The Incredible Story Of Identical Twins Who Ended Up Marrying Identical Twins

Published on December 2, 2020
When Brittany Deane told her twin sister Briana that she had met a man who was also a twin, she couldn’t believe it. Things took an even crazier turn when Brittany met her sister’s boyfriend’s twin brother, and the two also hit it off! What were the chances that two sets of twins would meet and fall in love? Here’s their unbelievable story…

Identical Twins

It’s a well known fact that twins have an unexplainable connection. This connection can be traced back to sharing a womb, and the bond is usually unbreakable for life. Often, identical twins will have similar wants and will feel like they are in tune with one another, even when they’re apart.

Identical Twins

Identical Twins

Brittany and Briana

Brittany and Briana Deane are identical twins who always felt this special twin-connection bond. They played up the fact that they are identical by always coordinating their outfits and styling their hair the same way. They both also decided to pursue studying law.

Brittany and Briana

Brittany and Briana


Dating Struggles

Of course, being twins has meant that a lot of non-twins frequently did not understand them. Both Brittany and Briana tried dating men who they called “singletons,” meaning they did not have twins. However, something always felt off. These twin-less men never fully understood what it was like to be an identical twin.

Dating Struggles

Dating Struggles


Twins Festival

Brittany and Briana decided to go to the Twins Festival in August 2017. The festival is held in Twinsburg, Ohio. It was there that they met identical twin brothers Jeremy and Josh Salyers. Briana shared that the moment she and her sister met the Salyers twins, she knew something magical was happening.

Twins Festival

Twins Festival


Their First Meeting

Brittany was the first to notice Josh and Jeremy from the large crowd. She was stunned to see a pair of attractive twins so close by to them. She immediately knew that she wanted them all to met and get to know each other.

Their First Meeting

Their First Meeting


Chatting Them Up

Shortly after the four started talking, it was clear that they wanted to stay in touch. They connected on social media, and after the festival was over, the guys reached out and told the twin girls that they were glad they all met and they’d be looking forward to meeting up again at next year’s festival.

Chatting Them Up

Chatting Them Up


Why Wait?

Although Brittany and Briana were excited that the guys had reached out, they were disappointed with the thought of having to wait a year to meet up with them again. They replied to the guys’ message by saying: “why wait?” and soon after, the guys decided to take a trip to Virginia in order to meet up with the girls again.

Why Wait?

Why Wait?


Successful Trip

Of course, they all said that the trip was a successful one, to say the least. They all had such a great time together that they could not wait to make plans to meet once again. The whole ordeal felt like a fairytale come true.

Successful Trip

Successful Trip


Double Fairytale

It was clear that these four had a lot in common: both sets of twins have names starting with the same letter, and both sets of twins work together in the same industry. The brothers shared that they knew they would not get married until they had met another set of twins.

Double Fairytale

Double Fairytale


Double Proposal

In February of that year, the four took a trip together to Twin Lakes, Virginia, where a camera crew from Inside Edition joined along. The sisters were told that they were being filmed for a commercial. However, as the cameras started rolling, both brothers dropped down to one knee.

Double Proposal

Double Proposal


Double Bond

Of course, both Brittany and Briana accepted the proposals. Although the four were inseparable, of course, each set of twins were dating individually. Briana and Jeremy are a couple, and so are Brittany and Josh. The crazy thing was, the couples matched according to their birth order as well!

Double Bond

Double Bond


The Engagements

As is usually the case with engagements, the couples’ family and friends were thrilled with the news. The pair of couples were all so excited that they knew they didn’t want to wait long until getting married. They planned the wedding to take place six months after their double engagements.

The Engagements

The Engagements


The Wedding Theme

For both sets of siblings, being identical twins was always a huge part of their identities throughout their lives. Of course, when it came to deciding on a wedding theme, it was obvious to everyone that they would go for a twins themed wedding. They also decided they would get married at the same altar together.

The Wedding Theme

The Wedding Theme


Fitting Wedding Plans

Of course, having a twin-themed wedding meant having to get two of everything: two matching wedding cakes, two identical wedding gowns. They even managed to get two ministers who looked identical. Naturally, the wedding would take place in Twinsburg, Ohio.

Fitting Wedding Plans

Fitting Wedding Plans


Facing Some Difficulties

They knew that the location had to be Twinsburg, as not only was the name perfect, but it was also where the pairs of twins actually met at the festival. The only issue was that fact that none of the twins were legal Ohio residents.

Facing Some Difficulties

Facing Some Difficulties


Final Outcome

Luckily, they managed to make all the arrangements, and the wedding itself went very smoothly. The joint wedding ceremony was as beautiful and magical as they had planned it to be. However, a joint wedding was not the last of their joint plans for the future.

Final Outcome

Final Outcome


Drawing Attention

The twin-themed wedding was attended by the twins’ families and friends, but there was also another crowd in attendance. The unique situation brought a lot of attention to the wedding, and several media outlets wanted to share their story with the world.

Drawing Attention

Drawing Attention


The TLC Special

The couples got many offers but in the end chose to be a part of a TLC special documentary. They chose to forgo being a part of an entire reality show but instead went for a standalone special that would document their whole wedding. The special aired on TLV in 2019.

The TLC Special

The TLC Special


Living Together

After their magical wedding, Briana & Jeremy and Brittany & Josh started planning their futures, of course together. They wanted to all live in the same house, since the twins were always so close and it just felt like that right thing to do. Then came the discussions about pregnancies…

Living Together

Living Together


Twin Pregnancies

Naturally, the twins were really hoping that they could also have twins. They knew that they would all help one another to raise their children. They even wanted to try to coordinate that their kids would all be born on the same day.

Twin Pregnancies

Twin Pregnancies


Genetic Siblings

Of course, the children of each of the couples would be cousins, as is always the case. However, since they are all identical twins, their children would also genetically be full siblings, despite having different parents. When they figured this out, the couples were absolutely thrilled.

Genetic Siblings

Genetic Siblings


A Bad Idea?

Scientifically speaking, it is quite difficult to identify what exactly the effects would be of having children that have identical fathers and mothers, especially during the early stages of development. In August 2020, the couples announced that they are both pregnant!

A Bad Idea?

A Bad Idea?


Wedding Hashtag

As many couples do, the twin couples decided to having a wedding hashtag that guests could use in any social media posts that related to the wedding. Often these hashtags will feature clever funs involving the couple’s names or personality traits. In this case, there was an obvious choice. They went with #TwiceUponATime.

Wedding Hashtag

Wedding Hashtag


Morning Show Appearance

TLC was not the only media outlet that was interested in the couples’ story. Morning show Pickler & Ben also reached out, and the couples agreed to make an appearance on the show. In April 2018, they were interviewed and used to opportunity to share their unique story of meeting, the proposal, and their wedding.

Morning Show Appearance

Morning Show Appearance


Two Rings

Find the right ring for the perfect proposal is never an easy feat. Of course in this case, it would doubly difficult, as the men had to find rings that both of the sisters would like! Luckily for them, the twin sisters have the same preferences when it comes to jewelry, so the rings that were chosen ended up being perfect.

Two Rings

Two Rings


Identical Outfits

The similarities did not end there. Briana and Brittany found the perfect wedding gown, which they got two of, of course. Josh and Jeremy also bought two of the same matching tuxedos. Both sets of twins were so used to matching their outfits that it felt like that right choice to make for their wedding day.

Identical Outfits

Identical Outfits


What If?

Many people couldn’t help but wonder if one of the twins would have said “no” to the proposal. What would have happened then? That would have certainly made things less of a fairytale, but luckily that did not end up happening. Brittany and Briana were both so in love with their partners that everything worked out.

What If?

What If?


Practice Proposal

As would be expected, Josh and Jeremy wanted to make sure their proposals were identical, as well as perfectly in unison. Therefore, they decided to practice the proposals in order to make sure they could pull off this double feat.

Practice Proposal

Practice Proposal


Optical Illusion

The Deane twin sisters and the Salyers twin brothers are all identical siblings, which means that they do look very much alike. Since they tend to match so often, people will often do a double take, as if their eyes are tricking them with some sort of optical illusion. However, that’s part of the charm of matching all the time.

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion


Timed Pregnancies

Brittany and Briana always knew that they would want to raise their children together. However, it was also important for them to plan their pregnancies so they could experience being pregnant at the same time. They knew it would be an amazing experience to share and see how their bodies undergo changes at the same time.

Timed Pregnancies

Timed Pregnancies


Parents Weigh In

Brittany and Briana’s mother Debra Deane is fully supportive of her daughter’s choices in pursuing many of life’s milestones together. She knows that their children being born at the same time would be great, as the twins would raise the kids together. It would be like the kids would have four parents instead of just two!

Parents Weigh In

Parents Weigh In


The Backlash

While most people are supportive of the twins’ relationships, there are still people who have had negative reactions. Some people find the idea of living together and raising kids together as two pairs of identical twins to be a bit bizarre. The couples choose to ignore the negativity and pursue the lifestyle choices that will make them happy.

The Backlash

The Backlash


Mirror Image

Ever since they were young, Brittany and Briana have always enjoyed matching exactly with one another. Whether it was activities they pursued, clothing they wore, and many other aspects in life, they chose to mirror one another. Of course this was sometimes hard to maintain, but they managed to make it work.

Mirror Image

Mirror Image


The Odds

Jeremy and Josh always knew that it would be difficult for them to get married unless they found twin sisters to marry. Although this is quite an ask, somehow they managed to find the perfect women for them. Like the girls, when the brothers tried to date women who weren’t twins, it never felt right.

The Odds

The Odds


Potentially Unrealistic Dreams

The sisters were already in their 30’s when they met Josh and Jeremy. Right before they met the guys, they were starting to wonder whether it was unrealistic to want to marry identical twins. Luckily, they all met and their dreams were able to come true.

Potentially Unrealistic Dreams

Potentially Unrealistic Dreams


Getting Confused

A question that always comes up is whether they all get confused about who is who, especially since things can get awkward because they are both in a relationship identical twins. The twin couples reassure everyone that there is never any confusion, and Brittany has said that she thinks it’s really weird that people would think about these things.

Getting Confused

Getting Confused


Sticking Together

Brittany and Briana were always extremely close, so it’s really special that they got to grow up and see each other find their perfect partner, share their special wedding day together, and plan their lives in parallel.

Sticking Together

Sticking Together


Blogging Their Lives

Due to their unique story, people will often ask them many questions. That’s why Brittany and Briana chose to start a blog to share their lives. They have had this blog even before they met their husbands! On the blog they share their identical outfits and other aspects of their lives that were also identical.

Blogging Their Lives

Blogging Their Lives


Another Similarity

By this point, we know that Brittany and Briana as well as Josh and Jeremy are all identical twins. But the even crazier coincidence is that both sets of twin were born exactly five minutes apart. What else is identical in their lives?

Another Similarity

Another Similarity


Happy Together

It’s not every day that you see twins meeting other twins, falling in love, and getting married. That’s why the Salyers and Deane twins’ stories is so fascinating. We hope that the couples will continue to be happy together, matching outfits and all.

Achieving Fame

Happy Together