Wardrobe Fails That Destroyed Our Favorite Films

Published on January 12, 2022

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: Telescope Didn’t Exist Yet

Morgan Freeman’s and Kevin Costner’s characters use a telescope in one scene in the film. Because the device wasn’t invented until the 1600s, they should not have been able to do so. Robin Hood’s story is set in the 1100s, which makes the introduction of the device several centuries too early.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood

Catch Me If You Can: Braces Didn’t Exist Yet

This film features a cast that includes a lot of stars. It also has an exciting plot. In addition, it is directed by Steven Spielberg. Even if there are so many things going for it, the telling of Frank Abagnale Jr.’s story wasn’t without errors. For example, Amy Adams’s character has braces in some scenes in the movie even if it takes place during 1963, several years before the introduction of the orthodontic device in the ‘70s.


Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can