This Woman’s Life Completely Changed After She Accidentally Texted A Stranger

Published on June 26, 2019

The Cosmic Connection

The two engaged in a series of back and forth text messages. Henry texted Kasey and asked, “Do you know what you think about the law of attraction or have you ever read The Secret”? Cause whatever you put your energy on is going to be what comes back to you.” Bergh was immediately stunned. They realized that they shared the same exact opinion on spirituality and the law of attraction. So they kept texting…

The Cosmic Connection

The Cosmic Connection

They Finally Meet

After so much back and forth, the two decided it was time for them to meet in person. On their second date, they met at a coffee shop, arriving at different times. They later realized they had ordered the same drink. Henry shared: “From the very, very beginning it felt like we were on the same wavelength.”

They Finally Meet

They Finally Meet