Many people have seen photographs of lions and lionesses. They’re mythical and magical to behold, but you don’t want to get too close. That’s why you’re grateful for the photographers who take the time to go to these lands and capture their images for you. George wanted to create a documentary and needed pictures of lions. He encountered one that wasn’t necessarily aggressive but seemed agitated nonetheless.
He realized that it needed help, and he followed the animal. What could have happened to shock him to his core? You must keep reading to find out what this poor lion required.
Lions in the Distance
George was shocked to see a lion in the distance. Its belly was swollen, so he called the veterinarian in the area. In fact, she had never seen something like that and asked for an ultrasound. What it revealed caused her to call the police!
The Ultrasound
Once the veterinarian called the police, they said they’d be there as soon as they could. This lion needed more help than she could give. In fact, it required surgery because something strange was going on in its stomach. Was it a life or death situation?!