life for years.

The First Scandal

The First Scandal


The Clarification

Elin decided to fight back in order to clear her name. After getting support from private investigators as well as attorneys, it was found that the photos were of a Playboy model, and not of Elin. The magazine was ordered by court to pay her $200,000 and issue a public apology.

The Clarification

The Clarification


A Baby Is Born

Once the scandal was cleared, Elin and Tiger were able to get back to focusing on their personal lives. In 2007, the couple welcomed their first daughter, Sam Alexis Woods. It seemed as though nothing could come between them and a happy family life. Sadly, this would not be the case for long.

A Baby Is Born

A Baby Is Born


Their Children

After a blissful two years with their daughter as their only child, Tiger and Elin extended their family in 2009 and welcomed a baby boy, Charlie Axel Woods, to their clan. With their father being Tiger Woods, it seemed inevitable that they would dabble in golf, and that is truly the case, since they both have already participated in amateur golf tournaments.

Their Children

Their Children


Trouble Began Brewing

Things began to unravel for the family unit come Thanksgiving 2009. Elin encountered an article that claimed that Tiger had been spotted with another woman, named Rachel Uchitel. He initially denied that this was true, but Elin had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t being honest. Eventually she found incriminating evidence on his phone.

Trouble Began Brewing

Trouble Began Brewing


Things Really Escalated

As she learned about the truth of Tiger’s infidelity, Elin grew more and more angry. Some report claimed that she even charged at her husband while holding a golf club. During the heated argument, Tiger ran out to his car. However, he had ingested sleeping pills and as he was quite tired, ended up crashing the car. Fortunately he was not badly injured.

Things Really Escalated

Things Really Escalated


The Toll It Took

Things continued to get messy for the pair. While Elin began to worry she had overreacted, Tiger kept proving her wrong. While the two tried to keep things private, unfortunately things would soon a take a turn for the much, much worse. This story was far from over.

The Toll It Took

The Toll It Took


Paid To Keep Silent

Rachel Uchitel wanted to speak out and share her side of the story, and so she scheduled a media appearance. However, a day before, she suddenly cancelled the appearance. It was later revealed that she had been paid $10,000 by Tiger in order to stay quiet. However, it would prove to be too little, too late for him.

Paid To Keep Silent

Paid To Keep Silent


All Of His Women

After the news of Tiger’s infidelity broke out, many more women stepped out and claimed to have engaged in an affair with him. These women include Holly Sampson, Mindy Lawton, Jamie Jungers, Cori Rist, and Kalika Moquin. One by one they all stepped out to share their stories.

All Of His Women

All Of His Women


Another Mistress

One of the many women Tiger had an affair with is Jaimee Grubbs. Grubbs worked as a cocktail waitress and was once featured on reality show Tool Academy. She and Tiger had been quietly seeing each other over the course of two years. She claimed that she was unaware that Tiger was married at the time.

Another Mistress

Another Mistress


Yet Another Mistress

Another mistress that spoke out in public is another woman named Jamie. Jamie Jungers worked as an intimates model in Las Vegas and claims that Tiger had even helped foot the bit of her liposuction procedure. She has said that they were involved with one another for about a year and three months.

Yet Another Mistress

Yet Another Mistress


Yes…Another One

Yet another mistress came out to speak publicly and share details of her affair with the golf legend. Theresa Rogers, who referred to herself as a “cougar,” was the 11th woman to speak out. She reportedly claimed that she and Tiger were involved for about five years!

Yes...Another One

Yes…Another One


Keeping Out Of Sight

Understandably, throughout the whole painful ordeal, Elin tried to keep a low profile and lay low, out of the spotlight. It must have been one of the most difficult things she has had to go through in her life. However, she chose to stay strong the whole time.

Keeping Out Of Sight

Keeping Out Of Sight


Sisters Stick Together

Luckily for Elin, she had a strong support system to help her get through this tough time. He twin sister Josefin was there for her, and travelled with her to the French Alps to celebrate their 30th birthday with each other.

Sisters Stick Together

Sisters Stick Together


It’s A Twin Thing

The sisters had always been close, so it was a given that Josefin would support Elin. The two had actually moved to the United States together all those years ago before Elin met Tiger, and they were even roommates before she was married.

It's A Twin Thing

It’s A Twin Thing


Sisterly Support

While Elin was going through her divorce proceedings, Josefin was there for her both for emotional support as well as with legal support. Elin’s legal defense came from the very same office where Josefin works until today.

Sisterly Support

Sisterly Support


What Did She Get?

Even though it’s easy to think just about the divorce settlement when a celebrity marriage comes to an end, it’s important to remember that there is still a marriage coming to an end, and people dealing with the fallout. However, many couldn’t help but wonder just how much Elin would end up with after the whole thing was over.

What Did She Get?

What Did She Get?


The Total She Got

When Elin and Tiger got married, the prenuptial agreement the two had promised $20 million in the case of a divorce. However, since this was not a normal divorce situation due to his many infidelities, perhaps Elin would be eligible for much more? Reports at the time said she was able to get between $750,000 and a whopping $1 billion!

The Total She Got

The Total She Got


Away From Public Ears

In order to maintain some semblance of privacy, the divorce proceedings were not publicized. The press was not allowed into the court, which was a win for Tiger, who reportedly did everything he could to keep everything very quiet.

Away From Public Ears

Away From Public Ears


What About The Children?

As the divorce proceedings went on, people couldn’t help but wonder, what would happen with the Woods kids? Who would win custody of the two? Ultimately, Elin didn’t deny partial custody to her soon to be ex-husband. Although he put her through a painful ordeal, he is still the father of her children and she wanted her children to have their father no matter what.

The Custody Deal

What About The Children?


The Cost Of His Affair

In the end, the final amount that Elin received from the divorce settlement is reportedly $100 million. This is a huge amount and much more than what was initially agreed upon in their prenup. It’s unclear why this ended up being the amount, but it could have been compensation for all he put Elin through.

The Cost Of His Affair

The Cost Of His Affair


The Lingering Feelings

Despite all of the infidelity, drama, and humiliation, Elin made a very human admission: despite it all, she still had lingering feelings for Tiger. At the end of the day, he is still the father of her children. Throughout the whole mess, she still remained faithful to him.

The Lingering Feelings

The Lingering Feelings


The Effect It Had On Her

Throughout the whole messy ordeal, Elin’s mental and physical health were severely affected. For months upon months, she dealt with this painful series of events, and on top of it all, it was all made worse by being public. She felt embarrassed by the whole thing, especially that she did not catch on sooner.

The Effect It Had On Her

The Effect It Had On Her


She Shares Her Story

In the end, Elin decided to speak up and clear up what had happened with the golf club incident. She said that she had heard a loud noise after Tiger stormed out of the house post-argument. She said that she had actually used the golf club to break into the car in order to help him out.

She Shares Her Story

She Shares Her Story


The Naysayers

Despite the fact that she had shared her story in order to clear her name, many still found Elin’s story a little improbable and did not believe what she was saying. The deniers said that the media’s side of the story actually made more sense than hers did.

The Naysayers

The Naysayers


Her Journey To Heal

After everything was over and done, Elin had a difficult time moving on. She now had to face the facts: Tiger had been unfaithful to her for the majority of their marriage, and she was now a single parent. She began to journal in order to help deal with stress and stay in control of her life.

Her Journey To Heal

Her Journey To Heal


Tiger’s Regrets

While Tiger had put Elin through an extremely painful ordeal, it was not clear if he had regretted his actions. After a 2016 interview, it became pretty clear that he wasn’t too regretful. He was asked if he had any regrets in life, and he only said that he did not finish his degree at Stanford.

Tiger's Regrets

Tiger’s Regrets


Still On Speaking Terms

Despite everything Tiger has put her through, Elin still remains on speaking terms with her ex-husband so that he can maintain a positive relationship with their children. She believes he is a good father to them, but the one caveat is that they cannot meet any of his girlfriends unless they get married.

Still On Speaking Terms

Still On Speaking Terms


Tiger Moves On

While he did have to deal with a little bit of a public falling out for a while, that did not prevent Tiger from moving on and meeting a new leading lady. He is currently to a woman named Erica Herman. Per the agreement, Erica cannot meet his children unless they decide to tie the knot.

Tiger Moves On

Tiger Moves On


Before His New Love

Shortly before he met current flame Erica, he was actually linked to a different leading lady. He met Kristin Smith a few months before he met Erica, and the two could barely keep out of the headlines. However, it seems like their relationship was doomed from the start.

His New Love

Before His New Love


Old Habits

While many people were puzzled by how quickly Tiger seemed to move on from Kristin to Erica, it appears that old habits die hard. It was reported that Tiger began seeing Erica while he was still with Kristin, sound familiar? In the end, he chose to stick with Erica.

Old Habits

Old Habits


Taking Appropriate Steps

While he seemed to have fallen right back into his old habits, it seems as though Tiger began to understand the error of his ways. While he was married to Elin, he had been unfaithful to her with a reported over 100 women! He planned to break to habit by checking himself into rehab.

Taking Appropriate Steps

Taking Appropriate Steps


Moving On With Life

While it was quite difficult, Elin decided to keep moving on with her life. She purchased a new home for herself and the children. The house was an old one that she decided to completely rebuild into a custom home. She donated any of the salvageable items in the old house to charity.

Moving On With Life

Moving On With Life


Her New Space

All in all, her new home cost a hefty $12 million. The house boasts 6 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, and spans over 9000 square feet. Best of all, it includes a private beach! The house is close to Tiger’s home, so that he can easily see and spend time with his children.

Her New Space

Her New Space


Building From Scratch

Since she was facing a new chapter in her life, she decided to take on the house as a project in order to keep herself occupied and busy. That’s why she decided purchase an old home and completely redo it from scratch. However, she still managed to help others during this process…

Building From Scratch

Building From Scratch


Habitat For Humanity

Before tearing down the old house, Elin made sure to gather items that were still usable and then contacted the Habitat For Humanity organization. They looked through all of the items and collected those that could be auctioned off before the home was completely bulldozed. Habitat For Humanity received thousands of dollars for their organizations through Elin’s generosity.

Habitat For Humanity

Habitat For Humanity


Her Other Beach Home

While this lavish mansion sure seems like plenty, it is not the only beachfront property that she owns. Elin also is the owner of a two bedroom townhouse located in Juno Beach, Florida. This townhouse is reportedly worth about $1 million. However, she has since put the condo up for sale and in October 2011, she sold it for about $2.2 million.

Her Other Beach Home

Her Other Beach Home


Her New Man

In addition to moving on to a new home post-divorce, Elin also moved on to a new relationship. She got to know her neighbor, coal mining tycoon billionaire Chris Cline. However, despite the fact that the new relationship was a good step for Elin in moving on, it did not last, as Cline was simply too busy for a relationship.

Her New Man

Her New Man


The Age Gap

Despite the fact that moving on was a positive thing for Elin, a lot of people still raised their eyebrows at the pretty massive age gap between her and her then-new beau. He was 53 at the time, which makes him two decades older than Elin!

The Age Gap

The Age Gap


Moving On Again

Despite this second breakup, Elin was not that torn up about the end of this relationship. She took some time to herself in 2015, and spent a lot of time relaxing at the beach with her friends.

Moving On Again

Moving On Again


Back At It Again

Despite their initial breakup, it seems as though Elin and Chris reverted back to their cozy ways. They were spotted together luxury ski resort St. Moritz, located in Switzerland, not long after the breakup.

Back At It Again

Back At It Again


Rumors Flying Around

Ever since her divorce from Tiger Woods, Elin has been trying to keep her person life much more private. While there are many rumors flying around about who she is dating and whether she and Cline are still together, this has yet to be confirmed by Elin herself. What is known is that they still live by each other.

Rumors Flying Around

Rumors Flying Around


Soaring For Love

Even though it is unclear what her relationship status is with Cline, Elin has also reportedly been linked to another man. She was photographed at LAX traveling all the way to home country Sweden to reportedly spend time with Jamie Dingman, son of billionaire Michael Dingman.

Soaring For Love

Soaring For Love


Not Gwen’s Gavin Anymore

Another man that Elin has been linked to is none other than Gavin Rossdale, vocalist of British rock band Bush, and also the former husband of Gwen Stefani. Perhaps the two were able to relate to one another after their divorces.

Not Gwen's Gavin Anymore

Not Gwen’s Gavin Anymore


What Was She Thinking?

They say history repeats itself. Since Elin was linked with Gavin Rossdale, many people were quick to point out that he was also at the center of a cheating scandal. Why would Elin want to be with someone who did the same thing her own ex-husband did?

What Was She Thinking?

What Was She Thinking?


Tiger’s New Love

While Elin was busy moving on herself, Tiger met Olympic star Lindsey Vonn. The two bonded and enjoyed a long lasting relationship. They even went on a double date with Elin and Chris Cline! Talk about no hard feelings, right? However, after 3 years, the Tiger and Lindsey ended their relationship.

Tiger's New Love

Tiger’s New Love


Their Other Scandal

About two years after Tiger and Lindsey broke up, they encountered an unfortunate scandal. After being victims of celebrity photo hacks, intimate photos of the former couple surfaced online. Tiger promised that once the criminals were discovered, they would pay.

Their Other Scandal

Their Other Scandal


Reconnecting To Her Past

Elin may have had quite a different life path than she may have imagined for herself when she first moved to the U.S., but she never forgot about her first dream. She decided to head back to school to pursue a degree in psychology. She successfully graduated from Rollings College in 2014, 9 years after starting her studies.

Reconnecting To Her Past

Reconnecting To Her Past


A Small Setback

While Elin was on a successful path to happiness after her divorce, sometimes the road to success is a little bumpy. In 2017, she was pulled over and cited for speeding (double the speed limit!). She was fined $281 and was forced to take driving awareness classes.

A Small Setback

A Small Setback


The Aftermath

Despite the many setbacks that Elin faced throughout the past 10 years, it’s safe to say that she has come out on top. After a messy divorce, she successfully accomplished her dream of attaining a degree and it the mother to two beautiful children.

The Aftermath

The Aftermath


The Bridge Between Them

Even after all of the drama, it seems as though Elin and Tiger have managed to put their differences aside for one very important reason: the well-being of their two children. They know the importance of children having both parents involved in their lives, and they make it happen.

The Bridge Between Them

The Bridge Between Them


Their Newfound Friendship

When Tiger was asked about how he and Elin have been able to maintain a civil relationship, he was very clear in his response. He said: “It becomes two simple things, OK? We have Sam and we have Charlie. And we love them so much that we are going to whatever it takes to make that work. That’s how it happened.”

Their Newfound Friendship

Their Newfound Friendship


Focusing On Family

Elin will always be a target for paparazzi, and that is to be expected of someone who was once married to the world’s most famous golfer and was at the center of a highly publicized divorce. However, she still tries to stay out of the limelight and focus on raising her kids.

Focusing On Family

Focusing On Family


Feeling The Guilt

While Tiger has never publicly expressed regret for what he did to Elin, the same cannot be said for the Parneviks, the very people who introduced Elin to Tiger. They even claimed part of the responsibility for what had happened to her. However, Elin maintains that the blame is fully on Tiger.

Feeling The Guilt

Feeling The Guilt


Forever Best Friends

Despite it all, it seems as though these two have put everything behind them in order to focus on parenting their children. During an interview with Stephen Colbert, Tiger was asked about his current relationship with Elin. He replied that they are “best friends.”

Forever Best Friends

Forever Best Friends