Real Life Optical Illusions That Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Published on November 24, 2019

Look around, and you may find yourself taking a second glance. The world is full of optical illusions. We can find ourselves being tricked by the color, shapes, perspective and shadows of the very things around us. Read on to see some of the world’s most excellent optical illusions – none of the photos or images have been doctored. See if you can figure out what these images are – or if a second glance is to be needed to make sure you aren’t being fooled.

Real Life Optical Illusions

Real Life Optical Illusions

The Floating Tree

It is incredible what some spray paint and plastic can do. Mario Shu and Daniel Siering fooled some folks in Potsdam, Germany, when they painted a tree with plastic and painted the background on the plastic. To the passerby, it seemed as though the tree was levitating above from its stump. Take a closer look, however, and see that it isn’t floating, but just an optical illusion in nature done by two talented artists.

Floating Tree

Floating Tree