These Iconic Historical Photos Will Blow Your Socks Off!

Published on September 13, 2018

Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan, Los Angeles, 1969

You would be hard-pressed to find any celebrity that is cooler than musicians Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan. Here, you can see the two idols getting along like a house on fire in 1969 Los Angeles. Do you think they could be sharing tips on songwriting? These singer-songwriters are some of the most iconic composers in history and you will still find writing songs these days. At the height of their career, these two men easily had the most distinctive voices in the industry!

Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan, Los Angeles, 1969

Johnny Cash & Bob Dylan, Los Angeles, 1969

Shield to Protect Face During Snow Storms in Canada, 1939

Sometimes, the worst enemy you will ever find would be the natural elements. Sometimes, even the most advanced technology can do little to protect you from the blazing sun or the winter chill. That’s why we shouldn’t make too much fun of these ladies and their odd-looking contraptions in 1939. These shields were meant to protect their faces from snow storms, though we are not sure how effective they truly were. Would you wear one of these now?

Shield to Protect Face During Snow Storms in Canada, 1939

Shield to Protect Face During Snow Storms in Canada, 1939