Man Adopts Girl That No One Wants and Learns Why 28 Years Later

Published on October 13, 2022

That Age Is Easier

Since Lise was already 6 years old, it made Dale’s life easier. He didn’t have to deal with the constant attention a newborn requires because she was already independent and well-behaved. This girl needed a family and kindness, and he was there to give it!

That Age Is Easier

That Age Is Easier

She Was Disciplined

After spending so much time at the orphanage, Lise was already so disciplined, which made things easier for both her and Dale. The only issue was creating a genuine connection, and Dale tried to do so by being compassionate, kind, and supportive. Lise needed a family, and he desperately wanted to  become one.

She Was Disciplined

She Was Disciplined