Parents Of Two Boys Pray For A Baby Girl But Got Something Much Better

Published on September 2, 2020
Many say having children is one of the best things that could happen to someone. Kids bring their families a lot of love and life with their youthful innocence and playfulness. Most parents think it is ideal to have at least one son and one daughter. “The more the merrier,” right? Well, for many years, this pair of parents had been trying for a baby girl and finally, they got pregnant with one. However, the couple was in for a surprise.
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Parents Of Two Boys Pray For A Baby Girl But Got Something Much Better

For most moms with two boys, it is only natural to desire to enlarge their clan with a baby girl. Bye, bye blue and grey, hello pink and purple! Happily married California couple, Angie and Gino, were blessed with two amazing boys. Watching the kids grow up and reaching milestones made the parents wish they could raise more than just two! If they could handle two rambunctious boys, what’s stopping them from being able to raise a girl? Bring on ballet and gymnastics, dress-up and tea parties! But, we can’t be too picky of course, we have to be happy with what we are given; a healthy baby, boy or girl, is a blessing. Many women face infertility issues, a very hard thing to deal with when everywhere you look, friends, family, they all seem to be popping kids out left and right. I mean, look at the Duggar family for gosh sakes!

Angie and Gino, along with their two sons, were very excited to hear the news that a new addition to the family was on the way. They sectioned off a room in the house as the nursery, decorating it, buying clothes and toys for the baby-on-the-way, giddy with happiness and excitement. Everyone in the family counting down the days Angie will give birth. Little did they know what was to come.

Preparing For The Big Day

The birth of a baby can be quite exciting for couples. Parents usually feel a sense of excitement with a sort of nervousness as the moment of welcoming their baby draws nearer. At the Sharp Memorial Hospital, which is located in San Diego, California, the last couple of days for one family had been all about prepping for a wonderful and precious moment. The whole family was making sure they were ready for this.

Preparing For The Big Day

Preparing For The Big Day


A Cause For Celebration

After Angie and Gino found out that they were expecting, the couple was extremely excited to have another addition to their growing family. The expectant parents were greatly pleased to learn that they would finally be having a girl because they had always dreamed of having one. When the doctors gave them the wonderful news, Angie and Gino were already really happy since it was like a realization of their dreams.

A Cause For Celebration

A Cause For Celebration


Two Boys

Gino and Angie had already been married for a while when they decided it was the right time to grow their family. The couple followed through on their decision by welcoming two boys to the world. The couple knew that having two healthy sons was truly a blessing, but deep down Angie and Gino felt like their family was still missing something. What was the couple still longing for?

Two Boys

Two Boys


Another On The Way

Angie and Gino still wanted more kids since the couple felt that they could handle having more children. The two were rather effortless as parents. They were able to properly look after their two sons.

Another On The Way

Another On The Way


Wanting More

The couple was confident that they would be able to handle more, so they were extremely delighted to find out that Angie was carrying a child once again. The news was music to the expectant parents’ ears.

Wanting More

Wanting More


A Surprising Discovery

When the couple discovered that Angie was expecting, they wasted no time in going for a health check-up. When it came to the health of both Angie and the baby, the couple didn’t want to take any risks.

A Surprising Discovery

A Surprising Discovery


Early Weeks

During the early weeks of Angie’s pregnancy, it was confirmed by the doctors that the progress she had was healthy. One day, however, after she went for a routine check-up, the doctors had one more thing to say.

Early Weeks

Early Weeks


In Need Of Specialist Care

When they went to see their doctor that day, Angie and Gino expected things to go smoothly just like on other days. However, their doctor Sean Daneshmand told them that Angie needed specialist care, so the couple got quite alarmed.

In Need Of Specialist Care

In Need Of Specialist Care


Staying Calm

They had a lot of questions in their minds. Was there anything wrong? Why was there a need for Angie to see a specialist? Although they tried not to worry, the couple could not help feeling a bit alarmed and anxious.

Staying Calm

Staying Calm


A Precautionary Measure

The couple became quite nervous since they were scared that they were in for some bad news. However, when they asked the doctor why Angie had to see another doctor, he gave a simple answer.

A Precautionary Measure

A Precautionary Measure


Reassuring Answer

The doctor told them, “Unfortunately, at 26 and a half weeks, all of a sudden there was a fluid discrepancy,” the doctor explained to everyone later when he was asked about his reason for referring Angie to a specialist.

Reassuring Answer

Reassuring Answer


Staying At The Hospital

Because a pregnant woman needs to be well taken care of and protected, their doctor did not take any risks when it came to Angie’s health. He mentioned that he had spoken to her and said “Angie, we belong in the hospital now”. Angie and Gino had no hesitation in following the doctor’s orders. The couple made their way to the hospital in order to ensure that both Angie and the baby were safe.

Staying At The Hospital

Staying At The Hospital


Continuous Care

The doctors explained to Angie and Gino that the primary reason why she needed extra attention was because of the fact that Angie’s pregnancy was considered to be high-risk.

Continuous Care

Continuous Care


Taking Precautions

This means that Angie could develop complications which could affect not only her health but also the health of her baby. The doctors informed her that she would be needing care round the clock to ensure she was fine.

Taking Precautions

Taking Precautions


More Than One

If you are confused about why the doctors were all of a sudden being really fussy about Angie’s pregnancy, there is a good explanation for it. It was due to the fact that she was not only expecting one baby.

More Than One

More Than One


The More The Merrier

Angie was pregnant with three. Just imagine she needed to carry three babies at once! It was certainly right for the doctors to want to ensure everything was fine.

The More The Merrier

The More The Merrier


Happy To Be Expecting Three

The pregnancy was quite unique for Angie. However, as you may have already guessed, after learning that they were having triplets, Angie and Gino could not be more ecstatic. Because the couple wanted to grow their family even more, it wasn’t bad news to find out that they would be having three more kids on their hands.

Happy To Be Expecting Three

Happy To Be Expecting Three


Cause For Concern

However, there was an issue with her pregnancy with the triplets. As for two of the babies in Angie’s womb, they were sharing one placenta.

Cause For Concern

Cause For Concern


Concern Over Size

The fact that there was only one placenta for two babies was not really a major problem, but it certainly had its disadvantages for the babies. The size of one baby was going to be hampered and it wouldn’t get to be the same size as the other babies in Angie’s belly. Nevertheless, there were a lot of other possible complications which were listed, which this problem paled in comparison with.

Concern Over Size

Concern Over Size


Serious Potential Complications

During Angie’s pregnancy, the problems that arose were quite serious. For one, there was a high probability that the babies would be born prematurely.

Serious Potential Complications

Serious Potential Complications


Aware Of The Possibilities

Not to mention, it was possible for the triplets to have underdeveloped lungs or suffer from brain bleeds. Also, some problems could follow the little ones even after birth. Thus, they had to be extremely careful.

Aware Of The Possibilities

Aware Of The Possibilities


Stress Is Not Healthy

The health of her three babies was at stake. The doctor was right about Angie needing a specialist for her care to ensure that things went smoothly in her pregnancy.

Stress Is Not Healthy

Stress Is Not Healthy


Combating The Stress

However, needless to say, this revelation made her pregnancy one of the couple’s most stressful periods. Because it is not healthy for pregnant women to have stress and tension, the medical team did everything they could to ease Angie’s tensions.

Combating The Stress

Combating The Stress


The Need For Hospital Admission

As time passed, Angie was already in her 27th week of pregnancy. Her belly was getting very big and by then, Angie had to be admitted in a hospital to ensure her pregnancy was healthy. She had to be far from her family but she had no choice. Despite this, she pressed on and did the only thing she could do at the time – focus on the babies she was carrying.

The Need For Hospital Admission

The Need For Hospital Admission


Many Different Possibilities

As Angie’s pregnancy progressed and as she found out things from her doctors, she went through a significant amount of stress. Even though Angie knew that she needed to stay calm and relaxed, she still found it harder than she thought it would be.

Many Different Possibilities

Many Different Possibilities


Anything Could Happen

“Anything could happen between now and my due date,” she expressed. Carrying one baby is already stressful for some, so just imagine what it’s like to be pregnant with three.

Anything Could Happen

Anything Could Happen


Unfortunate Loss

Her nervousness was beginning to grow more and more as Angie thought about what the future had in store for her and her babies. “We hear a lot of stories,” she said to interviewers when she talked about the time she was in the hospital.

Unfortunate Loss

Unfortunate Loss


Hearing Horror Stories

She tried not to let it affect her, but Angie was troubled by the things that had reached her about complications and failed pregnancies. She could not stop her nerves from getting to her.

Hearing Horror Stories

Hearing Horror Stories


Welcoming Three Babies Or Not

Angie had the feeling that she might not get to welcome all of the babies she was supposed to give birth to. She went on to say, “You know of triplets that don’t make it. Especially the identical twins. The body absorbs one of them.”

Welcoming Three Babies Or Not

Welcoming Three Babies Or Not


Fearful Mom

Was this just nerves or foreshadowing? Was Angie foretelling the outcome of her pregnancy or would she have a different fate and be among the lucky moms who had successful pregnancies?

Fearful Mom

Fearful Mom


Everybody Needs Empathy

In regards to mothers like Angie, Sharp Memorial Hospital Perinatal Special Care Unit’s Toni Hicks explained that empathy is the most important tool. In her many years working there, she has observed that expectant mothers who are confronted by complications just need other people to give them some motivation and to help them stay positive.

Everybody Needs Empathy

Everybody Needs Empathy


Someone To Be There

Toni further explained the sort of approach that she uses when she cares for expectant mothers at the hospital by saying, “They’re taken away from everything that’s normal. So by telling them, you know, ‘I understand this is really hard for you,’ that’s huge for patients.” Toni wants everyone to be aware of the fact that these pregnant women just need someone who will listen to them or who will lend a shoulder for them to cry on.

Someone To Be There

Someone To Be There


Not The First Time

Angie’s pregnancy may be a special case, but it is definitely not the first. Many women before her have gotten pregnant and carried three babies in their belly at once. These women gave birth to triplets, a specific medical team that deals with such cases. The babies are referred to as A, B, and C. Expectant parents Gino and Angie could only hope the babies come out healthy.

Not The First Time

Not The First Time


Concerns Over One Baby

As time passed by, the couple found out that not enough fluid was getting to Baby B. Needless to say, the baby was affected by this situation. The baby ended up becoming a little smaller compared to the other two.

Concerns Over One Baby

Concerns Over One Baby


Waiting And Hoping

However, the only thing Angie and Gino could do was to wait and see what the outcome would be for Baby B. The couple hoped and prayed they would be welcoming all three babies into the world.

Waiting And Hoping

Waiting And Hoping


32nd Week Of Pregnancy

The doctors wanted to minimize the risks as much as they could, so they kept a careful watch on Angie. They paid close attention to her until her 32nd week of pregnancy. They also wanted to see all three of the babies as much as everybody else in the babies’ family. The doctors were so involved with Angie’s pregnancy, they felt they had to do everything possible. So, what would happen to the babies?

32nd Week Of Pregnancy

32nd Week Of Pregnancy


Just As Planned

After everything possible was done to help keep her pregnancy healthy, Angie went into labor just one day after her 32nd week of pregnancy. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just As Planned

Just As Planned


Going Into Labor

This meant that Angie had successfully carried the babies with no further complications. Everybody was really happy to learn that everything turned out just as planned. So, she made it to labor, but would her delivery go smoothly?

Going Into Labor

Going Into Labor


A Different Approach

Even though it is often suggested that childbirth should be done naturally, a different approach was necessary for Angie’s situation. Since the doctors wanted the delivery to be kept under control, they had Angie undergo a cesarean section.

A Different Approach

A Different Approach


Ready For Her Babies

Since there had been a long and, quite frankly, very complicated waiting period for the arrival of the babies, Angie could not help but look forward to giving birth.

Ready For Her Babies

Ready For Her Babies


Confession Of A Mom

“As soon as I see them I just want to touch them or give them a kiss…to make sure they’re okay,” the expectant mother confessed. No one can blame her, though. Angie had to be away from her husband and sons during her admission to the hospital to make sure that her health and the babies’ were not compromised. To put it simply, it had certainly been quite an adventure.

Confession Of A Mom

Confession Of A Mom


The Birth Of The Babies

Angie and husband Gino had had quite a rollercoaster ride throughout the pregnancy. The couple had been really happy to find out about her pregnancy but were soon devastated upon learning of the possible complications. However, in the end, the delivery of Angie’s babies was a success. All three newborns were transferred to their individual team for advanced life support by the midwifery team.

The Birth Of The Babies

The Birth Of The Babies


Essential Check

The moment each baby was delivered, the doctor examined them carefully to ensure the newborns did not show signs of health problems. The doctors then went on to assist the babies in their breathing, making sure the newborns were stabilized.

Essential Check

Essential Check


Initial Check

When all of the necessary steps had been carried out, the triplets were transferred to the intensive care unit for neonates.

Initial Check

Initial Check


A Little More Effort

The doctors were careful not to make any mistake when they treated the babies. The doctors revealed that they had needed to put a bit more effort into opening the triplets’ little lungs and that it had been difficult to do so. As the doctors were doing this, Angie and Gino were helpless. There were tears in the eyes of the babies’ parents as they looked on from the other side of the room.

A Little More Effort

A Little More Effort


Their Condition Was Stable

Gino and Angie were saying prayers as the doctors did all they could to ensure the triplets were well. The couple’s prayers were answered. All three babies turned out fine.

Their Condition Was Stable

Their Condition Was Stable


Thank You To The Doctors

Because of the doctors and the effort they put in, the couples’ little girls – Camilla, Anabella, and Daniella were stable. They were then ready to be transferred to intensive care.

Thank You To The Doctors

Thank You To The Doctors


Not Completely Out Of Danger

Even if everyone was relieved to find out that all of the triplets were stable, there was still a need to check some other things. “We still have to remember these babies are small and are predisposed to other complications,” explained their doctor. Because the babies were born together, each one had to be handled carefully and the doctors still needed to keep a close eye on the newborns.

Not Completely Out Of Danger

Not Completely Out Of Danger


A Successful Outcome

“And, again, long-term issues. But, so far, we’re excited that everything has turned out very well,” Dr. Daneshmand said during an interview. Parents Angie and Gino were finally able to breathe a little because their biggest fear – that the triplets would not be born healthy – did not come true. The couple and the doctors had worked together and got a successful outcome, so, needless to say, there is reason to celebrate.

A Successful Outcome

A Successful Outcome


Meeting For The First Time

Once Angie had gotten some rest, she was ready to meet her newborn babies. Gino helped Angie see them by wheeling her up to the neonatal unit, where the babies were kept under close monitoring to ensure nothing else would go wrong.

Meeting For The First Time

Meeting For The First Time


At Last

After a difficult pregnancy and much anxiety, the two could greet their new babies. The proud parents were finally able to get the chance to see their babies and interact with their little girls closely and intimately.

At Last

At Last


The Long Wait Is Over

Angie had longed for a daughter for the longest time, so she felt really accomplished to have finally given birth to her little girls. Just like what she had said before the delivery, she carried one baby in her arms and brought the baby near her chest as she simply whispered, “It feels so right.” Because Angie had to wait for quite a long time, the moment was definitely an emotional one for her. She had tears falling while she cradled her newborn.

The Long Wait Is Over

The Long Wait Is Over


The Challenges Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not at all an easy experience. A woman has to be very strong both physically and mentally and capable to give birth successfully.

The Challenges Of Pregnancy

The Challenges Of Pregnancy


Sharing Her Experience

Pregnancy can be draining psychologically and a huge task physically. Angie had endured all of the difficulties her pregnancy brought and has finally gained freedom from them. She later talked about the things that went through her mind once everything was done.

Sharing Her Experience

Sharing Her Experience


Already Attached To The Little Ones

“I was only a few hours apart from them, but I really missed them,” she later admitted to the interviewer. Angie revealed how attached she had already become to her babies and concluded that seeing them again brought her a lot of happiness. “…it feels good to be reunited,” she said.

Already Attached To The Little Ones

Already Attached To The Little Ones


A Special Moment

Angie was not the only one who was drained by this experience. Even though Gino had been excited to learn that he and Angie would be having triplets, he was still equally stressed out when he found out about the complications his wife went through. However, when he met his baby daughter Anabella and saw her open her baby eyes, he felt the moment was truly special.

A Special Moment

A Special Moment


Felt So Good

Gino was really happy to have his new daughter in his arms and felt like what he was seeing was a dream. As her dad, the two had an instant connection the first time he held the newborn.

Felt So Good

Felt So Good


Dad’s Reaction

“Beautiful,” he said, “Beautiful feeling.” At last, he could relax and enjoy taking on the new role of being the father to his baby girls.

Dads Reaction

Dad’s Reaction


Definitely A Team Effort

Things would have been impossible if the hospital’s entire midwife team had not put in the effort and work that they had. The Sharp Memorial Hospital team deserves all the credit for the triplets’ successful birth because the situation could have ended in an entirely different scenario.

Definitely A Team Effort

Definitely A Team Effort


Dreams Do Come True

Angie was a mother of two wonderful boys, but now she is also a mother of three lovely baby girls. Taking on the responsibility excited her a lot since she had not raised girls before. Angie confessed, “It’s truly a dream come true to have them come into my life.”

Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come True