When Police Find Missing Girl, They’re Taken Aback By Who They Find Her With

Published on May 16, 2023

Battling Addiction

Well before Charlee had gone missing, Charlee’s grandmother Beth and her mother Natalie were both struggling with addiction. Her grandmother had even admitted that she had experienced a relapse recently. During the search, Beth told the Sheriff that she was on methamphetamines. Lisa said: “She didn’t have to do that, but she did.” However, this random confession drew attention to the surrounding circumstances around Charlee’s disappearance.

Battling Addiction

Battling Addiction

Something Didn’t Make Sense

According to law enforcement officials, Penny came home and then Charlee was found shortly after. The house where Charlee was found was a few hundreds yards away from her grandmother’s home. Police were now saying that something was simply not adding up. Sheriff Tinnel explaned: “I can’t believe she survived it. There’s coyotes in them hills. There are copperheads and rattlesnakes and ticks, all the elements. And somehow she came out in pretty good shape.”

Something Didn't Make Sense

Something Didn’t Make Sense