Man Makes Unusual Discovery After Noticing Two Mysterious Circles On His Wall

Published on July 24, 2018

The Prohibition

Around the time that the barn was converted into a residential space, the Prohibition was still ongoing. The only way to obtain alcohol back then was by going to the speakeasies and dealing with bootleggers. The more affluent families often had their own hidden stash of alcohol at home. The latest owner of the house had no idea about what was in store for her, although she might have lived in the same place her entire life.

The Prohibition

The Prohibition

The Secret Cellar

It is not a stretch to say that the home renovation project was one of her best decisions in life. During this time, they discovered a hidden door in the basement! It was a complete surprise to everyone involved. When they finally found the courage to open the secret gate, they found a closet. Hidden inside was an impressive collection of liquor! The stock dated back to the Prohibition era. They might have been manufactured many decades ago but the bottles were undamaged and still contained alcohol. They were dated as far back as 1919!


The Secret Cellar

The Secret Cellar