Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

Real-life Out of Focus

School can get annoying, but enough to have you seeing double? Remember those workbooks with the black corners? Well, with the placement of these books, it looks as though the person viewing them would think their vision is blurry and out of focus. Don’t worry; it’s not your eyes; it is the books themselves that seem out of focus because of the dark corners. So the next time you are in class and finding time moving slowly, don’t worry, it’s not you, the subject.

A Little Fuzzy

A Little Fuzzy

Woman Au-Natural

They say that women in France love to maintain their natural appearance, so that means, while North American women shave, they opt not to. At first glance, it may seem as though this photo is of a “French” woman who has decided to keep it natural, but if you look a little closer, it’s the leg of someone else. Don’t worry, even though winter is around the corner, don’t expect to see that much hair on your girlfriend.

A Little Hairy

A Little Hairy