Rare Pictures Of John F. Kennedy

Published on July 4, 2018
On November 22nd 1963, American President, John F. Kennedy was assassinated while driving through Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas. Since that infamous day, theories of who perpetrated the murder and for what reason, have plagued the American people for more than half a century. Seeing these rare pictures of the day JFK was assassinated might be able to tell us what really happened on that dreadful Friday.

Exiting Air Force One

35th President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline descend the stairs from Air Force One at Love Field airport in Dallas. Most would call it a beautiful Friday morning.

Exiting Air Force One

Exiting Air Force One

Arriving In Texas

On arrival, First Lady Jackie Kennedy received a beautiful bouquet of flowers as well as a friendly reception. Kennedy had come to Texas to take care of “issues” that had arisen in the democratic party in Texas.

Arriving In Texas

Arriving In Texas


Past The Book Depository

The Presidential motorcade passes the Texas School Book Depository on Elm Street. This building would eventually play an important role in the assassination of the president.

Past The Book Depository

Past The Book Depository


Happy Moment

Riding in the presidential limousine were President Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline. With them riding in the seats in front of them were Texas governor, John Connally and his wife, Nellie.

Happy Moment

Happy Moment


Smiling Faces

It was a beautiful day in Texas, and the passengers of the open-top 1961 Lincoln Continental, four-door convertible limousine all agreed on that. The First Lady of Texas, Nellie Connally turned to President Kennedy and remarked, “Mr. President, you can’t say Dallas doesn’t love you.” JFK replied, “No, you certainly can’t.” Those would become the last words he ever spoke.

Smiling Faces

Smiling Faces


Moments Before

Despite having a 3-car escort for extra security provided by the Secret Service, the route the motorcade took was chosen specifically for maximum exposure for the public. This photograph shows the calm in the motorcade only moments before all hell would break loose.

Moments Before

Moments Before


The Shot

The smiles quickly faded when three shots were fired at the limousine. One bullet struck Kennedy through his upper back and went through his neck. Kennedy raised his arms and hands to his face, and Jackie quickly embraced him, attempting to protect him.

The Shot

The Shot



The same bullet is believed to have exited Kennedy and entered Governor Connall’s back and still continued on its trajectory to shatter his right arm. At the moment that the governor was shot, he shouted, “Oh, no, no, no. My God. They’re going to kill us all!”




Diving For Safety

President Kennedy’s visit was a major attraction in Dallas. Bill and Gayle Newman brought their children to see the presidential motorcade, but shortly after the shots were fired the couple dived to the ground to cover their children in safety.

Diving For Safety

Diving For Safety


A 6th Of A Second

This picture shows a mere 6th of a second after the president was hit. Behind is the “grassy knoll” – the location of where a second shooter is believed to have shot at the president according to some conspiracy theorists.

A 6th Of A Second

A 6th Of A Second



The horrific sight of her husband’s deformed face caused First Lady Jackie Kennedy to flee the vehicle for her safety. In the forefront of the image you can see one of the Secret Service’s cars edging up to the presidential limousine.




Jackie Escapes

Jacqueline Kennedy fights to get off of the vehicle that’s under attack. In the background onlookers lie on the ground unsure of where the threat is coming from or if it’s still active.

Jackie Escapes

Jackie Escapes


Spring Into Action

Secret Service agents rush to the president’s safety, but it would be too late. Jacqueline would have no recollection of climbing onto the back of the car.

Spring Into Action

Spring Into Action


Fleeing The Scene

Police motorcyclists rush after the presidential limousine as they race from the scene, attempting to save the president’s life. The Connallys recalled hearing the First Lady repeatedly saying, “They have killed my husband. I have his brains in my hand.”

Fleeing The Scene

Fleeing The Scene


Hope And Despair

Following the shooting, concerned citizens gathered outside Parkland Memorial Hospital where the president was being treated.

Hope And Despair

Hope And Despair


Waiting For News

In New York word quickly spread of the incident in Dallas. Crowds gather outside a TV and radio store in New York’s Greenwich Village. It would be only 30 minutes from the shooting for President Kennedy to pass on.

Waiting For News

Waiting For News


Shock And Horror

When the news reached the ears of the public that President Kennedy had succumbed to his wounds, there was pure disbelief and horror. Nobody could believe that the youngest president had been assassinated.

Shock And Horror

Shock And Horror


Taking Oath

On board Air Force One, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson solemnly takes oath, replacing Kennedy as president. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy stands by his side, still wearing the jacket still stained with the blood of her husband.

Taking Oath

Taking Oath


The Alleged Shooter

Incredibly only 70 minutes after the shooting, police already had a suspect in custody and his name was Lee Harvey Oswald. The Russian immigrant claimed that he had no idea why he was being arrested and even said that he had not killed the president when asked.

The Alleged Shooter

The Alleged Shooter


The Alleged Rifle

A police officer shows off the rifle that Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of using to fire at the presidential motorcade. Emotions ran high as the news of the president’s death broke.

The Alleged Rifle

The Alleged Rifle


The Window

Not long after the assassination, investigators climbed the stairs of the Texas School Book Depository to the sixth floor and quickly found the window where Oswald allegedly fired from.

The Window

The Window


Sniper’s Nest

Cardboard boxes supposedly hid the sniper from the view of anyone who might have come up to the sixth floor of the building.

Snipers Nest

Snipers Nest


The Bullet

This is the bullet that doctors removed from Governor Connally’s body. The Warren Commission published that there was only one bullet that inflicted all the damage to the two politicians on November 22nd.

The Bullet

The Bullet


The President’s Shirt

This is the shirt that President John F. Kennedy was wearing when the bullet hit him. The shirt didn’t just have blood on it, it had brain matter too.

The Presidents Shirt

The President’s Shirt


Jack Ruby Enters

Two days after the president’s assassination, police transported Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters. From there they planned to take him to the Dallas County jail. More than just police officers filled the station’s basement and one of the people in the crowd was nightclub owner, Jack Ruby. On live television he stepped in front of Oswald and the deputies who were handling him and shot him.

Jack Ruby Enters

Jack Ruby Enters


Lee Harvey Oswald

Despite their greatest efforts, Oswald would succumb to his wounds. The death of Kennedy, Oswald and eventually Ruby would cause a great deal of conspiracies to arise. Many of them would suggest that the CIA, the FBI and even the government were behind these strange deaths.

Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald


Jack Ruby

Following the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, police arrested Jack Ruby and a Dallas court sentenced him to death. A later trial sent him to jail, and he would remain there until he passed away in 1967.

Jack Ruby

Jack Ruby


Return On Air Force One

For the first time in history a U.S. president would not make it off and back onto Air Force One safely. Kennedy would also become the fourth American president to be assassinated.

Return On Air Force One

Return On Air Force One


The Papers

Newspapers around the world shared the tragic news of Kennedy’s death. The world mourned as one of the most influential and charismatic figures in politics passed away.

The Papers

The Papers


Preparing For Burial

At the Maryland’s Bethesda Naval Hospital, Guards stand “at ease” as the late president’s body undergoes preparations for burial.

Preparing For Burial

Preparing For Burial


The President’s Hearse

Crowds gather in disbelief as the president’s hearse exits Parkland Memorial Hospital, moving JFK’s body nearer to its final resting place.

The Presidents Hearse

The Presidents Hearse


JFK Junior

John F. Kennedy Junior, son of the former president, John F. Kennedy, salutes his father’s casket as it passes him. The assassination of JFK is another reason many people believe the “Kennedy Curse” exists.

JFK Junior

JFK Junior


Laying To Rest

President John F. Kennedy’s body lies in state at the U.S. Capitol. A U.S. flag covers the closed casket as sunlight streams in through the columns of the Rotunda.

Laying To Rest

Laying To Rest


President Johnson

Newly sworn-in President Lyndon B. Johnson lays a wreath in front of the coffin of John F. Kennedy. The Capitol rotunda in Washington, D.C. filled up with notable figures and family.

President Johnson

President Johnson


Time For Mourning

It wasn’t just the Kennedy family that mourned the loss of John F. Kennedy, the entire nation did too. Walking with her two children, Caroline Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr., Jacqueline Kennedy descends the stairs of the U.S. Capitol Building, this time without her husband.

Time For Mourning

Time For Mourning