Octomom: Where Nadya Suleman Is Today

Published on July 3, 2022
Who remembers Nadya Suleman? Most of us think of her as “Octomom” because she became popular when she found out she was pregnant and having eight children at once. The infamous nickname stuck around for sure.

However, eyebrows were raised over the methods the doctors used to help her get pregnant. This also spurred the media sensation over the woman. Many people were critical of her, but others were obsessed fans. America just couldn’t get enough of Octomom and had to hear her story over and over. Plus, everyone wanted to be part of the process. Still, where is she now?!

Big Dream

Nadya Suleman wished for a large family. She grew up as an only child, so she craved the many connections and people in her life. However, she couldn’t know how that dream might turn her life upside down and change everything!

Big Dream

Big Dream

Her Journey to Motherhood

Nadya started her motherhood journey early in life. Right after she graduated high school, she became interested. However, she was still single at the time. This didn’t stop her, and she went ahead with her plan.

Her Journey to Motherhood

Her Journey to Motherhood


Her First Love

When Nadya was in her 20s, she met Marcos Gutierrez. This produce manager was very charming, and she fell in love fast. From there, she immediately told him her plans of having kids because it was a top priority for her. Still, she couldn’t know what the future held.

Her First Love

Her First Love


Her Demanding Job

Marcos and Nadya got married, and she earned her psychiatric technician license that same year from San Antonio College. Now, she was working at a Norwalk, California, psychiatric facility. The job took a toll. One day, something happened while at the facility.

Her Demanding Job

Her Demanding Job


The Disaster

In 1999, on September 18, 20 patients started a riot. Nadya tried to stop them, and one patient flipped a desk over, hitting her in the back. She came away with a herniated disc and received about $170,000 in worker’s compensation.

The Disaster

The Disaster


Postponing Her Dream

The injury affected her ability to work because she was distressed and in significant pain. This burdened her mind, but she also had to put off having children for a long time. Overall, nothing seemed to work out, and the couple went to a doctor.

Postponing Her Dream

Postponing Her Dream


Bad News

The couple visited many doctors, receiving feedback about conceiving a child. They tried everything, but nothing worked. It took a toll on poor Nadya. She was now depressed. Finally, they learned that Marcos was sterile and had to think of other options.

Bad News

Bad News


The Last Straw

Nadya told Marcos that she wanted kids more than anything, so she decided to pursue other methods. He disagreed. Since they couldn’t see eye-to-eye, it drove them apart. He threatened to leave if she went through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) therapy.

The Last Straw

The Last Straw


The Impossible Choice

Nadya was heartbroken. She loved her husband but also wanted children. Therefore, she made the sacrifice of ending her marriage to pursue her lifelong dream through IVF. She was excited, but things didn’t go as she had planned.

The Impossible Choice

The Impossible Choice


No Free Choice

IVF is straightforward, but it’s not 100 percent effective. Plus, it’s very expensive. After the many letdowns, Nadya couldn’t let anything get in her way. Experts often recommend implanting several eggs at once, and that meant another risk.

No Free Choice

No Free Choice


The Risk

If several eggs get placed into the woman’s uterus, there’s a chance IVF could successfully implant many of them, conceiving several children at once. This didn’t deter Nadya, and she felt that more babies were better anyway. Still, she couldn’t predict her situation.

The Risk

The Risk


Baby Elijah

Nadya wasn’t hoping for triplets, twins, or even a single baby. However, the results of the IVF process were surprising. She got pregnant with a baby boy in 2001, giving birth to Elijah. Finally, she was a mother!

Baby Elijah

Baby Elijah


More Babies

One year after Elijah was born, Nadya had a daughter she named Amerah. However, she decided to continue having children. Eventually, she gave birth to her fraternal twins and two other children. Now, she was at six and craved even more!

More Babies

More Babies


Six More

Dr. Kamrava was hesitant at first, but Nadya demanded he implant six eggs into her uterus so that the embryos didn’t go to waste. She was prepared for them. The world was shocked when everyone learned the doctor had injected 12 eggs total. Usually, two is the recommended amount.

Six More

Six More


Octuplets on the Way

The implantation of 12 eggs didn’t phase Nadya; she was thrilled! Overall, eight of the 12 eggs took, so she was pregnant with eight babies. Could Nadya handle this unusual pregnancy and deal with that many more kids on top of her six?

Octuplets on the Way

Octuplets on the Way


Becoming Octomom

Overall, nine months of pregnancy carrying eight babies took a toll on her physical and mental well-being. Once the media heard the story, she was the subject of news and tabloid items. People started calling her Octomom, and her pregnancy would break world records.

Becoming Octomom

Becoming Octomom


Safe Delivery

After a difficult pregnancy, it was time to deliver the babies. Plus, she was completely healthy, and every baby was born safely. The world watched in awe as the first-born octuplet arrived and stayed alive. Nadya was so happy and wanted them to meet their other siblings!

Safe Delivery

Safe Delivery


Eyes on Octomom

Nadya’s story is incredible in positive and negative ways. The medical community closely followed her and was curious about it. Many wanted to know how she could have eight babies at once. They started digging into her past.

Eyes on Octomom

Eyes on Octomom


Whispers of Medical Malpractice

Finally, word got out that the doctor had implanted her with 12 eggs simultaneously. While Nadya requested it, many were angry. Dr. Kamvara was investigated on the grounds that he shouldn’t have done it. Eventually, he was charged with repeated negligent acts and had his medical license revoked.

Whispers of Medical Malpractice

Whispers of Medical Malpractice


His Past

People questioned the situation and wondered if he was tackling other unreasonable medical requests. This wasn’t the first time. Reportedly, he implanted seven embryos into a 48-year-old woman who had quadruplets, though that pregnancy wasn’t successful.

His Past

His Past


A Media Sensation

Nadya was already a media mainstay after giving birth to eight babies. Countless websites and newspapers reported on her. She was infamous, and no one even knew her true name because she was referred to as Octomom! Therefore, she capitalized on her own story and hired a PR professional.

A Media Sensation

A Media Sensation


Her Persona

Nadya faced non-stop media attention, and most people thought she wanted the spotlight, going so far as to have 14 children to get famous. Others thought she was the symbol of irresponsibility and what was wrong with American society.

Her Persona

Her Persona


The Weight

The media overtook her. She couldn’t get control over the story and took another approach – opening up about her challenges. She claimed not to get much sleep but continued moving forward to be an excellent mother.

The Weight

The Weight


Trouble at Home

Rumors started circulating that she mistreated the children. How could a single mom take care of 14 young kids alone? Someone called Child Protective Services, but the representative found no evidence of neglect and thought she had a suitable home.

Trouble at Home

Trouble at Home


The Eviction Notice

CPS deemed the home okay, but Nadya had issues with the landlord. He claimed she violated the terms of the lease, choosing to evict her. Now, she and her children were facing homelessness, and she had to do something!

The Eviction Notice

The Eviction Notice


Becoming Desperate

Nadya couldn’t convince the landlord to let her family stay, so she had to find a new home. However, she didn’t have the money. Finally, she pursued different business ventures, trying to launch a music and movie career.

Becoming Desperate

Becoming Desperate


A New Start

Nadya finally realized that the spotlight was harmful and shied away from it. The media had created a cartoon-like picture of her, which wasn’t a true reflection. Therefore, she changed her name to Natalie and finished her degree to work as a family therapist.

A New Start

A New Start


Children Grow Up

Natalie’s kids were 9 years old in 2018 and were doing well. They ate a vegan diet, and the mom was open with her children about their journey in life. Now, she has an Instagram page, sharing photos of the family together.

Children Grow Up

Children Grow Up


Guardian Angel

Natalie got her life on track, sharing that a “guardian angel” helped her during a low point. She gained strength, moved on, and provided for her family. She met him at a club in Florida, claiming he said she didn’t have to do it.

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel



After turning her life around in 2013, Natalie said it was selfish, immature, and foolish to have so many children without thinking of providing for them. She hadn’t considered the consequences but has no regrets. Her main goal is to raise her children!




Living Modestly

Raising 14 kids isn’t easy, but she’s handling herself well. The entire brood lives in a two-bedroom apartment, receives food stamps, and lives paycheck-to-paycheck. At one time, she didn’t want to be Octomom, but she moved forward.

Living Modestly

Living Modestly


No Social Life

Natalie enjoys spending time with her 14 kids. She hopes they’re proud of her and don’t focus on the “Octomom” persona that stole the media. In a sense, she had to do things she didn’t want to do because she worried about supporting them.

No Social Life

No Social Life


Living, Playing, and Loving

Natalie claims to be a hands-on mom and says her kids are normal. They fight and play, repeating the process like a normal family. Some of the children are shy, and others are outgoing. They’re all aware that they are in a unique situation, and that’s okay!

Living, Playing, and Loving

Living, Playing, and Loving


Holiday Season

Natalie tries instilling good values into her kids. She says that she’s focusing on raising her children to serve others and get out of their own heads. She hopes they learn to live with what they need and don’t go overboard.

Holiday Season

Holiday Season


School Days

Whenever the “first day of school” rolls around, Natalie claims it’s harder for her than regular families with two to three kids. She once shared an Instagram post asking if other parents get stressed and overwhelmed during this time.

School Days

School Days


Me Time

There’s plenty of work when you’re a single mom of 14. Therefore, Natalie spends time at the gym as “me time.” The stress seems to drip off of her, and being physically active helps her cope with her challenges.

Me Time

Me Time


Spa Night

Natalie claims to be a strict mom, but she wants them to have tons of fun, too. Her children enjoy having spa nights, where the daughters test out skin products and face masks. Movie nights are also a favorite, and she tries to ensure each child has sufficient attention.

Spa Night

Spa Night


Dr. Oz

Natalie appeared on the Dr. Oz Show in May 2018 to share her IVF story. She discussed the transformation from Nadya to Octomom to Natalie. Overall, she claims she’s self-made and is now a confident mother, sharing her YouTube channel information.

Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz


Random Chance

Genetics plays a role in how siblings look. That’s why Natalie’s children are so different. With 14 kids, variation of genes is higher than in families with only a few children. Natalie embraces their diversity and is blessed that they all look unique.

Random Chance

Random Chance


Very Active

The octuplets and other children eat a raw vegan diet. Plus, they live healthy, active lives and are excited to run races. Below, you see them finishing the Russ Miller Memorial 5K, which was in February 2018!

Very Active

Very Active


Another Big Family

You might recall that around the same time that Nadya Suleman was in the headlines, another large family also made some waves. Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are no longer together, got married in 1999. Their marriage lasted for 10 years, and in October 2000, they became parents to twins Mady and Cara. Later in 2004, they had sextuplets Collin, Hannah, Aaden, Joel, Alexis, and Leah, becoming a family of 10.

Another Big Family

Another Big Family


A Fascinating Family

Since their situation was quite unusual, the Gosselins were featured in a few Discovery Health specials. As interest in their family grew, they got an opportunity to have their own show on TLC. The show, called Jon & Kate Plus 8, debuted in 2007. However, two years later, Jon and Kate ended their marriage, and the show continued on as Kate Plus 8.

Kate And Jon Gosselin

Kate And Jon Gosselin


Bitter Divorce

Jon and Kate had a turbulent divorce, and though initially Jon claimed that it was Kate who wanted to separate, she said that “Jon’s activities” were the ones the caused her to feel that she had “no choice but to file legal procedures in order to protect” the children and also herself. There was some speculation that Jon had begun a relationship with the daughter of Kate’s plastic surgeon named Hailey Glassman, but Jon reiterated that he only began that relationship after the marriage ended.

Bitter Divorce

Bitter Divorce


A Second Chance?

In September 2009, Gosselin wanted to push back the divorce. He said: “I regret my conduct since Kate and I separated…I used poor judgment in publicly socializing with other women so soon.” One of the terms was to pay $22,000 in child support.

A Second Chance?

A Second Chance?


The End

However, by December 2009, the divorce was finalized, with Kate getting primary custody of their children as well as ownership of their home. Hailey Glassman announced that she ended her relationship with Jon because he was allegedly unfaithful to her and engaged in a relationship with The Star reporter Kate Major.

The End

The End


Tough Relationship

Following the divorce, Jon and Kate had an acrimonious relationship, which has caused them to be in headlines several times. He is also estranged from the majority of his children. Cara, Mady, Alexis, Aaden, Leah, and Joel have all stopped communicating with him.

Tough Relationship

Tough Relationship


New Location

In March 2021, Kate relocated to North Carolina. Alexis, Aaden, Leah, and Joel all moved with her to her new state. The twins Cara and Mady are both in college at Fordham University and Syracuse University, and when they spend time at home it is at their mother’s home.

New Location

New Location


Living With Their Dad

As of now, only Hannah and Collin are in touch with their father Jon, as they have chosen to live with him. In August 2017, police were called to an orthodontist office after Jon and Kate got into a heated argument over custody os their then 13 year old and who would be taking her home. Ultimately, Jon took their daughter home.

Living With Their Dad

Living With Their Dad


Moving With Him

It has since been reported that the daughter in question at the orthodontist debacle was Hannah, and in August 2018, Jon revealed that she was now living with him permanently, though there was still an ongoing custody battle with Kate over Hannah. He reportedly won custody of Hannah in court in April 2018, and though Kate appealed the judge’s decision, her appeal was denied in June 2018.

Moving With Him

Moving With Him


Filing For Custody

Then, in October 2018, Jon filed for legal and physical custody over Collin. Kate had enrolled Collin at an inpatient center in 2016, and Jon claimed it would be better for their son to live with him after his release. In December 2018, Jon was awarded custody of Collin and soon after, he was released from the center and returned to live with Jon.

Filing For Custody

Filing For Custody


No More Communication

Following all of this legal drama for custody over their children, by the end of 2018, Jon and Kate were no longer on speaking terms. The only way they do communicate with one another when it is absolutely necessary is through their respective attorneys.

No More Communication

No More Communication


His Other Relationships

It was reported that Jon began dating a divorced mother of three named Liz Janetta in January 2012. They were together for two years before they broke up in 2014, following an appearance on Couples Therapy. In October 2014, Jon began dating Colleen Conrad, a registered nurse. They stayed together until their breakup in February 2021.

His Other Relationships

His Other Relationships


Post Show Career

After Jon left the show, he began working at Green Pointe energy in Pennsylvania, where he installed solar panels. Later, in 2013 he was working as a waiter at two restaurants near his home in Robeson Township, Pennsylvania. In 2016, he was working at T.G.I. Friday’s in Lancaster, PA, where he worked as a prep cook. By May 2020, he started working as an IT director at a non-profit healthcare facility.

Post Show Career

Post Show Career


Kate Plus 8

The final season of Kate Plus 8 aired in 2017, with a the majority of the season being cancelled due to the divorce and custody battle the family was going through. Following the show’s cancellation, Kate went on to star in Kate Plus Date in June 2019, in order to try to find love. In 2023, she appeared in the first episode of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, but was eliminated due to an injury.

Kate Plus 8

Kate Plus 8


Celebrity Wife Swap

In an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap, Kate and her kids switched places with Kendra Wilkinson, who is well known for her appearance on The Girls Next Door and later her own reality series Kendra and Kendra on Top, as well as her newest show Kendra Sells Hollywood, documenting her new career shift into real estate.

Celebrity Wife Swap

Celebrity Wife Swap


Writing Career

Kate has released three books. The first, called Multiple Blessings, was released in 2008 and was written with Jon and Beth Carson. The book debuted at number five on the New York Times Best Sellers list. The book sold over 500,000 copies by the end of 2009.

Writing Career

Writing Career


Next Books

Kate’s next book was published in April 2009 and is titled Eight Little Faces. The book debuted at number five on the New York Times Best Sellers list. Her third book, I Just Want You To Know, was released in 2010 and sold 10,000 copies in its first week alone after debuting at number 11 on the New York Times Best Sellers list.

Next Books

Next Books


Original Career

Long before anyone knew her name, Kate worked as a nurse, and continued to do so when Jon and Kate Plus 8 came out in 2007. She worked as a labor and delivery nurse and worked at the Reading Hospital and Medical Center which is located in Pennsylvania. In 2021, she earned a multi-state, registered nurse license in her new home state of North Carolina.

Kate Gosselin And Common Visit Extra

Original Career


No More Contact

According to In Touch Weekly, by August 2019, Kate was not trying to win custody of Collin and Hannah from Jon, and according to him, neither one of the children have any contact with their mother.

No More Contact 

No More Contact


No More Co-Parenting

In May 2023, Jon told Us Weekly: “At this point the chance of coparenting with my ex has likely come to an end. There is a sense of relief for me that they can move on, into adulthood without the stigma of mom and dad attending family court.”

No More Co Parenting

No More Co Parenting