Parents Of Two Boys Pray For A Baby Girl But Got Something Much Better

Published on September 2, 2020

Someone To Be There

Toni further explained the sort of approach that she uses when she cares for expectant mothers at the hospital by saying, “They’re taken away from everything that’s normal. So by telling them, you know, ‘I understand this is really hard for you,’ that’s huge for patients.” Toni wants everyone to be aware of the fact that these pregnant women just need someone who will listen to them or who will lend a shoulder for them to cry on.

Someone To Be There

Someone To Be There

Not The First Time

Angie’s pregnancy may be a special case, but it is definitely not the first. Many women before her have gotten pregnant and carried three babies in their belly at once. These women gave birth to triplets, a specific medical team that deals with such cases. The babies are referred to as A, B, and C. Expectant parents Gino and Angie could only hope the babies come out healthy.

Not The First Time

Not The First Time