Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

Lady Giant?

Again, amazing what angles and distance can do. At first glance, this photo looks as though she is truly a giant taking in the sun; however, no, there is no giant. This photo was taken on a cliff with the photographer capturing the perfect angle, while the model strategically angles her body. Optical illusions are all around us; sometimes, our mind thinks it knows what it is seeing; however, with a bit of focus, you know that it is just our minds playing tricks.

Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale

Near or Far?

What do you see when you see this photo? Is the arch near or far? How far does it bend over? This optical illusion is one that can continuously play tricks on your mind where you feel as though it is moving without moving. Confusing, isn’t it? This photo tests our depth perception as well as the ability to distinguish where one object starts and finishes. Try closing one eye and looking at the picture. See a difference? Is it even an arch that touches the ground or, if you look closer, is it merely a faucet that has rusted over and is having a close-up?

Near Or Far

Near Or Far