Woman Takes Closer Looks At Vacation Photo After It Goes Viral, Is Stunned By What She Sees

Published on March 15, 2021
Dundas Peak in Hamilton, Canada is a popular destination for hikers due to its gorgeous views. The top offers such a stunning sight that many visitors take photos there. One woman posted her own photo from the peak, when it suddenly went viral. She was confused as to why, until she took a closer look…

A Gorgeous Peak

Dundas Peak is a tourist attraction throughout the whole year as it offers beautiful scenery. At the peak, you can see the whole city of Hamilton. This is why so many people make the trek to the very top.

A Gorgeous Pea

A Gorgeous Pea

What’s Hiding In The Wilderness?

A woman who decided to take on this very trip decided to commemorate the occasion with the classic photo from the peak, and without thinking too much about it, posted it on her social media to share with her friends. However, a sinister was about to be discovered…

What’s Hiding In The Wilderness

What’s Hiding In The Wilderness


A Safe Trail?

While the hike to Dundas Peak is very popular, is it actually safe for hikers? The local authorities have reported that in the past hikers have gone missing and have yet to be found, but this doesn’t deter people from visiting the popular spot.

A Safe Trail

A Safe Trail


Something Lurking In The Background

When Kim hiked the trail and reached the top, it seemed almost obligatory to take the photo to show that she had made it to the top. Nothing about this experience should have been out of the ordinary, but something strange was lurking behind her, unbeknownst to her at the time.

Something Lurking In The Background

Something Lurking In The Background


Recreating The Same Photo

Kim had originally seen the peak in her cousin’s photo online, and she was so enamored with the view at the top that she knew she had to take on this hike herself. After completing the 2.4 mile trail, Kim was happy to find the same spot her cousin had taken his photo and recreate his exact photo.

Recreating The Same Photo

Recreating The Same Photo


An Unusual Discovery

While Kim was seated for the photograph, she noticed a strange glint in her eye. At first she thought this may have been a trick of the light as the sun was shining in her face. However, when she looked closer, she saw something truly eerie.

An Unusual Discovery

An Unusual Discovery


Something Glistening In The Trees

Despite her initial confusion, Kim noticed that at the edge of the peak, there was something glistening and she decided to inspect further. She noticed that in a tree that was just 3 feet away from her, there was a set of keys hanging.

Something Glistening In The Trees

Something Glistening In The Trees


Getting The Keys

She slowly inched closer, careful not to make one slight wrong move and tip over the edge, and successfully grabbed the keys. Kim figured that whoever had dropped their keys was frantically trying to find them. Upon a closer look, she saw that they were car keys to a Hyundai Elantra.

Getting The Keys

Getting The Keys


Night Was Approaching

Although she tried to fight it, Kim couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling upon finding the keys. On top of that, it started to get late and the sun was beginning to set. She knew about the fact that people had gone missing on this trail, so she definitely didn’t want to be stranded there in the dark.

Night Was Approaching

Night Was Approaching


Could It Be A Coincidence?

Once Kim finally reached the parking lot, her heart stopped. The only cars left in the lot were hers and a Hyundai Elantra. When she got a better look at the Hyundai, she noticed that it was dirty and seemed like it had been there for quite some time. She felt goosebumps on her skin, and an eerie feeling set in. What was going on?

Could It Be A Coincidence

Could It Be A Coincidence


Made A Decision

Kim knew that she couldn’t stand out there all night to wait for the car’s owner to show up, but she had a bad feeling about the whole situation. In the end, she decided to leave the car keys on the roof of the car, hoping that if its owner came looking for the keys, they’d be able to find them easily.

Made A Decision

Made A Decision


Reported Missing

Not too long after that day, Kim was absolutely stunned to hear that a female traveler was reported to be missing at Dundas Peak. The report read that while the woman had not been found, her car was found in the parking lot. The police had looked for her but did not find her anywhere in the park.

Reported Missing

Reported Missing


The Photo Resurfaced

Some time had passed with no new information and Kim had forgotten about the whole ordeal. However, one day a Reddit user noticed something disturbing in the photo and pointed it out in a post that suddenly brought the story rushing back to Kim’s life. That’s when the questions began to flood in.

The Photo Resurfaced

The Photo Resurfaced


Photos Posted Side By Side

Kim was taken aback when she saw her photo was circulating on the internet. What was even stranger was that her photo was posted alongside her cousin’s photo, and that thousands of people had seen the pictures. Then she started reading why everyone was so interested in the photos, and she was dumbstruck.

Photos Posted Side By Side

Photos Posted Side By Side


Hidden Detail

If you glanced at the two photos, the background scenery might seem totally identical at first. However, when Kim took a closer look, she finally noticed the disturbing detail that could be a total game changer. She decided to ask others before rushing to any conclusions, though.

Hidden Detail

Hidden Detail


Posting On Social Media

Kim decided to share the story on her social media, explaining that she was inspired to hike at Dundas Peak after she saw her cousin’s photo and she saw the gorgeous views. That’s why she had decided to recreate the photo, and now she noticed something potentially sinister was lurking in her cousin’s photo.

Posting On Social Media

Posting On Social Media


The Post Went Viral Overnight

Upon comparing the two photos, Kim noticed was a faint figure that seemed to be of a slender figure standing on a steep slope in the background of her cousin’s picture. What she’d discover next is absolutely goosebump inducing.

The Post Went Viral Overnight

The Post Went Viral Overnight


Could It Be Her?

While many people thought it could be the missing hiker, others pointed out that there is so foot access point to that part of the mountain. Who was this strange figure? Was it the missing hiker whose keys Kim had found? The missing woman was last seen a grey top and jeans, which seemed to match the figure in the photo exactly.

Could It Be Her

Could It Be Her


Never Before Seen Figure

Nobody else who had visited this spot and taken a photo seemed to have noticed the figure in their pictures. Some people entertained the idea of it being a ghost, but that wouldn’t explain why nobody had noticed it before. Could it just be a trick of the light?

Never Before Seen Figure

Never Before Seen Figure


A Disturbing Sight

Some people thought that it might be a supernatural sighting, while others thought that it might be the ghost of the hiker showing up. What everyone could agree on was that the photo was very disturbing, and that there must be a logical explanation to it.

A Supernatural Sighting

A Supernatural Sighting


Light Trickery

Still many people insisted that the figure was just a trick of light or an optical illusion caused by shadows cast by the mountain. Another commenter claimed that there may be a hidden trail that gave access to that point, and so maybe it was the missing hiker in the photo after all.

Light Trickery

Light Trickery


A Logical Explanation?

Another Reddit commenter claimed that they are the one who had caused the whole confusion. They said that they often hiked on the Dundas Peak trail and was there on the day the photo was taken while wearing a grey sweater and jeans. Could this person be the one in the photo?

A Logical Explanation

A Logical Explanation


A Fatal Crash

While that person’s explanation offered a logical explanation, others were not convinced. Then, somebody brought up an old story about a train crash below Dundas Peak that created another set of theories of what could be going on.

A Fatal Crash

A Fatal Crash


The Theory

The train crash in question took place on Christmas Eve in 1934, resulting in 15 people losing their lives. Many in the surrounding area still believe that their souls haunt the peak. Still, other locals don’t take the story very seriously but choose to take it with a grain of salt.

The Theory

The Theory


But What About The Missing Woman?

Unfortunately, the missing tourist whose car keys Kim had discovered has yet to be found. In an optimistic hope, some people wonder whether she just decide to live in the wilderness of the peak and that maybe we caught a glimpse of her in the photo. Only time will tell if the case will ever be solved…

The Missing Woman

The Missing Woman


Lost Souls

For those who believe in ghosts, perhaps it truly is the ghost of one of the passengers who lost their lives in the train crash. If you ever visit Dundas Peak, try to take a look around to see if you discover anything mysterious there. But what about Kim?

Lost Souls

Lost Souls


Remains A Mystery

Although Kim continued to visit Dundas Peak and hike there, she says she will never forget about that strange figure that she saw in her cousin’s photo. Who (or what) is in that photo will probably never be solved, and Kim has made peace with the fact that she will probably never know the answer.

Remains A Mystery

Remains A Mystery


Not The Only One

While Kim’s story is truly a disturbing and strange one, it is not the only time when people have discovered strange and unexplainable things in their photos. Often these images are so odd that they will leave you speechless.

Not The Only One

Not The Only One


Unidentified Winged Creaturee

This man kept finding carcasses of deer in his yard and could not figure out why. He set up his camera so he could clear the situation up. He was stunned when he saw a strange and seemingly winged creature chasing a deer in the photo.

Unidentified Winged Creature

Unidentified Winged Creature


Glowing Eyes

A farmer was hearing strange noises outside one night and he decided to take a look at what was going on. He saw hundreds of pairs of glowing eyes when he stepped outside, before he realized that they were just sheep. He had to take a photo so others could see just how eerie the sight was.

The Night Of The Lambs

The Night Of The Lambs


A Goose Encounter

While geese are beautiful winged creatures, they are very aggressive and pretty unpredictable. While you might think they’re “just” birds, take a look at those sharp teeth. This bird looks like it belongs in a thriller movie!

A Goose Encounter

A Goose Encounter


Watch Your Toes

It’s common knowledge that it’s important to keep any bare toes far away from the end of the escalator. This photo proves why this is very good advice to follow. We hope that this person managed to escape with their toes intact, unlike his flip flops.

Watch Your Toes

Watch Your Toes


Hold On Tight

Although there are plenty of ways to safely trek up steep and dangerous cliffs and mountains, we’re not sure how these kids even got up here in this first place. The thin rope does not seem strong enough to support the weight of one of then, forget about all of them. We do admire their bravery, though.

Hold On Tight

Hold On Tight


A Balancing Act

This man must lead a double life as a handyman slash trapeze artist. Otherwise, he’s simply the more fearless person in the world. For some, balancing on a ladder is already scary enough, but this man is balancing his ladder on two other ladders! This is what dedication to getting the job done really looks like.

A Balancing Act

A Balancing Act


Dancing In The Air

Dancing is one of the best forms of stress relief, as well as an excellent form of exercise. Doing it on the ground is impressive in itself, but managing to pull out smooth dance moves while floating in the air is a whole other level of impressive.

Dancing In The Air

Dancing In The Air


How About A Frog Salad?

Sometimes there’s nothing better than having a nice hearty salad for lunch. That is, until you notice that a little creature has gotten to your spinach before you! This little frog somehow found itself trapped in a bag of spinach, but at least he didn’t go hungry.

How About A Frog Salad

How About A Frog Salad


Riding The Wave

Surfing is definitely considered to be one of the coolest sports out there, perhaps because you have to be quite daring to go surfing. Not only do you have to worry about giant waves crashing down on you, this photo is a visceral reminder of what else might be lurking beneath the waves.

Riding The Wave

Riding The Wave


Hang On For Dear Life!

There are so many people out there who have to have their fix of adrenaline in order to be entertained. People who climb up skyscrapers or stand on the ledge of a building often do so with a harness on, but this daring adventurer is very sure of his arm strength, as he has no support in sight! On the other hand, maybe he’s just a savvy photoshop user…

Hang On For Dear Life

Hang On For Dear Life


Sweeping With A Twist

Keeping things in order and maintaining cleanliness is important, but this guy takes dedication to the job to another level. We’re not sure the risk involved with this job is worth it, but this guy doesn’t seem to mind too much.

Sweeping With A Twist

Sweeping With A Twist


A Little Visitor

You typically don’t expect anything to be lurking in the toilet bowl when you need to use it, but maybe it’s a good idea to take a quick look in case there’s a surprise visitor waiting for you there. Imagine how you’d feel if this is what was waiting to greet you in the bathroom!

A Little Visitor

A Little Visitor