Man Stands Up to Teenager to Teach Him a Lesson the Hard Way

Published on February 13, 2023
Every generation of people prides themselves on being the best ever on the planet. However, this is often found with the younger group of people. They feel they can tackle the world because of the many technological devices they now have available.

The younger generation might have a better understanding of the technology used today, but that doesn’t mean they’re better or should be rude to older people. It’s clear that children now don’t have manners and are entitled, meaning they feel the world owes them something.

One person couldn’t stand for a teenager’s lack of respect for the rules, and he did something about it!

Common Rule

The subway is often a space where you must fight to be able to sit down. Many people do so because they have long rides ahead of them. Therefore, it’s crucial to be respectful to others, especially if everyone could have a seat.

Common Rule

Common Rule

Lack of Kindness

Some people think that others don’t own a car or would prefer to use public transport. Generally, it’s their only option. However, many now use public transportation because it’s cheaper than fuel. Regardless, there’s a lack of kindness shown on most subways.

Lack of Kindness

Lack of Kindness


More Annoyed

People often get annoyed the moment they walk onto public transportation. There’s an unspoken competition for people to get the best position and seat to be comfortable. Therefore, they don’t care how unsympathetic or disrespectful they must be.

More Annoyed

More Annoyed


Beyond Rude

Sometimes, people are highly rude while on public transportation. You often feel uneasy when traveling on a bus, train, or subway. This is a public space, and you can’t control how others behave as you might in your home or office.

Beyond Rude

Beyond Rude



It’s no exaggeration to say that many commuters are disrespectful. They don’t consider how others feel and only think about themselves. From blasting music to taking up space with belongings, these are activities that make everyone upset.




Selfish Passengers

Selfish passengers are horrendous. There’s nothing worse than asking another person to move their coat or legs so that you may sit, and then they tell you no! It’s rude and unacceptable. In fact, it’s not normal to treat people like that!

Selfish Passengers

Selfish Passengers


Keep the Peace

When something like that happens, it’s hard to stay calm. Many people have learned how to manage such situations peacefully, but everyone can’t do so. That means the other commuters are often uncomfortable.

Keep the Peace

Keep the Peace


Begging for an Argument

Regardless of how you try and approach the situation, you just can’t know how your fellow commuter might react to any remarks you make. They could decide to get physical. It’s not worth violence to sit down, is it?!

Begging for an Argument

Begging for an Argument


Viral Confrontations

There are various encounters on public transport, but one that stands apart from the rest is a viral story involving a young man who didn’t respect the public space. The tweet about it got over 130,000 likes within 24 hours!

Viral Confrontations

Viral Confrontations


Influencing Others Through Social Media

Social media networks can influence the people who use them, and that’s no secret. Most of the comments from the viral tweet left people relating to it and sharing their own situations. That only makes you wonder what the post said!

Influencing Others Through Social Media

Influencing Others Through Social Media


The Witness

A woman caught the incident on camera, posting it to her personal Twitter account. Isabel Kim is known on social media because she posts content that showcases good moments, as those are what she likes. However, this one was different.

The Witness

The Witness


Average Day

While on the subway, she thought it seemed like a routine day. However, something strange caught Isabel’s eye. That’s when she knew she had to document the event and grabbed her phone. Something was brewing, and it needed to get shared!

Average Day

Average Day


Like Everyone Else

Like the others on the subway that day, it seemed like a routine commute to their destinations. Nobody anticipated the bizarre and unpleasant event that was about to happen. Clearly, this story needed to get out to the public!

Like Everyone Else

Like Everyone Else


Taking too Much Space

There was a young boy playing on his phone and lying across a bench in the subway car. It was clear that he had enough room for three people there. This was highly disrespectful because others wished to sit down.

Taking too Much Space

Taking too Much Space


A Lay Downer

There’s always that one person using public transport who is a “lay downer.” What does that mean? They often take up multiple seats to get comfortable by lying down or putting their legs or belongings on them. This disrespectful boy was definitely one of them!

A Lay Downer

A Lay Downer



The boy was focused on playing with his phone and didn’t realize his surroundings. There were people around him who could not sit down because he had three spots on this train. What did the rest of the passengers do to fix the problem?




Commuter Requests

When you’re using public transportation, it’s best to give up your seat to senior citizens, pregnant women, and those with disabilities. It’s how society has functioned for decades, and it’s respectful and right.

Commuter Requests

Commuter Requests


The Parent’s Fault

This boy had already dismissed three commuters who had politely asked him to move his legs so that they could sit down. However, the situation got worse because the mother was there on the train, saw him disrespecting others, and did nothing about it!

The Parent's Fault

The Parent’s Fault


The Mother

Many people were shocked to learn that the boy’s mother was there watching the event transpire and never disciplined her child or got involved. This boy was disrespectful to many others. What does that say about her parenting skills?

The Mother

The Mother


Not Just This Boy

What made matters worse was the mother didn’t only remain silent. She ignored the commuters’ requests by saying “no,” indicating that she was answering for her son. Overall, the boy felt he didn’t have to move because she was telling them no.

Not Just This Boy

Not Just This Boy



After the refusal of the son and mother, the other commuters had little patience left. They were becoming more upset by the second. It was clear this boy felt the tension in the air, but he created it himself!




Saving the Day

People were fed up with this current situation. They had asked him to move, but what else could they do without causing a scene? That’s when one passenger saved the day and decided to take action, regardless of the consequences.

Saving the Day

Saving the Day


Mysterious Man

The boy was still fixated on his phone, and a mysterious man showed up and stared at the disrespectful child. He was wearing funky sunglasses and almost looked like Elton John. In fact, many of the passengers thought he was!

Mysterious Man

Mysterious Man


A Popular Character

While the mysterious man wasn’t Elton John, he was still interesting in his own right. His funky hairdo and eccentric style made him highly fascinating. In fact, he became highly popular on the train, but was it only for his appearance?

A Popular Character

A Popular Character


Elton’s Twin

While this Elton John look-a-like was fascinating, he wasn’t really demanding attention. He blended in with the others, and they were all frustrated with that annoying kid. However, this guy got angrier and angrier as time went on.

Elton's Twin

Elton’s Twin


Taking Matters Into His Hands

This mysterious man was fed up with the kid’s rude behavior. Therefore, he decided to take matters into his hands and do what he could. It made sense because the child’s mom didn’t do anything. What happened next?!

Taking Matters Into His Hands

Taking Matters Into His Hands



Several people, including the mystery guy, asked this boy to move his legs, but he refused. Everyone’s patience had worn thin, and that’s when the Elton look-a-like decided to make a move. He sat on the child’s legs, creating a chain reaction of events.




Remarkable Moment

Thanks to Isabel Kim, we’re able to see each moment unfold. The images she captured were timed perfectly and showed a remarkable situation. She snapped her phone’s camera right when this man sat on the child’s legs.

Remarkable Moment

Remarkable Moment


He Was Right

The mysterious guy had every right to sit down on a train when a seat was available, even if it happened to be on a child’s legs. It wasn’t just about sitting down. This man wanted to teach the boy a lesson since his mother couldn’t be bothered to do it.

He Was Right

He Was Right


Blame Game

The story then gets crazier. That boy’s mom had no idea that the man was sitting on his legs. Once they were freed, she quickly realized that they’d missed their stop and blamed her son for doing it on purpose.

Blame Game

Blame Game


The Crazy Experience

It wasn’t the boy’s fault; it was hers. She’d been so absorbed by her phone that she hadn’t noticed the man who sat on her child’s legs. However, the events continued unfolding, and Isabel captured it all for us!

The Crazy Experience

The Crazy Experience


Making a Scene

The mom started making a scene, which made the others uncomfortable. This boy was put in his place by the Elton look-a-like sitting on his legs. Now, his mother was shouting at him for causing them to miss their stop.

Making a Scene

Making a Scene


Not the End

This story isn’t over yet! After the occurrence, the child decided to express how he felt about what the mysterious man did before he left the subway car. What did he say? Shockingly, he chose to curse at the guy!

Not the End

Not the End


Making It Known

Isabel Kim decided to share the story to her social media account, and it blew up. In fact, it was so popular that people made shirts out of the pictures she took. They were sold, and the money was given to a charity.

Making It Known

Making It Known


Tale from the Subway

This story is likely to be remembered for a long time. After reading it yourself, you will surely remember the ignorant boy and mysterious man the next time you’re using public transportation. Hopefully, you don’t meet that child on your next commute!

Tale from the Subway

Tale from the Subway


The Opinions

The outcome of the event had many viewpoints. Most believed that the man was right for doing what he did, but others didn’t agree 100 percent. However, we’re sure that the boy will move his feet if asked the next time!

The Opinions

The Opinions


Getting out of Control

Most people speculated about what the man did and if it could be considered assault. Despite that, most viewers supported what the guy did. There was no doubt that he was able to teach the child a lesson.

Getting out of Control

Getting out of Control


Actions Have Consequences

The events on the subway that day taught that child a valuable lesson. What you do has consequences. In this case, a fully-grown man sat down on his legs. What might you have done in a similar situation?

Actions Have Consequences

Actions Have Consequences



It’s clear the boy had no public transport etiquette. However, he’s not the only one. There have been many photos and recordings of people who can’t be polite and respectful on the subway, making the experience unpleasant for the rest of the group.




Things to Remember

If you’re ever using public transportation, don’t be the annoying young boy in this story. Be the one who puts them in their place. Most passengers are sure to thank you for setting those individuals straight!

Things to Remember

Things to Remember