A Compliment?
News reporter Christina Pascucci was reporting from her city’s Pride Parade when someone interrupted her. Some guy came out of nowhere to tell her just how attractive he thought she was, even throwing an expletive in there to make it totally inappropriate.

A Compliment?
This reporter became the talk of the town in Flint, Michigan, after drawing an inappropriate body part. She was pinpointing construction sites in the city, but after drawing two circles followed by an oblong, it made some viewers blush. Siobhan Riley, the presenter, had no idea what she had drawn and continued with her broadcast.

First Day Nerves
A.J. Clemente had a short-lived stint as news anchor with North Dakota’s KFYR. On his first day, he didn’t realize the feed was live, and he started the broadcast by cursing. As his co-host desperately tried to fix things, Clemente continued to ramble on. It was his first and last day at KFYR.

First Day Nerves
Get The Bug Spray!
If you’re scared of bugs, then every venture outside has the potential to be a terrifying one. This news reporter was live from the beach and had to face his fears as he was attacked by a bug. He didn’t handle it like a pro and flailed around as his bug encounter was broadcast.

Get The Bug Spray!
Can Anyone Hear Me?
When Ronald Reagan became president people wanted to see the celebrations. This reporter was asked to be in the middle of the action, but there was one problem, he couldn’t hear himself think. Instead of doing any reporting he just kept asking the studio if they could hear him, over and over again.

Can Anyone Hear Me?
Not So Lucky
This presenter was speaking about a story where teenagers were not having much luck finding summer jobs. Instead of ‘luck,’ she said something that rhymes with it, but begins with an ‘F.’ Realizing her mistake, she calmly carried on as if nothing had happened, but everyone heard it, and she didn’t get away with it.

Not So Lucky
Getting Close To The Action
We all want the best view of any TV event, and this reporter is no different. He got so close to the action that he became a part of it, but not how he would have hoped. Instead of a finishing line, in this race whoever won was the first to wipe out the reporter.

Getting Close To The Action
Look Into My Eyes
This reporter was getting ready to come face to face with a murderer as his mugshot was due to be broadcast. Upon seeing it, she burst out laughing. There’s something in his eyes which means you can’t take him seriously, but his crimes were horrendous. This reporter couldn’t help herself, and the laughter kept coming.

Look Into My Eyes
Making An Impression
The weather is not always the most exciting thing people will watch on TV, but Jackie Guerrido likes to keep things interesting. This weather girl tries to bring in as many viewers as possible largely thanks to her wardrobe choices. The Dancing with the Stars contestant became a viral sensation after the internet discovered her.

Making An Impression
We Can Work With This
The worst thing in any news broadcast is silence, which is why there is not a second of wasted time in any given program. When WGN-Channel 9’s broadcast went silent for 19 minutes, the presenters improvised. They took the opportunity to pen hilarious notes for viewers to read at home.

We Can Work With This
A Possible Error
Moments before this reporter jumped both feet first into the lake he told viewers it was completely dry. Needless to say, he was soon made to eat his words as he was up to his knees in mud. Back in the studio, his colleagues were in stitches watching him struggle to move in the mud.

A Possible Error
Polly Want A Cracker?
What was meant to be a serious news piece from the courthouse turned into comedy gold. As this reporter was letting viewers back home know how events had unfolded in court a little bird wanted in on the action. This parrot came along and perched on her shoulder, introducing itself as her new presenting sidekick.

Polly Want A Cracker?
A Revealing Insight
During a segment about children being spanked, this news anchor’s colleague asked her if she was ever spanked. She said: “as a child, no,” suggesting maybe she had in later life. Immediately she realized what she said but the damage was done, and everyone made a quick judgment about her private life.

A Revealing Insight
That’s Gonna Be A No
Not everything that is said on a news broadcast comes through the autocue. This TV anchor was going freestyle on the meteorologist but might regret what he said. He asked her if they’d like to “canoodle” before realizing in horror that what he said was just broadcast to the world.

That’s Gonna Be A No
Hostile Unicorn
News reporters can expect a little bit of interaction from members of the public, but this photobomb was very unexpected. Someone in a unicorn mask and a tutu decided to interrupt this guy. The reporter might have been used to people heckling him, but this must have been the most unusual interruption of his career.

Hostile Unicorn
Low Scores Across The Board
This Russian reporter wanted to show off her dancing skills but chose the worst possible place for it. Instead of sticking the landing she ended up sitting in a puddle, hoping it would just swallow her up. We’re betting she didn’t get top marks from any ice skating judges watching on.

Low Scores Across The Board
Don’t Wear Green
Meteorologists stand in front of a green screen to present the weather so you’d think they’d know not to wear that color. Liberte Chan must have forgotten and as she began presenting the weather her body disappeared, being replaced by the map behind. Only after catching a glimpse of herself did she see her error.

Don’t Wear Green
Don’t Look Up
This reporter was sent to report on a bird infestation, and things got pretty messy. Firstly one of the nesting birds above sent some droppings on this guy’s shoulder, but the attack didn’t stop there. Then, as he looked up to see where it came from another fell, but this time into his mouth. Yuck.

Don’t Look Up
Feminism? Nah
So much for women sticking together, as Fox News anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle rounded on young women live on air. She claimed young female voters didn’t have enough life experience to be informed voters. Her advice was for those girls to just “go back to Tinder,” and we guess leave the voting to the “real adults?”

Feminism? Nah
First-Hand Experience
If you’re going to report on something, it helps if you have some experience. When focusing on the local football scene, this cameraman thought it would be hilarious if the reporter knew what getting sacked felt like. She was knocked into the bar and glasses went flying, but sheepishly she called out: “I’m okay!”

First-Hand Experience
Partying On Air
When presenting the New Years Eve party, this reporter was enjoying the drinks a little too much. Professionalism was no longer an option, and the guy began an awkward conversation with his co-host about which body parts he should get pierced. He chose his ear, and amazingly was able to keep his job!

Partying On Air
Change Of Anchor
We’ve gotten to the stage in news broadcasting where we can’t just look at an anchor, there needs to be graphics on the screen. This was meant to be a picture of a pig alongside the anchor, but someone messed up. Now it looks like the pig has come to take over the show.

Change Of Anchor
Predicting The Future
CNN dubbed the race to become the 43rd President of the United States “too close to call.” That didn’t stop them from making the call, and they declared Al Gore the winner. Of course, he didn’t win and this blunder will go down as one of the biggest ever in the history of new broadcasting.

Predicting The Future
Burning Hot
People like to check the weather forecast to see what clothes they should wear or what travel arrangements to make. Viewers had to check twice following this report as temperatures were set to soar. Instead of getting into the hundreds, some cities were looking at temperatures of over 2,000 degrees. Oops!

Burning Hot
Cat’s Entertainment
Working with animals is risky, as you never know what they’re going to do, especially when broadcasting live. This reporter was doing a heartwarming segment, but it soon turned to terror as the cat had other ideas. The cat squirms and claws the reporter’s face as it desperately tries to get away.

Cat’s Entertainment
Don’t Rely On Social Media
If there is one thing this news network learned it was to filter what image they showed live on TV from Twitter. After reporting a crash in Denver they used social media pictures to give updates, but soon they went off-topic. These faces were their reactions when a male reproductive organ was broadcast.

Don’t Rely On Social Media
Sick of the Kardashians
Not everyone is so in love with the Kardashian family. One TV anchor is so over the family he completely lost it live on air. When his news network ran a story about Kylie Jenner’s pet rabbit, he blew up in a fit of rage and declared he was “so sick of this family.”

Sick Of The Kardashians
Aren’t You Cold?
When meteorologist Liberte Chan went to work wearing a sparkly dress she must have thought it was going to be a good day. Not long into presenting the weather forecast someone offscreen handed her a sweater. People complained to the station about Chan’s dress as they thought it was inappropriate for that time of day.

Aren’t You Cold?
There is one thing that is sure to ruin your evening, if someone comes along wearing the same outfit as you. These three panelists all ended up wearing a very similar white outfit and the one in the middle was not happy. She refused to continue unless someone changed. Looks like she got her way.

Passing Out
Poppy Harlow began to worry viewers on a live broadcast for CNN. Her speech slowed, and her words were slurred. It looked as though she might be having a stroke on air and quickly the feed was cut. Harlow returned to the screen moments later telling people she was fine, she just passed out briefly.

Passing Out
Hold In The Laugh
You always laugh the most when it’s the least appropriate time. This presenter was segueing from a fun piece to one about someone passing away but had a case of the giggles. She soldiers on which only makes it worse as she bursts out laughing while announcing a tragic event where people were fatally injured.

Hold In The Laugh
Sleeping On The Job
Working in the newsroom can mean long hours, especially during breaking news overnight. This guy had been working hard, and when the network cut to the commercial break he enjoyed a quick 40 winks. Sensing he needed the sleep, his co-hosts left him to sleep as they made fun of him.

Sleeping On The Job
Kids Say Hello
Working from home is good for some people, while others struggle to avoid distractions. This reporter was giving a very serious report when his young children came bursting into the room. As if that wasn’t funny enough, then his partner comes running into the room to retrieve the kids, but we couldn’t unsee what happened.

Kids Say Hello
Allergic Reaction
This news anchor in Australia was going about her day like any other until she let out a large sneeze. The explosion led to her belt buckle being compromised, and a major wardrobe malfunction was occurring. As her co-anchor fumbled around trying to fix the situation everyone at home was left watching the hilarity unfold.

Allergic Reaction
Key Suspect
When running a news report on a manhunt, there is one thing that is vitally important. The image of the suspect is key to catching them, but there must have been a gremlin in the system that day. Instead of a criminal, viewers were treated to a cute picture of a little hamster.

Key Suspect
Tanks For Nothing
Despite reporting live from a tank, the armored vehicle couldn’t save Katya Leick from an attack. She was set upon by a couple of bugs and could not keep her composure to ignore them. Instead, she took several swipes at the bugs while everyone else had a good laugh back in the studio.

Tanks For Nothing
A Bug’s Life
Cameras are placed above the skyline of a city to make a report more engaging. The downside is that camera is often abandoned which leaves it open to the elements. This resulted in a nasty surprise for this presenter as she got an extreme close up of a bug. She freaked out and ran away.

A Bug’s Life
Raging in Jordan
News networks often bring people with strongly opposing views together. It’s the best way to get both sides of the argument, but during this broadcast in Jordan, a fight broke out. These guests were speaking about the Syrian Revolution, and as things got heated, the table was broken and they hit each other with the fragments.

Raging In Jordan
That’s Why He Doesn’t Play Sports
The presenters who bring us the weather forecast are often stood in front of a boring green screen. When given a chance to present the weather from a live location, this guy jumped at the opportunity. He was throwing pumpkins into a polar bear enclosure but accidentally gave them an added extra, his microphone.

That’s Why He Doesn’t Play Sports
Just Act Casual
Doing a story on boats might not be the most exciting for all viewers, but this reporter found a way to make things fun. She reached for the rope overhead expecting it to be tight, but it wasn’t. The rope was slack, and she immediately lost her balance, plunging down toward the water below.

Just Act Casual