The Touching Story Of A Man Saving A Moose In Distress

Published on July 15, 2018

The Plan

He noticed that the fawn’s herd often came back to the area at nighttime. Sasnauskas wanted to let her go back when she fully regains her strength. He wanted her to be able to rejoin her original family. He knew that no one could ever be able to replace her actual mother.

The Plan

The Plan

Rejoining Her Family

Just before the fawn was able to make a full recovery, Sasnauskas decided that it was time to take her outside at night so that she can see her family. He had hopes that she would be eager to join her true family the moment that she sees them in the wild. However, things were not meant to be that easy, as Sasnauskas would soon find out.


Rejoining Her Family

Rejoining Her Family