These People Take T-Shirt Fails To A Whole New Level

Published on August 12, 2018
T Shirt Fails

T Shirt Fails

People say that fashion is one way for individuals to express themselves. Sometimes, statement tees can be used as a platform to show off one’s sense of humor. However, there are also times when t-shirts unintentionally become hilarious. This gallery will show you some of the most ridiculous tops you will ever see. You might want to take a closer look at your wardrobe after seeing these photos!

I will always remember the first time I dropped by the local flea market when I was a little kid. I was amazed by all of the cool items that the sellers had on display. I was exploring the colorful array of merchandise with my siblings who were just as awestruck as I was. There were so many amazing items that we wanted to buy at the time! There’s no way I will ever forget the sights of the colorful clothes, the smell of the local delicacies, and the hustle and bustle of people going around the market. There was even a musical performer who was singing a song that could not have been more appropriate: “You can’t always get what you want!” However, all was forgotten when I glanced up and saw something that I wanted so badly. Yes, I’m talking about the genius statement shirts being sold by one of the stalls. In particular, I’m referring to a shirt that spelled out “Ready for War! Got my F-bombs!” I was a kid, so obviously I thought that it was the coolest thing on earth. Unfortunately, my father thought it was funny but firmly denied my request at the time.

T-shirts can be done right, but unfortunately, this also means that it can be done wrong. The people you’ll see in these pictures made the decision to wear these tops for some reason. We don’t recommend following in their footsteps unless you want to be included in the list! Of course, we are the masters of our own fates so it is up to us to dress ourselves. For now, let us just laugh at the disastrous fashion and common sense of these individuals.

Why The Stereotype?

All right, she might be blonde but she’s not necessarily clueless, despite what stereotypes might say. Hey, maybe she’s just passionate about that particular art form! Who knows if she even went to college?

Why The Stereotype

Why The Stereotype


There’s A Twist

Everyone who has been around women has probably heard the question once in their life. “Does this shirt make me look fat?” Luckily, this lady here is not worried about that at all. Atta girl!

There’s A Twist

There’s A Twist


Choose Another Shirt

Sometimes, timing is truly everything. Just imagine how hard the person taking this photo must be laughing! We’re sure that the unlucky person in the photo had no idea what was in store for them when they picked this out from their closet.

Choose Another Shirt

Choose Another Shirt


Good For Them

T-shirts are an effective way to let the entire world know your opinion. Vegans, activists, and the like have been using this technique to make a stand. We’re glad these dudes found a way to express the way they feel about Justin Bieber.

Good For Them

Good For Them


Who’s Going To Try

Smartphones have truly changed the way we live. It might be a reflex for you to swipe a finger across this shirt, but do not fall for it! Tempting as it might be, there will be some very bad things in store for you if you give in to your technological instincts.

Who’s Going To Try

Who’s Going To Try


Is It Worth Asking?

While there is definitely a chance that this is a misprint, we would love to hear the backstory behind this shirt. Any ideas whatever happened between this guy and his friend? Having a t-shirt printed as an apology isn’t my style, but whatever works!

Is It Worth Asking?

Is It Worth Asking?


Asking For It

An orange top with the text “GUILTY” across the chest will make for a great gag gift! However, this guy doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself. Do you think that his outfit choice will impact his case negatively? We sure hope not! Sometimes a shirt is just a shirt, officer.

Asking For It

Asking For It


Taking Credit Where It’s Due

Look, we all know how hard it must be to recover from something like anorexia. We applaud this guy for his recovery! Unfortunately, it seems like he has another thing to contend with… Oh well, a victory is still a victory.

Taking Credit Where It’s Due

Taking Credit Where It’s Due


Well It Worked

As the old adage goes, fake it ’til you make it! There’s nothing wrong with piling on some confidence even if it is not necessarily true yet. Take your cue from this guy over here and you’ll see what we mean. It seems to be working very well for him.

Well It Worked

Well It Worked


Nothing Wrong With Confidence

Now, ladies, there’s no need to get into a fight over this guy. He knows he’s a hot commodity, but luckily for all of you, there’s enough of him for everyone. Let’s just behave and wait in line, shall we?

Nothing Wrong With Confidence

Nothing Wrong With Confidence


Tells It Like It Is

Honesty in the age of fake news is actually quite refreshing. That’s why we applaud this young man for taking credit for his injury! At least we know that he’s not the type to invent a cool story about how he injured his arm.

Tells It Like It Is

Tells It Like It Is


So Close

It would be foolish to claim that we are all famous. If we were, no one would be famous because it defeats the very purpose! Sometimes, the closest we can get is “almost famous”. That’s not half-bad either. I personally like it because it smacks of possibility!

So Close

So Close


He’s Got Standards

I’m sorry to break it to you, but you have no chance of snagging this bachelor if you’re not a model! I know, it must be tough. The heart wants what the heart wants, right? For him, that translates to ladies who belong to the model tier.

He’s Got Standards

He’s Got Standards


Do What Now?

I have no idea what the t-shirt is asking me to do, but boy does it sound inappropriate. Perhaps it was meant to say ‘clap’ instead of ‘crap’? Maybe the designer was the victim of autocorrect… Regardless, this guy sure has guts if he decided to wear it.

Do What Now

Do What Now


Let’s Hope That She Loses WiFi

This t-shirt is quite frightening. We know that if this is the real thing, we’ll be doing everything from pulling the router plug and calling our ISP to cancel our service.

Let’s Hope That She Loses WiFi

Let’s Hope That She Loses WiFi


Clear As Crystal

This is a great shirt if you want to be left alone while partying. Is a guy hitting on you? Don’t bother, I’m not drunk yet. A friend offering to drive you home? Don’t bother, I’m not drunk yet. That’s definitely a way to hit two birds with one stone.

Clear As Crystal

Clear As Crystal


What Does Hers Say?

Well, the guy’s t-shirt says everything we need to know. However, I wish there was a way to find out the text on the shirt she’s wearing. Regardless, this guy seems to have struck gold. It certainly seems that way judging by the way the girl is gulping down her beer.

What Does Hers Say

What Does Hers Say



Laugh all you want, but there’s something about this guy that should make you nervous! This might be my favorite funny t-shirt because of the layers there are to its humor. First, you might laugh at the vivid color. Once you actually read the text, however, it’s a whole different ballpark.




Yes, Yes, Food Makes Us Dumb

Nothing can beat food, right? Well, not everything will do and we all have discerning tastes. While I’m not one to wax poetic about hamburgers via fashion, we’ll let this dude off the hook. We can feel how passionate he truly is about the dish and we respect that.

Yes Yes Food Makes Us Dumb

Yes Yes Food Makes Us Dumb


A For Effort

Yes, both Asia and Africa are continents that start with ‘A’. However, we don’t think that warrants enough similarities to mistake their maps. At the very least, we’re glad the designer wasn’t given the task of making it even more detailed.

A For Effort

A For Effort


Shaming At Disneyland

While Disneyland doesn’t really enforce dress codes, some t-shirts are probably best left in the closet. This is simply one shirt that you should not take with you to the Happiest Place On Earth. Mouse have feelings, too!

Shaming At Disneyland

Shaming At Disneyland


Good Education

I love ironic statement t-shirts like this one. How witty is that? However, I’m not sure it’s the best thing for a child to wear. After all, a smart t-shirt like this can be mistaken for stupidity and kids can be so cruel!

Good Education

Good Education


Bet He Loves This T-Shirt

Once a couple gets past the honeymoon stage, it’s usually time to introduce some excitement. Maybe that’s what happened to this girl and her boyfriend! That’s definitely a creative way to spice things up. I bet he never wants to leave her side whenever she wears this shirt.

Bet He Loves This T-Shirt

Bet He Loves This T-Shirt


It’s All Their Fault

They say that admitting your faults is a sign of maturity but we’ll let this incident slide. It truly is an injustice to find out that this man is still single after all this time. Ladies, this one is on you.

It’s All Their Fault

It’s All Their Fault


Dare Gone Wrong

Okay, we’ve all done it before but at least we generally have the decency to keep mum about our less attractive tendencies. This guy is not like most people, unfortunately. We would advise wearing a different shirt if you plan on spending a day at the pool.

Dare Gone Wrong

Dare Gone Wrong


She’s Smart

If you want something, it is up to you to find a way to get your hands on it. Passively waiting for the universe to grant your wishes is a thing of the past! These days, you either hustle or lose out.

She's Smart

She’s Smart


Think Good And It Will Be Good

“Think safety”, his shirt says. However, that doesn’t look like his mindset when he climbed aboard the back of this truck! They say that action speaks louder than words, but maybe that doesn’t apply to this dude.

Think Good And It Will Be Good

Think Good And It Will Be Good


He Knows

Slang can be difficult to keep up with when you are no longer a kid yourself. Who even has the time to keep track of the new vocabulary words that pop up constantly? Well, this guy, apparently. He’s definitely ‘lit’.

He Knows

He Knows


Too Perfect

Well, good things always start out as mere ideas. However, there is no guarantee that things will go the way that we imagined them! We’re sure that no one knows this better than the fellow in the bright shirt. The shirt just says it all!

Too Perfect

Too Perfect


How Honest Is This

It’s a little immature but admit it, you laughed anyway. We wonder how the t-shirt designer’s career is going. Regardless of whether it was a mean-spirited prank, I can’t help but feel bad for the employees who have to wear this.

How Honest Is This

How Honest Is This


Haters Gonna Hate

Only a truly self-possessed person can shrug off their haters so easily. We wish we had this man’s ability to do it so easily! This elderly fellow definitely deserves a spot on our list of role models. What a guy!

Haters Gonna Hate

Haters Gonna Hate


Nirvana Who?

We have different music tastes so we’re not gonna judge you if you don’t appreciate this Nirvana shirt. The problem is the fact that even fans of the band won’t like it either. The top might say Nirvana but no one knows who those guys in the picture are!

Nirvana Who?

Nirvana Who?


And Then He Was Arrested

Well, his t-shirt sums up the entirety of the situation, doesn’t it? That’s pretty unfortunate, though I bet that the officers who arrested him got a kick out of it. Mug shots can’t get any more meta than this!

And Then He Was Arrested

And Then He Was Arrested


Have You Seen Rita?

T-shirts can be used for self-expression but did you know that it can also be used as a makeshift lost and found? Yep, that’s precisely what this couple did. This is a great idea if you and your partner tend to go your own ways while doing groceries!

Have You Seen Rita?

Have You Seen Rita?


Eat Cake, Friends

He’s certainly got a point, though in a completely roundabout way. Hey, it’s a great thing that he likes to look at the bright side of things! Personally, I would not have thought about this advantage by myself.

Eat Cake, Friends

Eat Cake, Friends


Hi And Bye

I wish dealing with haters is as easy as going “hi” and then “bye”! Though it probably won’t hurt to try the technique employed by this guy. It seems to work perfectly for him, after all!

Hi And Bye

Hi And Bye


Borrowing His Shirt

Hmm, maybe granny switched shirts with her grandson? Of course, it is also possible that she’s quite the heavy drinker but can you imagine how bad hangovers must be at that age?

Borrowing His Shirt

Borrowing His Shirt



Let’s not be hypocrites here: we all love a good dump. However, some things are better kept to ourselves. Can you imagine eating out with your family and then seeing a guy at the next booth wearing this shirt?




With A Smile

Don’t judge a book by its covers certainly applies to this elderly woman. She’s smiling in this photo, but that doesn’t mean she’s a ray of sunshine. When you get to her age, you’ll probably begin to hate everyone else too.

With A Smile

With A Smile


Is It Lunch?

I’m glad that this animal is unable to read! I’m not sure that this is the appropriate thing to wear if you want to pet the little piggy at the zoo. Bacon is delicious, but those strips could have come from this baby’s mamma!

Is It Lunch?

Is It Lunch?


This Is Motivation

Sometimes, condescension functions as a great source of motivation. What’s your excuse, indeed. If this guy can do it, you can accomplish your goals.

This Is Motivation

This Is Motivation


Recognize Me?

Do you think this little boy planned to wear this shirt when he went to the petting zoo? Regardless, it is nothing short of amazing that the cow was able to recognize a relative.

Recognize Me?

Recognize Me?


Mathematically Proven

Statistics and percentages have a way of making things sound more legit. This woman knows it and uses it to her advantage. Studies show that she is 20% hotter than the person reading this.

Mathematically Proven

Mathematically Proven


Love Makes The World Go Round

According to this shirt, you should love Thailand because someone in Thailand loves you. I have no idea how that works but I certainly wish that the statement were true!

Love Makes The World Go Round

Love Makes The World Go Round


Attention Seeker

Shy-spoken people know the difficulties of making yourself be heard in the crowd. It can be difficult when you are surrounded by a lot of loud people. Luckily, there is one technique that will definitely catch everyone’s attention.

Attention Seeker

Attention Seeker


Hysterical T-Shirts Win

A good shirt does not always have to rely on text to be interesting or funny! The designer of this top knows how true this is. Sometimes, silence is more effective.

Hysterical T-Shirts Win

Hysterical T-Shirts Win


Police Went With The Majority

Here’s another mug shot to add to the list. Let’s just say that 98% naughtiness will not be taken as an excuse for whatever it was you were arrested for. Moreover, legal authorities might be more inclined to arrest you once they find out that you only have 2% goodness in you.

Police Went With The Majority

Police Went With The Majority


Know The Difference

It could be argued that that they’re synonyms but they have certain connotations attached to them. There’s a certain pride that goes with calling yourself a drunk. On the other hand, an alcoholic sounds like someone who needs help.

Know The Difference

Know The Difference


Different FBI

Take a closer look! This guy is not from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, though the initials might make you think otherwise. In fact, he seems like he’s one step away from joining the sex offender registry.

Different FBI

Different FBI


Jesus Or Pepsi

Temptation and religion are usually considered to be parallel lines, but that’s not the case all of the time! This shirt demonstrates that you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other every time.

Jesus Or Pepsi

Jesus Or Pepsi


It Really Is Difficult

It’s true, isn’t it? Spelling is definitely one of the trickiest parts of learning any language. English is no exception to this rule. It’s a good thing this young man knows his synonyms!

It Really Is Difficult

It Really Is Difficult


What’s He Driving?

That’s an excellent license plate that I wish I had on my own ride! Does anyone know what kind of car this fellow drives? I bet it’s something worthy of such a registration plate.

What’s He Driving?

What’s He Driving?


Grandma Is Hard

This is one grandmother that you do not want to mess with. She definitely sounds like she knows how to have a good time. Not every older lady knows their way around caviar and cocaine.

Grandma Is Hard

Grandma Is Hard



Well, she’s not a blonde but hey! I’m willing to bet that there are plenty of people willing to oblige with the rest of the text on the shirt.




Who Needs This?

We all want this shirt but no one is more deserving of it than this young woman right here. After all, her father happens to be celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey!

Who Needs This?

Who Needs This?


What Does She Mean?

I have to admit that I have no idea what the text on the shirt could possibly mean. The State of Florida isn’t well-known for its rolling hills, is it?

What Does She Mean

What Does She Mean


Shop By Catalog

Do you think it’s possible that this guy simply decided to buy whatever the guy on the billboard was wearing to save some time? I’m having a hard time believing that this happened purely by coincidence!

Shop By Catalog

Shop By Catalog


Dad’s A Game

Parents only want the best for their kids but this dad employed some unusual methods to make sure no unworthy suitors approach his little girl. Sadly, she looks unhappy with her new shirt.

Dad’s A Game

Dad’s A Game


We All Need One Like This

Shirts like this are fun to wear when going out with friends. Sometimes, however, it becomes completely necessary. Make sure to get one ASAP unless you want to be the person the shirt points at!

We All Need One Like This

We All Need One Like This


His Sister’s Shirt

There’s no shame in showing off your muscles every now and then. After all, you worked hard to earn those! Sadly, we don’t recommend rifling through your younger sister’s closet for downsized shirts. If you have no other choice, just try to stay away from the Hello Kitty shirts.

His Sister’s Shirt

His Sister’s Shirt


I Need This Shirt

The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. These are English words but it sounds like complete gibberish to an English speaker like me.

I Need This Shirt

I Need This Shirt


Yoga Pants And That

Some people choose to do yoga to let off steam and others prefer to deal with stress with wine and yoga pants. You know what? Yoga pants are completely optional, come to think about it.

Yoga Pants And That

Yoga Pants And That


Nothing Like Potatoes

This child seems to know and celebrate the little things in life. I need to buy this shirt myself! Potatoes simply bring everyone happiness thanks to their versatility and innate deliciousness.

Nothing Like Potatoes

Nothing Like Potatoes


She’s A Beef Maker

I’m going to have to admit that I don’t have any idea what “salt beef” is. However, I heard that it is delicious! I’d be down to try it out at the very least.

She’s A Beef Maker

She’s A Beef Maker


Caution Captivity Man

Captivity Man does not sound like the kind of guy you want to mess with. The capitalized warnings and the exclamation points further emphasize how dangerous he is!

Caution Captivity Man

Caution Captivity Man



It doesn’t count as a fail but it’s too adorable not to share. Take a look at this couple and their cute matching shirts! The fact that they have been together for over 50 years now is quite impressive in itself.




Is That So?

Gibberish or not, the thought of a pig that devours cats is actually quite terrifying if you ask me. As a cat person, the idea is nothing short of nightmare fuel!

Is That So?

Is That So?


Don’t Pass Go

Monopoly games can turn deadly serious when played with the right crowd. However, this is not a game that should be taken literally! The shirt he’s wearing actually predicted his future and he landed right in jail. He must have been disappointed when he realized that the in-game money can’t help him with his situation.

Don’t Pass Go

Don’t Pass Go


When You Donate Your T-Shirt

I’m willing to bet that this innocent child has no idea what a hangover is. Well, I hope she doesn’t. At the very least, I hope she doesn’t know it from personal experience! Regardless, this is a shirt I need in my wardrobe.

When You Donate Your T-Shirt

When You Donate Your T-Shirt


Bye Bye Stereotype

This is a great idea that will save anyone from repeatedly shutting down racists! Those kinds of jokes must get old fast. Luckily, this young lady is one step ahead of everyone.

Bye Bye Stereotype

Bye Bye Stereotype


Second Best

It’s no secret that God has a lot of people to attend to. If it’s something urgent, maybe you can approach this guy instead. We’re not sure how he can help but his enthusiasm is admirable.

Second Best

Second Best


Can We Clarify?

It was probably intended to say “your boyfriend seem nice” but who cares! It’s still a cute shirt and even I’d be down to wear it, typographical error and all.

Can We Clarify?

Can We Clarify?


Well Said

This man seems like someone who knows what’s up. If you have to choose between being a dumbass or a smartass, he advises that you stick with the latter. That’s some great wisdom right there! Maybe that’s the secret to a long, healthy life.

Well Said

Well Said


Know Your Strengths

Another important life lesson is to familiarize yourself with your strengths and weaknesses. A lack of self-awareness can be a dangerous thing. Luckily, that’s not going to be a problem for the man in this photo!

Know Your Strengths

Know Your Strengths