Overpowering Waves
This photo shows the force of nature at its most powerful. This remarkable shot was taken in 1989 by Jean Guichard. A man waits to be rescued while his fellow colleagues wait inside the lighthouse. Despite these monstrous waves, the lighthouse has always survived.

Overpowering Waves
Night Disturbances
It seemed like just another camping trip for a woman, until she started to hear noises. She poked her arm out of the tent and snapped this disturbing image.

Night Disturbances
Head Turning Tornado
A girl by the name of Audra Thomas, poses in front of an F1 tornado in Beaver City, Nebraska. Even though the tornado is about a mile behind her, we can’t help but notice what a powerful force of nature it is.

Head Turning Tornado
The Great Hanshin Earthquake
In 1995, Japan was hit with The Great Hanshin Eathquake, also known as Earthquake Koby. The natural storm tore through the area, putting the city in turmoil. Below, you can see the aftermath, a popular bridge was ripped out of the ground completely, and now rests on its side.

The Great Hanshin Earthquake
Holy Lightning!
This was quite a close call! Airplanes and Lightning do not make a good mix. I’m sure the passengers aboard were very frightened, and even more grateful for surviving the storm.

Holy Lightning
Poor Baby
It’s so difficult to look at this picture of a baby elephant trapped in a manhole. We have to admit that he is as cute as ever, and luckily he was rescued eventually.

Poor Baby
Hurricane Katrina
Not sure what those squares are in the photo? Yup, you guessed it…houses, completely submerged underwater. Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana in 2005, tearing the city to shreds and leaving millions homeless.

Hurricane Katrina
Ride Forest Ride
Well, this might be the most effective way of training. In these backwoods of Alaska, we hear of many bear sightings, but very few bear attacks. Maybe these massive mammals are just cycling fans, who knows.

Ride Forest Ride
Rocky’s Turtles
This is a beautiful story. Sylvester Stallone decided to keep the turtles from Rocky. The turtles are now more than 40 years old and still living the good life. Talk about preserving sentimental memories.

Rocky’s Turtles
If you thought that the Great White shark is a predator you need to avoid in the ocean, then perhaps nature can teach you a lesson. Once there was a massive shark – Megalodon – which stretched as long as 60 feet and could bite down with a force of 40,000 pounds! Jaws has nothing on this monster!

California Wildfires
Due to the dry heat and not a lot of rain, California is known to have roaring fires, especially during the summer months. From a green oasis, to sticks and a grey aura; the wildfires ruin the beautiful woods. The fires usuually rage uncontrollably, only stopped by firefighters and their mighty hoses.

California Wildfires
Goats In A Tree
And you thought that monkeys inhabited trees… well so do goats, apparently. In Morocco, there is a tree called the Argania tree which produces a nut that these goats can’t resist. This might be a sign of evolution. Just a piece of advice: if you generally worry about birds pooping on you, you might want to be a little more careful when walking under an Aragania tree.

Goats In A Tree
At War With Nature
This apocalyptic photograph of Mount Vesuvius in Italy, was taken during World War II in March 1944. It’s incredible to fathom that it was this very same mountain that erupted and buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum back in 79 AD. During the latter eruption, four villages were damaged, the nature surrounding the mountain, and even some aircraft flying above the volcano.

At War With Nature
When Lightning Hits Sand
What happened??? This is what it looks like when lightning hits sand folks…pretty cool huh?

When Lightning Hits Sand
Smart Move
Nature is full of incredible different creatures, and the skunk is one of them. This dog is smart enough to let her pal eat up without disturbing him. We didn’t say she looks too thrilled about it, though.

Smart Move
Oh, Oklahoma
Where else would you find F5 tornadoes ripping across the countryside than Oklahoma City? This 1898 image is enough to scare anyone out of stepping foot in nature when the skies are enraged.

Oh, Oklahoma
Drought In South Africa
This is what happens to land when too many days go by without rain. South Africa is known for it’s dry climate, droughts not very rare for the area. This went from ground to a separated mass of dry surface.

Drought In South Africa
Before & After The Earthquake In Haiti
The Hurricane that hit Haiti in 2010 was a record-breaker, with the death toll at 230,000 people. The quake is still one of the most talked about natural disasters because of the poor areas hit.

Before After The Earthquake In Haiti
Mammatus Clouds
Not many people have ever witnessed this magical occurrence of nature. These ‘mammatus clouds’, also known sometimes as ‘mammary clouds’ (for a good enough reason) need very specific conditions in order to form. The first time a formation of such a kind was recorded, it was way back in 1894 by William Clement Ley.

Mammatus Clouds
Rainbow Storm?
How many different things are going on in this photo?! I spot a sunset, 2 rainbows and a scary lightning storm all in one. Who knew it could all be possible at the same time? Not me.

Rainbow Storm?
Well, isn’t this a fun surprise?! I would say it’s more frightening than anything else actually, but fret not. This is Gregory, and he’s accompanying Tippi Hedren on the set of the 1981 film, Roar. Is it even a surprise that as many as 70 people were hurt while filming this movie?

One Of A Kind
It’s not every day you get to see a brown panda… actually it’s not any day really. Qizai is a panda that has been the victim of bullying for being different. His mother even abandoned him when he was born, but now he is being taken care of by humans, seeing as he is the only brown panda in existence.

One Of A Kind
End Of The World?
Is this what the end of the world will look like? This unbelievable image is the result of a beautiful sunset resting on a massive mountain of clouds building up for a storm in Moscow.

End Of The World
In His Element
Awww, how we miss Steve Irwin! This nostalgic photo shows Irwin and his wife, Terri, with a crocodile at the zoo in Australia. It’s important to note that Steve Irwin wasn’t just a nature enthusiast; he was a t.v. personality, a conservationist, a showman and an educator. One of his most famous lines was, “I have no fear of losing my life – if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.”

In His Element
Hawaii Volcano
Hawaii is known for its numerous volcanoes all over the islands. Although visitors are usually alerted when it is about to erupt, some thrill chasers go in the midst to capture the best shots!

Hawaii Volcano
Real Ray?
What’s on the menu for today? What do you say about a giant manta ray? Say, one that’s 20 feet wide and weighs 5,000 pounds? Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, because I’m thinking the same thing. How could this be real?

Real Ray?
Heavy Lightning
You definitely don’t want to be in the water of the Catatumbo River in Venezuela on an evening like this. Hell, you might not even want to be outside. For an incredible 140 to 160 days, lightning like this illuminates the sky, making fora magnificent picture of nature.

Heavy Lightning
Cold Calling
If you’re wondering why your calls aren’t going through, this might be the answer. When the cold turns to freezing, water and wind can become a dangerous pair. There are places where icicles grow so large and heavy, that they have fallen and even killed pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Cold Calling
When Electricity Meets Water
This is just off of the shoreline in Chicago. Lake Michigan, which is one of the five Great Lakes, plays an important role in the weather that Chicago experiences. This shot is both magnificent and terrifying!

When Electricity Meets Water
Monster Wave
See that small black figure out there? Yep, that’s a person, but not only that, it’s the one and only pro surfer Mike Parsons off the coast of San Clemente, Cali in 2008. It’s safe to say he is quite the daredevil!

Monster Wave