This Are The Salaries Paid By The White House

Published on September 30, 2020
Taking a job in the public center is certainly not the most lucrative option out there, but most White House employees are still paid relatively high salaries. As these paychecks are covered by American taxpayers, White House jobs are all on public record. These are the salaries that are offered to these White House jobs.

President (Donald Trump) — $400,000

Of course, being President is no easy task, and that translates to a yearly salary of $400,000. Additionally, the top position also offers a yearly $50,000 expense allowance, $100,000 a year for travel expenses, and $19,000 per year for entertainment. Since 2001, every president has received this amount.

President (Donald Trump) — $400,000

President (Donald Trump) — $400,000

Vice President (Mike Pence) — $230,700

Vice President Mike Pence earns a yearly salary of $230,700 for his work as second in command. His predecessor Joe Biden received the same amount, and this has been the standard number since 2010. In 2019, Pence was meant to receive a pay raise and he would have earned $243,500 per year instead, but due to the government shutdown at the time, the move was halted. The Vice President has said that he is thrifty and buys his suits in two for one deals.

Vice President (Mike Pence) — $230,700

Vice President (Mike Pence) — $230,700


Acting Chief of Staff (Mick Mulvaney) — $203,500

Chief of Staff is quite the stressful position as well, and Mick Mulvaney is one of the few White House workers that earns over $200,000 per year. Mulvaney is the third person to hold this position under Trump’s presidency. During Obama’s two terms, five people held this position, Denis McDonough earning $176,461 in 2016.

Acting Chief of Staff (Mick Mulvaney) — $203,500

Acting Chief of Staff (Mick Mulvaney) — $203,500


Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy (Peter Navarro) — $183,000

As assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Harvard-educated Peter Navarro earns $183,000 annually. He has been a member of the cabinet since the beginning of Trump’s presidency. President Trump started the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy in 2017, so Navarro does not have any predecessors.

Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy (Peter Navarro) — $183,000

Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy (Peter Navarro) — $183,000


Chief of Staff to the First Lady (Lindsay Reynolds) — $183,000

The First Lady of the United States also employs a Chief of Staff, and currently Lindsay Reynolds holds the position, earning a yearly salary of $183,000 for her work. She has held the position since 2017 and previously worked as associate director of the White House Visitor’s Office when George W. Bush was president.

Chief of Staff to the First Lady (Lindsay Reynolds) — $183,000

Chief of Staff to the First Lady (Lindsay Reynolds) — $183,000


Deputy Director of the National Economic Council (Andrew Olmem) — $168,000

The National Economic Council was founded in 1993 and provides the White House with leadership in every aspect of economic policy. Andrew Olmem is Deputy Director of the office, earning $168,000 in annual income. In 2016, Olmem’s predecessor Jason Miller, who served under President Obama, earned $149,654.

Deputy Director Of The National Economic Council (Andrew Olmem) — $168,000

Deputy Director Of The National Economic Council (Andrew Olmem) — $168,000


Director of the National Economic Council (Larry Kudlow) — $183,000

Larry Kudlow serves both as the assistant to the President for economic policy as well as Director of the National Economic Council, a position he has held since 2018. He previously worked on Ronald Reagan’s administration and as a CNBC host. He earns $183,000 annually, with his predecessor under Obama, Jeff Zients, earned $176,461 for the role.

Director of the National Economic Council (Larry Kudlow) — $183,000

Director of the National Economic Council (Larry Kudlow) — $183,000


Director of White House Information Technology (Roger L. Stone) — $168,000

Director of the White House IT Roger L. Stone earns $168,000 annually for the job. He has held the position since 2019 after Chris Herndon left the post. The position was created by President Obama and under his presidency it was held by David Recordon, who warned $121,752 for the role.

Director of White House Information Technology (Roger L. Stone) — $168,000

Director of White House Information Technology (Roger L. Stone) — $168,000


Director of White House Travel Office (Bethany Pritchard) — $92,400

Director of the White House travel office is in charge of travel bookings as well as accommodations for White House press corps members who join officials on any trips made. Beginning in April 2019, Bethany Pritchard holds the position, earning $92,400 annually. Under Obama, Ashley Tate-Gilmore earned $77,625 for the same job.

Director of White House Travel Office (Bethany Pritchard) — $92,400

Director of White House Travel Office (Bethany Pritchard) — $92,400


Director of Stenography (Dominique Dansky Bari) — $95,500

The position of Director of Stenography is unique in that it purportedly is one of the few White House jobs that is not driven by personal political alignment. Dominique Dansky Bari worked as deputy director of stenography under president Obama starting in 2014, and since 2017 has been working as director of the same office under president Trump. Under Obama, then-director Margaret Suntum earned $117,846 for the job.

Director of Stenography (Dominique Dansky Bari) — $95,500

Director of Stenography (Dominique Dansky Bari) — $95,500


Social Secretary (Rickie Niceta) — $168,000

The Washington Post called the position of social secretary the “least controversial” White House job. The social secretary is in charge of planning, organizing, and executing social events at the White House. Anna “Rickie” Niceta was chosen by first lady Melania Trump and earns $168,000 annually. Her predecessor Deesha Dyer, chosen by Michelle Obama, earned $119,723.

Social Secretary (Rickie Niceta) — $168,000

Social Secretary (Rickie Niceta) — $168,000


Press Secretary (Kayliegh McEnany) — $183,000

The Press Secretary is essentially the Preisdent’s mouthpiece, which is certainly not an easy position to hold. Since President Trump’s election, there have been several press secretaries, including Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Stephanie Grisham. The current press secretary is Kayliegh McEnany, who earns $183,000 annually. President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest earned $176,461.

Press Secretary (Kayliegh McEnany) — $183,000

Press Secretary (Kayliegh McEnany) — $183,000


Advisor to the President & Senior Advisor (Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner) — $0

President Trump has been praised by many for keeping the White House payroll quite lean, and that extends to two of his closest advisors. His daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are senior advisor and advisor to the president. Both have chosen to forgo a salary for their positions.

Advisor to the President & Senior Advisor (Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner) — $0

Advisor to the President & Senior Advisor (Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner) — $0


Executive Assistant to the President (Molly Michael) — $120,000

Executive assistant to the president essentially means being the president’s right hand person. Molly Michael holds this title, and for that she earns and annual salary of $120,000. Other positions with the title of executive assistant in the White House have salaries ranging from $48,000 to $58,200.

Executive Assistant to the President (Molly Michael) — $120,000

Executive Assistant to the President (Molly Michael) — $120,000


Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Robert O’Brien) — $183,000

Being assistant to the president for national security involves answering to the president in all matters of national security, as well as serving on the national security council, which deals with highly sensitive intelligence information. Robert O’Brien currently holds the position following John Bolton’s resignation. Susan Rice held the position under president Obama and earned $176,461 for the role.

Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Robert O'Brien) — $183,000

Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Robert O’Brien) — $183,000


Director of Media Operations for the Office of the First Lady (Anne LeHardy) — $72,700

While we’ve all heard of the West Wing, the East Wing is another name for the Office of the First Lady. First lady Melania Trump hired Anne LeHardy in 2018 and earns $72,700 for the role. This exact position did not exist under Obama, but most similar was deputy communications director Joanna Rosholm, who earned $78,124.

Director of Media Operations for the Office of the First Lady (Anne LeHardy) — $72,700

Director of Media Operations for the Office of the First Lady (Anne LeHardy) — $72,700


Chief Calligrapher (Lee Ann Clark) — $99,400

There are actually three calligraphers employed by the White House, with the lowest salary coming in at $72,800. Chief calligrapher Lee Ann Clark earns $99,400 for her talents. Her job includes writing official invitations, name cards, certificates, programs, and many other documents. In 2016 under Obama, the chief calligrapher earned $100,110.

Chief Calligrapher (Lee Ann Clark) — $99,400

Chief Calligrapher (Lee Ann Clark) — $99,400


Director of Presidential Personnel (Sean Doocey) — $168,000

The Presidential Personnel Office is in charge of vetting for and filling any positions needed relating to the presidency. The office will make recommendations that will then be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Sean Doocey is currently the office’s director, earning $168,00 for the position. Under president Obama, Rodin Mehrbani earned $172,00 for the same job.

Director of Presidential Personnel (Sean Doocey) — $168,000

Director of Presidential Personnel (Sean Doocey) — $168,000


Ethics Counsel (Frank Walsh) — $151,633

Two attorneys are employed under President Trump in order to provide legal advice when it comes to ethics matters. The top earning lawyer is Georgetown Law graduate Frank Walsh, who has an annual salary of $151,633 for this job. Under Obama, the highest salary for the same role was $123,406 in 2016.

Ethics Counsel (Frank Walsh) — $151,633

Ethics Counsel (Frank Walsh) — $151,633


Deputy Director of Communications (Jessica Ditto) — $168,000

Jessica Ditto has been working under Trump since he first got into office and since 2017 she has served as deputy director of communications, earning a salary of $168,000 for the role. Previously, under Obama, Jennifer Psaki earned $174,714 for the role of director of communications.

Deputy Director of Communications (Jessica Ditto) — $168,000

Deputy Director of Communications (Jessica Ditto) — $168,000


Acting Director of White House Visitors Office (Dana Hurtik) — $95,800

As the White House also serves as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Washington DC, the visitors office is quite important. Dana Hurtik works as the acting director of the office, earning $95,800 for her role. Under Obama, Ellie Schafer earned $119,679 for the same title.

Acting Director of White House Visitors Office (Dana Hurtik) — $95,800

Acting Director of White House Visitors Office (Dana Hurtik) — $95,800


Senior Videographer (Samuel Brown) — $72,700

There are several videographers employed by the White House and while most earn $64,400, senior videographer Samuel Brown earns $72,700 for the job. Under president Obama, there was one videographer and she earned $76,095 for the position.

Senior Videographer (Samuel Brown) — $72,700

Senior Videographer (Samuel Brown) — $72,700


Speechwriter (Brittany Baldwin and Theodore Royer) — $120,000

President Trump employs four speechwriters total. Brittany Baldwin and Theodore Royer are the top earning speechwriters, earning $120,000 per year for the title. President Obama employed nine speechwriters, with annual salaries ranging from $42,613 to $176,461.

Speechwriter (Brittany Baldwin and Theodore Royer) — $120,000

Speechwriter (Brittany Baldwin and Theodore Royer) — $120,000


West Wing Receptionist (Hannah Zakaria) — $48,800

The position of West Wing receptionist earns a meagre salary of $48,800 and is currently held by Hannah Zakaria, who started out as a White House intern in 2018. Under Obama, the position was held by Leah Katz-Hernandez, who earned $48,000 for the job.

West Wing Receptionist (Hannah Zakaria) — $48,800

West Wing Receptionist (Hannah Zakaria) — $48,800


Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor (Kellyanne Conway) — $183,000

There are many assistants to the president, but Kellyanne Conway is the sole senior counselor. She has been working under the president since the start of his term and she earns $183,000 annually. There was no position called senior counselor under president Obama.

Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor (Kellyanne Conway) — $183,000

Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor (Kellyanne Conway) — $183,000


Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Policy (Stephen Miller) — $183,000

Stephen Miller first wrote the president’s first State of the Union address and is considered by many to be the force behind the president’s tough immigration policy. Miller has been a big advocate of building a border wall with Mexico and has been called the president’s right hand man.

Assistant To The President And Senior Advisor For Policy (Stephen Miller) — $183,000

Assistant To The President And Senior Advisor For Policy (Stephen Miller) — $183,000


Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Strategic Communication (Mercedes Schlapp) — $183,000

Mercedes Shlapp was earning $183,00o annually while working as assistant to the president and senior advisor for strategic communication, a job she started working at in 2017. However, her most recent efforts have turned to focus on helping the president’s re-election campaign.

Assistant To The President And Senior Advisor For Strategic Communication (Mercedes Schlapp) — $183,000

Assistant To The President And Senior Advisor For Strategic Communication (Mercedes Schlapp) — $183,000


Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives (Brooke Rollins) — $183,000

Brooke Rollins, who is a prison reform activist, is the assistant to the president for strategic initiatives. She works to apply “private sector solutions to the nation’s problems,” as stated in The Daily Beast.

Assistant To The President For Strategic Initiatives (Brooke Rollins) — $183,000

Assistant To The President For Strategic Initiatives (Brooke Rollins) — $183,000


Counsel to the President (Pasquale Cipollone) — $183,000

Pasquale Cipollone works as the counsel to the president, which means he advises the president on any legal matters that come up. For his position, Cipollone earns $183,000 per year. According to Politico, president Trump refers to Cipollone as “Mr. Attorney.”

Counsel To The President (Pasquale Cipollone) — $183,000

Counsel To The President (Pasquale Cipollone) — $183,000


Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff (Emma Doyle) — $183,000

Emma Doyle was the assistant to the president and deputy chief of staff, working with Mick Mulvaney, the chief of staff. In this position, Doyle earns $183,000 per year. In April 2020, she announced that she would be moving on to becoming Deputy Chief of Stadd for Policy in the Office of the First Lady.

Assistant To The President And Deputy Chief Of Staff (Emma Doyle) — $183,000

Assistant To The President And Deputy Chief Of Staff (Emma Doyle) — $183,000


Executive Clerk (David Kalbaugh) — $165,417

The executive clerk is essentially the middle man for official documents that go to and from the president and Congress. The current clerk is David Kalbaugh, earns $165,417 for the role, which includes reviewing and preparing documents like bills, executive orders, as well as messages.

Executive Clerk (David Kalbaugh) — $165,417

Executive Clerk (David Kalbaugh) — $165,417


Special Assistant to the President & Director of Oval Office Operations (Madeleine Westerhout) — $145,000

Madeleine Westerhout was the special assistant to the president and the director of oval office operations until August 2019. She was earning $145,000 for this position. She was let go after she breached her confidentiality agreement by sharing details about Trump’s family at an off-the-record dinner.

Special Assistant To The President & Director Of Oval Office Operations (Madeleine Westerhout) — $145,000

Special Assistant To The President & Director Of Oval Office Operations (Madeleine Westerhout) — $145,000


Director of Strategic Partnerships & African American Outreach (Nicole Frazier) — $106,000

In June 2019, it was announced that Nicole Frazier had taken over as director of strategic partnerships and African American outreach. The role had previously been filled by Omorosa Manigault Newman, who was once a contestant on Donald Trump’s show, The Apprentice. The role earns Frazier an annual salary of $106,000.

Director Of Strategic Partnerships & African American Outreach (Nicole Frazier) — $106,000

Director Of Strategic Partnerships & African American Outreach (Nicole Frazier) — $106,000


Director of Video Production — $86,200

Video production is an important aspect of the White House, and the top job of director of video production will earn a salary of $86,200 a year. The salary is similar to a non-White House video production and direction salary, which averages out to about $89,840.

Director Of Video Production — $86,200

Director Of Video Production — $86,200


Director of Writers for Presidential Correspondence — $72,700

The director of writers for presidential correspondence under president Obama was Fiona Reeves, who shared that she was responsible for reading between 200 and 400 letter per day that were received from the general public. Of those, she would select about 10 that would be given to the president for his evening briefing book. She often had to channel his voice in the responses to the letters as well. She earned $72,700 annually for this position.

Director Of Writers For Presidential Correspondence — $72,700

Director Of Writers For Presidential Correspondence — $72,700


Records Management Analyst — $66,900

The duty of a records management analyst is described as: “analyzing documents, scanning, and indexing them” and “tracking them to offices and agencies within the Executive Office of the President and the rest of the federal government.”

Records Management Analyst — $66,900

Records Management Analyst — $66,900


Travel Manager — $58,200

There is a lot of travel involved for the commander in chief. Clearly, the president does not make his own travel plans, and it’s up to the travel manager to take care of all of the planning and bookings involved. The annual salary for this position is $58,200, higher than the average salary of a travel agent, which is $42,720 per year.

Travel Manager — $58,200

Travel Manager — $58,200


Operation Manager — $72,700

There are White House operations managers who will take home a yearly salary of about $53,000, but the highest paid operation manager at the White House can earn up to $72,200 per year. These are dedicated to the cause, as the same job outside of the White House can earn you about $123,880 per year.

Operation Manager — $53,000

Operation Manager — $53,000


West Wing Receptionist — $48,800

Just like any other office, the White House’s West Wing employs a receptionist. While receptionists outside of the White House will earn about $30,350 annually, a West Wing receptionist’s salary is $48,800 per year.

West Wing Receptionist — $48,800

West Wing Receptionist — $48,800


Executive Assistant — $48,800

Most of the executive assistants working at the White House will earn about $48,800 per year, though some up paid a bit more, somewhere a little over $50,000 a year. Meanwhile, executive administrative assistants and executive secretaries outside of the White House can earn about $61,550 per year.

Executive Assistant — $48,800

Executive Assistant — $48,800