This Woman’s Life Completely Changed After She Accidentally Texted A Stranger

Published on June 26, 2019
Sometimes life is truly stranger than fiction. When Kasey Bergh sent out a wrong-number text, she had no idea just how much of a huge impact this little text would have on her life. Years after this text, Kasey found herself in a hospital in a life-threatening situation. This is the story of how Kasey’s reality turned upside down after sending a text message to the wrong person.

Away On Business

It all started way back in 2012, when Bergh was away in Denver, Colorado, on a business trip. She had some down time, and so she decided to take the opportunity to unwind a a bit.

Away On Business

Away On Business

The Infamous Message

Kasey believed that she was texting her co-worker in order to make some plans. The text read: “Hey, it’s Kasey. I was supposed to connect w[ith] Maria @ the park but her plane was delayed so I’m @ the Westin. Wanted to see if I could connect w[ith] anyone else…” Little did she know, this text would literally change the course of the rest of her life.

The Infamous Text Message

The Infamous Message


Barely Even Thought About It

We can’t imagine that Kasey had any idea just how impactful this seemingly throwaway message would truly be. In fact, one could even go as far as saying that this text would go on to save her life! Who knew that three short sentences would alter the course of her entire life for good?

Barely Even Thought About It

Barely Even Thought About It


Wrong Text Mishaps

We’ve all been there: you accidentally text the wrong person, resulting in an awkward exchange. Most of the time, the person will simply let you know you’ve contacted the wrong person and you both move on. Sometimes, people will send you an angry response. In Kasey’s case, she ended up with quite the unusual response.

Wrong Text Mishaps

Wrong Text Mishaps


The Response

When Kasey received a response, it was completely different from what she expected. Not only did she send the text to the wrong person, but the person on the receiving end gave her a surprising answer. The text read: “Sorry you’ve got the wrong number. But if I wasn’t headed to work I’d b[e] down to hang 😉 anywho hope u can find a friend to hang w[ith]! Have a good one :)”

The Response

The Response


Her Initial Reaction

Now, this certainly was not the message that Kasey was expecting in response to her text. Who was this mystery person? While many people would have ignored this text, for some reason, Kasey felt compelled to respond to the mystery texter. This would prove to be in her best interest, but more on that later…

Her Initial Reaction

Her Initial Reaction


What Happened Next?

Kasey was feeling some sort of cosmic force guiding her, and she decided to respond to the message. She said: “Ordinarily I would’ve just said sorry and it was nice meeting you, but the only person in the world I was able to reach seemed to be this stranger.” The two began a back and forth series of texts. She couldn’t help but be interested in this conversation that they had begun. But who was the person behind the phone on the other end?

What Happened Next?

What Happened Next?


The Man Behind The Screen

It turned out that the person Kasey had accidentally texted instead of her co-worker was Henry Glendening, a man 30 years her junior. We may never know what compelled Henry to send the flirtatious message to the accidental text message he received, but we’re sure Kasey can agree that it was one of his best decisions ever.

The Man Behind The Screen

The Man Behind The Screen


The Cosmic Connection

The two engaged in a series of back and forth text messages. Henry texted Kasey and asked, “Do you know what you think about the law of attraction or have you ever read The Secret”? Cause whatever you put your energy on is going to be what comes back to you.” Bergh was immediately stunned. They realized that they shared the same exact opinion on spirituality and the law of attraction. So they kept texting…

The Cosmic Connection

The Cosmic Connection


They Finally Meet

After so much back and forth, the two decided it was time for them to meet in person. On their second date, they met at a coffee shop, arriving at different times. They later realized they had ordered the same drink. Henry shared: “From the very, very beginning it felt like we were on the same wavelength.”

They Finally Meet

They Finally Meet


The Fateful Concert

As it happened, Kasey had four tickets to a Third Eye Blind concert, so she invited Henry to join. They each had meant to bring a plus one, but both of their invites ended up canceling last minute, so in the end, it ended up being just Kasey and Henry at the concert.

The Fateful Concert

The Fateful Concert


Handsy At The Show

As the two were enjoying the show, Henry plucked up the courage to make a move on Kasey. She shared: “Halfway through the concert, he was standing behind me and put his hands on my hips and I could have been the woman that said, ‘Hey, Bucko! You don’t put your hands on me.’ But I just was like, oh well, this is interesting.”

Handsy At The Show

Handsy At The Show


The Next Step

After the concert, the two were inseparable and officially became an item. They began to spend more and more time together, getting to know one another and learning just how much they have in common. Henry and Kasey share a love for music as well as a strong interest in self-awareness development books such as The Celestine Prophecy and The Power of Intention.

The Next Step

The Next Step


A Surprising Match

Now, although Kasey and Henry had fallen head over heels for one another, there was the fact that there is a 30 year age difference between them. When asked about whether they’ve received criticism about this, Bergh responded: “If anybody had an opinion, nobody ever shared it with us.”

A Surprising Match

A Surprising Match


Making It Official

After getting to know one another and spending so much time together, Kasey and Henry knew that they were made for each other. Two months after the two began dating, they moved in together. After many happy memories, two years after they met, they got married! Henry proposed to Kasey at a rooftop restaurant while playing “Thank You” by Led Zeppelin, her favorite song.

Making It Official

Making It Official


What People Think

Despite the fact that nobody has criticized the pair, they do face some confusion from time to time, which they handle with a good sense of humor. Glendening shares: “Like Mother’s Day one year we’re at the hardware store and the cashier remarks, ‘It’s so nice of you to be helping your mother, you know, on a day like today.’ And of course, you know, I stepped in to clarify, she’s not my mom. This is my wife.”

What People Think

What People Think


Right Out Of A Movie

It really seems as though Kasey and Henry’s story is straight out of a fairytale. We would totally believe it if someone told us their story was written by a screenwriter who specializes in romantic comedies. However, as unbelievable as it sounds, their story is absolutely true, which makes it all the more heartwarming.

Right Out Of A Movie

Right Out Of A Movie


The One Who Made It Happen

Recall the beginning of this story, when Kasey sent the fateful text. She mentioned a woman named Maria who not be able to make it to Denver on time. Maria was actually stuck in St. Louis and did not arrive in Denver as planned, which freed up Kasey’s afternoon, leaving her to look for plans for the rest of the day.

The Infamous Text Message

The Infamous Text Message


Here’s Maria!

Had Maria made it to Denver, Kasey would have never ended up texting Henry, and the two would have never met! Years later, Kasey would reconnect with the woman who indirectly was the reason she met her now-husband Henry. They laughed and embraced during their reunion, remarking about just how crazy life can be.

Here's Maria!

Here’s Maria!


Life Before Henry

Kasey opened up about her life before her chance meeting with Henry. She had been married once before, and after going through a divorce, she did not think she’d believe in love again. “I had totally embraced I was single and that I never needed a guy. Then I met Henry.” It turns out she just had to meet the right guy!

Life Before Henry

Life Before Henry


Henry Before Kasey

It turns out that Henry was also having a bit of a tough time in life before he met Kasey. He credits her with helping him get through the “awful place” he was in when they met. He said: “Kasey is a huge inspirer. She wasn’t recommending or advocating any particular direction I go, but she encouraged exploring, finding out what I want to do.”

Henry Before Kasey

Henry Before Kasey


Happily Ever After?

It seems like fate brought these two (very spiritual) lovebirds together. They definitely don’t take their love for granted either. Kasey shared: “Sometimes I just look at him and say, ‘Thanks for answering my text.’” Throughout the years, they’ve had hiking adventures and many travels together. But sadly, life wouldn’t be all ups for these two…

Happily Ever After?

Happily Ever After?


A Health Emergency

All the way back in 1995, Kasey had gone through a kidney transplant. It had held up for many years, but right when she and Henry had gotten married, things began to feel off. Kasey quickly went to get things checked out and was informed that her kidney transplant was failing and that she’d need a new one.

A Health Emergency

A Health Emergency


Getting Worried

As is commonly known, finding an organ donor is no easy feat. First, you have to get on a list for potential donors, and then you have to find a donor whose organ matches your own and that your body will not reject. Kasey was well aware of this, and began to worry about what she would do.

Getting Worried

Getting Worried


Would It Work?

When Henry heard the news, he immediately offered up his own kidney to his beloved wife without any hesitation. However, this plan could only work if Henry’s kidney would be a match for Kasey. He hurried to the hospital to test to see whether they were a match or not, and the two eagerly waited the results.

Would It Work?

Would It Work?


The Final Verdict

As it turns out, Henry’s kidney was in fact a match for Kasey! She was truly lucky that she did not have to wait for another donor’s kidney. In April 2019, doctors at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri were able to successfully perform the kidney transplant.

The Final Verdict

The Final Verdict


Her Reaction

Kasey could not have been more grateful to her husband. She shared, “When I got sick, he just like stepped up just like a hero….it turns out the way his kidney and his body is formulated that it’s a perfect immunological match. So now I’m feeling like amazing to think that it could last for as long as I need it to.”

Her Reaction

Her Reaction


Not All Sunshine

While their story is truly incredible, Kasey doesn’t want people to get the wrong idea. She explained: “I don’t necessarily want people to look at it as a fairy tale. So they might meet somebody in a random way. He might be 30 years younger than them and they might go, after they’re in it, they might just be like, oh, this is hard.  We’re a work in progress and we have worked and worked.”

Not All Sunshine

Not All Sunshine


Truly A Miracle

Despite the fact that any relationship takes work, we can all agree that Kasey and Henry’s story is one for the books. Not only did the errant text message lead to them getting married, Henry ended up saving Kasey’s life. That’s not something you end up hearing every day!

Truly A Miracle

Truly A Miracle


A Reality Show In The Making?

Due to the nature of their story, Kasey and Henry have actually been approached about creating a movie about their lives, while someone else has suggested them for a reality TV show. For now, the two don’t feel the need to share their lives on-screen, but they have started a blog in which they document their lives and adventures together for all to see.

A Reality Show In The Making?

A Reality Show In The Making?