Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

One Face or Two-Face

This illusion of the one face or two faces is often known as the bistable because of the famous face or vase illusion. With this photo, is the person facing forward, or is it a side profile. It almost seems as though depending which way you tilt your head, it could look like a side profile over a face forward, and yet it is mind-bending. Most who are shown this photo see the face looking forward before they see the side profile.

One Face or Two Face?

One Face or Two Face?

A Face Within the Beans

“I spy with my little eye, a face within the coffee beans.” This optical illusion is going to test your patience and determination. Do you see the face hidden amongst the coffee beans? Sometimes taking a break and looking away can help because once you spot the face in the beans, it is hard to have it unseen. Can you find it yet? Take a moment, close your eyes, and look back and focus on the bottom left corner. Find it? Now try to forget where the face is now that you have found where it is.

Spot The Face

Spot The Face