New Discoveries Reveal A Different Side To History Than What We Were Taught

Published on January 28, 2020

Preserved Boot Found In The Altai Mountains

This woman’s boot dates back to 300 BCE, which is over 2,300 years ago. It was perfectly preserved because it was frozen in the ground in the Altai Mountains. The fabrics and decorative crystals used show how fashion-conscious people were even back then.

Preserved Boot Found In The Altai Mountains

Preserved Boot Found In The Altai Mountains

Piece Of Fukang Meteorite

This piece of Fukang Meteorite is the most beautiful interstellar body ever found on earth. A hitchhiker found the meteorite outside of Fukang, a town in Xinjiang. It is made of Pallasite that is believed to have been formed 4.5 billion years ago.

Piece Of Fukang Meteorite

Piece Of Fukang Meteorite