If You Find One Of These Items In Your Home, They Might Be Worth A Whole Lot Now

Published on August 15, 2022

Vintage Perfume Bottles

Perfume bottles in the 1900s were an art form on their own. These beautiful antique bottles can go for thousands of dollars. Antique Roadshow evaluator Eric Silver confirmed that some of these antique bottles sell very well at in-person auctions. There have been bottles that have been sold for $8500!

Vintage Perfume Bottles

Vintage Perfume Bottles

VHS Tapes

Most of us have moved on to streaming platforms, but that doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of VHS tapes sitting around, forgotten in basements and attics. However, some of these have become quite valuable. In fact, several Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck tapes have been listed on eBay for around $1500.

VHS Tapes

VHS Tapes