Not A Fairytale Childhood: The Many Rules Royal Children Must Follow

Published on May 30, 2023

Curtsy Lessons

We all associate curtsies with high society and etiquette, and that’s no coincidence. Starting at age five, royal children are taught how to curtsy, which they must do when they are greeting the King or Queen. Kids are expected to do this, even if they’re curtsying to greet their own grandparents.

Curtsy Lessons (Max Mumby:Indigo:Getty Images)

Curtsy Lessons (Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)


While this is not a strict rule, is it quite common for royal children to study additional languages, which is said to have been inspired by the Queen’s love of the French language. King Charles, Prince William, and Kate all know French. Prince George began learning Spanish when he was just two years old.

Multi Lingual (Jayne Fincher:Getty Images)

Multi-Lingual (Jayne Fincher/Getty Images)