Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

One Building or Ghost Building

Do you see what I see? At first, it looks as though the building on the left is going through the building on the right – a non-existing building, and yet it seems as though the building on the right is an actual building. A mind-boggling photo that can and does play tricks on the mind of those who see the picture. It can be hard to tell if this one building or two, but also, it can leave others wondering, does the building on the right exists or is that the illusion? This is up for debate.

One Building Or Two

One Building Or Two?

Where’d Dad Go?

A family photo to cherish the memories – and yet at first glance, it seems the dad of this photo is, well, half missing. Look closer, and you’ll see that it merely looks that way, but he is leaning form the side and behind his daughter in purple. It takes a moment to adjust one’s vision to see that he’s not partially invisible or missing his legs. What an illusion that makes you have to do a double-take to check that this dad hasn’t lost his bottom half.

Half Man

Half Man

All Aboard the 10-Decker Bus

Back from a vacation and you are showing your friends and family photos of your trip, but when this comes up, it looks as though you had just taken a picture of a multi-level decker bus. No, this isn’t a 10-decker bus; it’s a double-decker bus that happens to blend so perfectly with the building behind it. Another example of a perfectly or ill-perfectly timed photo. Still, don’t believe this isn’t a giant bus, focus carefully, and you can see the address of the apartment building is 26.

Ten Decker Bus

10 Decker Bus