Mom Phones the Police When She Sees Her Son’s Camp Photo

Published on February 6, 2022
Most parents like to send their kids to camp. It gives them a bit of a break, and the children enjoy all their new adventures. That’s what one mom thought when she sent her son, Timmy, to camp. He even sent her a picture of him smiling.

However, things weren’t destined to stay that way for long. His mother actually saw something worrisome in his tent, which was shown in the photo. She immediately called the police, who rushed to the campsite to try and prevent a disaster. What could have possibly been in that photograph to upset the adults?!

A Bad Feeling

For six days, Stacy has an uneasy feeling about Timmy being at camp. Though she couldn’t figure out why, she hoped her son had a good time, trying to ignore her fears. As things turned out, though, she was fully justified!

A Bad Feeling

A Bad Feeling

Something in the Tent

Timmy sent her a photo of him posing in front of the tent, and it made alarm bells go off in her head. She zoomed in, confirming her suspicions until there was no doubt left. Stacy believed Timmy was in danger!




Timmy in Danger

Since he didn’t answer her calls, Stacy called the police to take her to the campsite. She worried that they might be too late. What did she see in the photo? Why was he in danger, and could she save him from the inevitable?

Timmy In Danger

Timmy In Danger


High School Lovers

Timmy’s father wasn’t in the picture. They dated in high school, and she believed they were in love. While they went to dances together and were “going steady,” things just weren’t meant to be between them.

High School Lovers

High School Lovers


Getting Pregnant

When Timmy’s dad found out that he accidentally got Stacy pregnant, he left. He didn’t want to support or raise a child. Therefore, he disappeared, leaving her completely distraught and with a big decision to make.

Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant


What to Do

Stacy decided to keep her baby, reaching out to her ex for child support. However, she couldn’t locate him and had to go through it all alone. Therefore, she got to work so that she could support her child when he arrived.




Seven Years Later

Roughly seven years later, Stacy was happy to be with her son. He’s the reason she lives, so she wishes to give him everything he wants within reason. However, their lives weren’t that great since her ex-boyfriend left.

Seven Years Later

Seven Years Later


Financial Troubles

Stacy had been in a bad financial situation for a few years. She was limited as to the jobs she could have because Timmy was sleeping or in school. Still, she did her best, though they rarely got anything that wasn’t truly necessary.

Financial Troubles

Financial Troubles


Timmy’s Wish

Luckily, Timmy didn’t want much. He was respectful, kind, and reasonable with his demands. However, he badly wanted to do something for about two years and couldn’t get it out of his mind. Timmy asked Stacy every time he could.

Timmy's Wish

Timmy’s Wish



Timmy wanted to go on a camping trip with his boy scout troop. Stacy was proud that she got him enrolled in a state-financed group that holds events on weekends. It costs her nothing and lets him be around other kids. However, she was still required to pay for extra things, such as the two-week-long summer camp.




Saving Pennies

Stacy figured out the cost and told her son she couldn’t promise the trip. However, she started saving for it, putting away every penny she could. The first summer didn’t work out, but she worked longer hours to reach the goal for the next summer.

Saving Pennies

Saving Pennies


Surprising Timmy

When Stacy saved up enough, she surprised Timmy and told him that he could go to summer camp. He was truly ecstatic about this news. She had purposefully stayed neutral about the prospect, thinking he might no longer care, so it was a shock to her, too!

Surprising Timmy

Surprising Timmy


Timmy’s Promise

Overall, Timmy said he’d make the most out of this experience and send his mom pictures each day. Then, he started planning what he wanted to do and who to hang out with. However, Stacy began having concerns about her decision.

Timmy's Promise

Timmy’s Promise



Though she was excited to give her son something he asked for, she was nervous about him being gone for two weeks. The longest they had been apart was two days. Still, she had to put her worries aside so that her son could be happy.




Time for Camp

Two months later, it was time for the trip. Timmy was excited and prepared. He had packed a week in advance and constantly talked to Stacy about what adventures he wanted to have. She had to stay calm and tell herself that this was an amazing opportunity for him.

Time For Camp

Time For Camp


Something’s Not Right

Stacy dropped him off for the bus that took them to the campsite and was happy, but she had a weird or scared feeling, too. She felt something wasn’t right, but she brushed it off while she waved goodbye to her son, and the bus left.

Something's Not Right

Something’s Not Right


Stacy’s Feelings

When Timmy was gone, Stacy started worrying. She had feelings like this before that had come true with bad things. However, she couldn’t do much now and couldn’t pull her son out of camp. It was already paid for!

Stacy's Feelings

Stacy’s Feelings


Continued to Worry

The worrisome feelings didn’t leave Stacy for the next few days that Timmy was gone. She just couldn’t stop worrying and was afraid something might happen. Through the photos he sent her, he seemed to be having a blast!

Continued to Worry

Continued to Worry



Stacy was annoyed at herself for feeling this way. It was unfair to her son because he was having fun, and she couldn’t be happy for him. Therefore, she tried to adjust the way she thought for Timmy’s sake. However, then it happened!





On the sixth day of him being at camp, Stacy received many photos as she had been. Timmy didn’t have his own phone, but he asked a friend to use theirs so she could be updated. One of the photos showed a shocking background story.




Scrolling Through

Stacy scrolled through the pictures with a smile. However, it disappeared quickly when she noticed one photo. She looked closely, zooming in, but she already knew her idea was correct. Now, what could she do?

Scrolling Through

Scrolling Through


In the Tent

Something was heading into the tent behind her son. Stacy couldn’t believe it, but she knew she had to take action. Therefore, she tried not to panic and stay calm while she figured out the best decision and step to take.

In the Tent

In the Tent


Calling Timmy

She decided to get Timmy as soon as she could. Though Stacy called his friend’s number many times, no one ever picked up. Since there was no answer through his friend, she had to figure out another way to warn him!

Calling Timmy

Calling Timmy


Thinking the Worst

Panicking more now, Stacy thought of the worst-case scenario. Was it already too late? Timmy and his friend might not be able to answer because something bad happened. Stacy prayed that it wasn’t too late, knowing she needed to get answers fast.

Thinking the Worst

Thinking the Worst


No Time for Panic

Stacy started hyperventilating, but she knew she couldn’t have an anxiety attack. Therefore, she took deep breaths to focus her attention. Timmy’s friend wasn’t answering, but she had other phone numbers. She chose to use the camp supervisor number, which was for emergencies.

No Time for Panic

No Time for Panic


No Answer

To her frustration, the camp supervisor didn’t answer. That made her feel worse. Did something happen to all of the people at the campsite? There wasn’t much more to do. She had to go to the camp and find her son before anything bad made her lose him.

No Answer

No Answer


Getting There

However, it wasn’t likely to be easy for her. Stacy had no car or money for public transportation. Even if she did take a bus, it probably couldn’t get her close to that camp. However, that wasn’t the only issue she had to think about!

Getting There

Getting There


Phoning a Friend

If Stacy got to the camp, she still couldn’t protect her son, and there might be other children in danger, too. In fact, they could all be in trouble, so she needed more than her hands. Therefore, she chose to call a close friend.

Phoning a Friend

Phoning a Friend


The Police

A while ago, Stacy befriended a police officer. She called him, praying that he picked up the phone. Luckily, he was on duty and answered. She explained the situation to him and asked if he might drive her to Timmy’s campsite, prepared to beg if that’s what it took.

The Police

The Police


Picking Up Stacy

The police officer was happy to help, especially since kids might be in danger, talking another cop to go along. About 10 minutes later, they pulled into Stacy’s driveway, and she ran out the door, not wanting to waste time. She felt that her son’s life was on her shoulders.

Picking Up Stacy

Picking Up Stacy


Racing to Camp

Stacy and the two officers raced to the site with the car’s sirens blaring, arriving in about an hour. She was nervous for the whole trip but somehow kept herself together. However, nothing prepared them for what they saw when they got there.

Racing to Camp

Racing to Camp


Complete Chaos

The camp was in chaos, with supervisors chasing running, screaming kids around. They were yelling to get control and move everyone to a central location. Now, Stacy realized why no one answered her calls; things were in disarray!

Complete Chaos

Complete Chaos


The Situation

Stacy ran up to a supervisor and attempted to talk to them, but he ignored her and focused on the children. She decided that her best shot at finding her son was to go with everyone else, but panic started to creep in.

The Situation

The Situation


Too Many Kids

When she got inside the building, she saw many children sitting and crying. Another camp supervisor was trying to do a headcount, and her hands were shaking. What was happening?! No one could give them information because they were in a rush.

Too Many Kids

Too Many Kids


No Timmy

Stacy searched the room and didn’t find Timmy inside. Ignoring all the shouts from adults, she left the building and ran outside, searching everywhere for her precious son. Was she too late? Did something happen to him?!

No Timmy 

No Timmy


The Back

With a burst of newfound energy, Stacy ran to the back of the camp. People were yelling at her to get away, but she had to find her son. Finally, she heard something making noises, and she couldn’t believe what she saw ahead of her!

The Back

The Back


A Big Bear

About 100 feet away, Stacy saw a brown bear’s backside. It was growling and sniffing. This just had to be the mother bear, searching for the cub in Timmy’s tent! However, she noticed Timmy’s tent now and wanted to get there first.

A Big Bear

A Big Bear


Timmy’s Tent

Stacy made it to the tent and saw her son, but he had a guest. He had been playing with the bear cub and didn’t want to stop. Therefore, he didn’t go to the central building with the others. Timmy worried about leaving the bear cub alone!

Timmy's Tent

Timmy’s Tent



It finally clicked for Stacy. The big bear in the camp was the mama, searching for the baby. Though she could relate to the situation, she worried that the mother bear might eventually look for them in the tent and find her and Timmy!




The Daring Plan

Stacy decided to take the baby bear back to its mom. She snuck out of the tent, holding the bear, and gently placed it nearby. That way, the mama bear could find it and not hurt her son. They were safe, and everything worked out for both small families!

The Daring Plan

The Daring Plan