Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

Man-Child at the Beach?

Imagine coming back from a family vacation and going through your photos and having your eyes caught by this ONE photo. Is that a child or a man? When you focus your eyes a bit, it seems a bit difficult to distinguish between a child or a grown man. What makes it hard? For one, the body and whose head is connected to who – and even when you try to focus, it is still hard to distinguish who is who in the photo.

Man Child

Man Child


Are those…merpeople? Could the world of Harry Potter exist? No, your eyes are just playing a trick, but also, this is an optical illusion. While it seems as though it might be the case, this illusion was created with the help of taking an ordinary swimming pool and placing a platform of water. When someone from above looks down, it seems as though they are underwater, little do they know they are actually in a dry space.

