Wardrobe Fails That Destroyed Our Favorite Films

Published on January 12, 2022

American Hustle: No Rolex Watches In The 70’s

The movie’s fast-paced nature might make it hard for us to catch errors. However, the more observant were able to spot a minor inconsistency. In the movie, Louis C.K. sports a shiny Rolex, but this should not have been possible since the film’s setting is in the ‘70s.

American Hustle

American Hustle

Amadeus: Mozart’ Zippers Didn’t Exist Yet

The film allowed us to have a glimpse of the life that Mozart had in Austria way back in the 1700s. The movie is beautiful and the costumes elaborate but there is one problem – visible zippers! In actual fact, there should not have been any because the contraption was invented over a century later.


