The Touching Story Of A Man Saving A Moose In Distress

Published on July 15, 2018

Trying Again

However, something unusual happened on a particular evening. It must have been around two weeks since Sasnauskas saved the fawn and took her home. He had only taken her outdoors so that she can get used to the wild again. He thought that she would get accustomed to it again if he left her in the forest for a longer period every night. Apparently, he got more than what he expected!

Trying Again

Trying Again

Beautiful Reunion

While the two of them were outside, the fawn was able to see her mother in the bushes of the forest! Sasnauskas was pleasantly surprised to see the baby deer jump up and head for the herd. He was completely overjoyed to see her go into the forest on her own. She was finally able to do venture off without him.


Beautiful Reunion

Beautiful Reunion