Shocking And Hilarious News Anchor Moments Caught Live On Air

Published on January 12, 2022

Sick of the Kardashians

Not everyone is so in love with the Kardashian family. One TV anchor is so over the family he completely lost it live on air. When his news network ran a story about Kylie Jenner’s pet rabbit, he blew up in a fit of rage and declared he was “so sick of this family.”

Sick Of The Kardashians

Sick Of The Kardashians

Aren’t You Cold?

When meteorologist Liberte Chan went to work wearing a sparkly dress she must have thought it was going to be a good day. Not long into presenting the weather forecast someone offscreen handed her a sweater. People complained to the station about Chan’s dress as they thought it was inappropriate for that time of day.

Aren’t You Cold

Aren’t You Cold?