Perfectly Timed Photos We Almost Missed

Published on April 25, 2018


What would we do without cameras? Nowadays we get to see pretty much everything because our smartphones are just a handbreadth away. We are lucky because just think of how many hilarious photo opportunities we would have missed without them. This list is filled with the most hysterical and ridiculous moments that were captured just in time. These lucky and unlucky people all needed a refresher on their health insurance after these photos were taken.

It’s difficult for us to imagine a time when we didn’t have the ease of sticking our hands into our pockets and pulling out our phones. It’s gotten so ridiculous these days that sometimes people will substitute helping someone in need just to ensure that they get a perfect photo. But at the same time we can’t call this advanced technology, which puts the world at our fingertips, a curse. Do you know how many crimes are prevented, or how many criminals are caught using this technology? I don’t know myself, but it seemed like a good question nevertheless.

There have been some famous moments that made history with the help of a camera. There’s the John F. Kennedy assassination that took place in 1963, the tragic attacks of 9/11 on America. But on a lighter note there are fun and funny moments that have made the history books. Do you remember when Maradona from Argentina used his hand to score a winning goal against England in 1986? Or perhaps you remember watching shows like “America’s Funniest Home Videos?”

So what’s there to look forward to in this slideshow? Some pictures might resonate with you as people attempt to pull off some pretty crazy stunts. Others might inspire you to get premium health insurance. And then there are those that are just here for you to sit back and laugh at, because they are downright hysterical. We’re talking about flying baseball bats, women who should have taken a second look in the mirror before leaving the house, stuntmen who quickly learned their calling was elsewhere, and a whole lot more.

Now enough of this small-talk and chitty-chatter – let’s take a look at these perfectly timed photos we’re so happy someone managed to get pictures of.

Maybe He Won’t Notice

All it takes is a little bit of subtlety and you’ve got it. This young girl is only a few inches away from getting the picture of a lifetime, if only he turned a little.

Maybe He Wont Notice

Maybe He Won’t Notice


The First Lady

The former First Lady is heck of a woman. She was the first and only ever African-American First Lady, she’s a lawyer and a writer. But unfortunately someone has to tell her that she isn’t a tennis player.

The First Lady

The First Lady


An Eye For An Eye

We can all agree that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but what about a finger or two? Is there some kind of scripture on that?

An Eye For An Eye

An Eye For An Eye


Wrong Direction

All she was told was to skate forward, but the child in her couldn’t resist the urge to do just the opposite. The good news is that it makes for a perfect photograph.

Wrong Direction

Wrong Direction


No Wonder He Was Picked

Not only was he a top pick for the team, but he was also the top picker on the team. We can’t blame him, being on the bench can be quite boring and you have to find something… to keep yourself busy that is.

No Wonder He Was Picked

No Wonder He Was Picked


Beaten By A Kid

It always happens just like this. You train forever and then some youngster breaks into the mix and steals your thunder. It doesn’t make it any better that kid didn’t have a bicycle and still led the pack.

Beaten By A Kid

Beaten By A Kid


He Just Loves Himself

There are team sports and there are individual sports. But have you ever wondered what it is that drives people to compete in individual sports? We don’t know, but this guy probably likes himself quite a bit.

He Just Loves Himself

He Just Loves Himself


Almost Right

It’s the front! No, it’s the back! Heck, we don’t know. All we hope is that this hair-covered face is covered by good health insurance because this could go any way right now.

Almost Right

Almost Right


Over, Not Under

You would think that as a professional hurdle-jumper you would know what to do. The hurdles are there to get over, literally. We didn’t think we would find ourselves in a time when Olympic events needed instructional signs.

Over Not Under

Over, Not Under


Took It Too Far

Talk about delivering your message all the way home. If this woman wasn’t sure about the hardcore beating she was getting from her opponent, then this last delivery sure sent the message across loud and clear.

Took It Too Far

Took It Too Far


That’s My Dad

Not everyone has killer instincts, but this guy does. His son was almost the recipient of a wonderful baseball bat, but there’s a chance he wouldn’t want this one.

Thats My Dad

That’s My Dad


Funny Face Olympics

The Olympic Games are made up of many different events, from high jump to synchronized swimming. But have you ever heard of the funny face competition? We didn’t think so.

Funny Face Olympics

Funny Face Olympics


Hold It Right

One of the first lessons I had as a kid at baseball practice was how to hold the bat. Here, in this example we can see exactly how NOT to hold it.

Hold It Right

Hold It Right


Quite Picky

If you ask me, this sport is a load of bull. And if anyone is going to agree with me it will be this dude who got his annual check-up from a rodeo star.

Quite Picky

Quite Picky


Where’s The Head?

What kind of sorcery is this? Does medical insurance cover the loss of a head during an Olympic dance routine? This definitely makes for one very interesting photograph.

Wheres The Head@

Where’s The Head?


Like This?

One thing you should never do to a boxer or a fighter, is distract them. Roy’s mother came to watch his big fight, she was so proud she wanted to snap his photo. Too bad she called his name and didn’t turn off the flash.

Like This@

Like This?


That’s Commitment

When your teammates’ success literally sits on your head, it SITS on your head! We do have to say that their outfits do make them look like they’re made of pool water.

Thats Commitment

That’s Commitment


When You Don’t Like Your Partner Anymore

We all go through our ups and downs with our partners. We see the best of times and we see the worst of times, but we should never give up on each-other. Oh, I was talking to these two.

When You Dont Like Your Partner Anymore

When You Don’t Like Your Partner Anymore


Who Said Anything About A Ball?

The name of the game is ‘football’. You put your foot to the ball, not to everything that looks like a ball. Come to think about it, if you’re always holding the ball, why do we call it football?

Who Said Anything About A Ball@

Who Said Anything About A Ball?


Headless Routine

Ah yes, the foot-instead-of-head routine. Have you seen it before? If this is your first time then really take a good hard look, because you probably won’t see it again.

Headless Routine

Headless Routine


Of Course We’re Friends

The two young ladies were just having a calm discussion about their friendship. Tori was just saying that of course she and Melissa were still friends, even if she had accidentally kissed her boyfriend.

Of Course Were Friends

Of Course We’re Friends


Super Moment

This is not flying, but it is definitely falling with style! Health insurance activation in 3… 2… 1…

Super Moment

Super Moment


I’ll Call You Back

“Hi mom. Yeah, I’m kind of busy… yeah… a baseball game. Dinner? Yeah… I’ll be there… I really got to go…”

Ill Call You Back

I’ll Call You Back


Camel Selfie

Who said the camel wasn’t one of the guys? When Sali said that he wanted to get a selfie with the boys, he meant all the boys!

Camel Selfie

Camel Selfie


Don’t Give A Sheep

There are only so many things we can focus our attention on at a time. We can’t focus on too many negative things because that’s not good for us. Take this woolly guy for example – he doesn’t give a sheep about anything.

Dont Give A Sheep

Don’t Give A Sheep


Someone Doesn’t Care

Everyone’s facial expression tells a different story, but no-one’s tells a story like the guy on the bottom left. He thinks everyone is overreacting, and maybe he’s right.

Someone Doesnt Care

Someone Doesn’t Care


Is There Still Time?

It was at this exact moment that Tony was thinking, “did I renew my health insurance?” And it was exactly 0.2 seconds later that he realized he hadn’t.

Is There Still Time@

Is There Still Time?


Deploy The Chute

“Houston, I think we’re headed for a crash-landing. Quickly deploy the parachute!” This is extreme sledding with minimum protection.

Deploy The Chute

Deploy The Chute


The Haka

Do you know what the ‘Haka’ is? It’s the traditional Maori battle dance that comes from New Zealand. Well apparently it has made its way to high school cheer-leading squads.

The Haka

The Haka


When You See It

This perfectly timed moment definitely requires a double-take. But when you see it you simply can’t unsee it. My word!

When You See It

When You See It


Don’t Be Afraid

As a baseball player, you shouldn’t be afraid of balls. Unless that happens to be a floating ball, then yeah, freak out as much as you want to.

Dont Be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid


Look Who’s Back

Do you remember this beautiful shot put athlete? You can’t really forget this face… this face specifically because this is the only face of his that we’ve seen.

Look Whos Back

Look Who’s Back


And Then It Hit Him

Robert was wondering why that ball was getting bigger and bigger, and then it him. Special health insurance for the coverage of baseballs to eyes, anyone?

And Then It Hit Him

And Then It Hit Him


When You Have No Fat

These guys have trained themselves so much that they hardly have a percentage of fat in their bodies. This is the visual result of someone being kicked when he has zero fat left on his body.

When You Have No Fat

When You Have No Fat


They Said ‘Smile’

Well what did you expect from him? They did tell him to smile, so that’s exactly what he did. Did we mention that this is actually how he really smiles?

They Said Smile

They Said ‘Smile’


Where There’s A Camera

Guys, simple rules of picking your nose. Don’t do it in public, don’t do it in your car, don’t do it where there are a hundred cameras with super telescopic lenses.

Where Theres A Camera

Where There’s A Camera


Beating The Competition

They were always determined to come out on top and beat their competitors. The problem was that their attacking player, Jennifer, was always taking things too literally.

Beating The Competition

Beating The Competition


New Triathlon

This was the new kind of triathlon taking the world by storm. First you run 5 miles, then you cycle for 10 miles, and then you do swimming hurdles until no-one is left standing.

New Triathlon

New Triathlon


Jellyfish Man

He is one of the fiercest creatures of the deep blue Olympic pool. He. Is. Jellyfish man! Have you seen him? Take care out there.

Jellyfish Man

Jellyfish Man


Oh, Snap

This just doesn’t look right, does it? How is his arm twisted back that far? Is that his arm? I don’t even know what I’m asking anymore.

Oh Snap

Oh, Snap


Front Row Seats

There are lots of benefits when it comes to getting front-row seats to a basketball game. One of them is getting a special visit from one of the players, on your lap apparently.

Front Row Seats

Front Row Seats



This has got to be the epitome of psychological warfare! Reaching out to the players like you’re zombies and droning the word, “braaaaiiiiinnnnssss.” We’re not sure if they said that, but it just seems fitting.




I Wanna Tickle Him

“Oh sport is so much fun! you can do so many fun things! Oh, look at that. His armpit is available! I think I’m going to tickle him.”

I Wanna Tickle Him

I Wanna Tickle Him


Bat Timing

There’s good time and there’s bad timing. But in this case there is a third thing, and it is called “bat timing”. Some got a nice souvenir to take home.

Bat Timing

Bat Timing


Rodeo Fail

I’m no fan of rodeo, because I think it’s just cruel to the animals. But who decided that rodeo with a pig would be a good idea? After this scene I can show you one person who didn’t.

Rodeo Fail

Rodeo Fail


One Millisecond

Have you ever experienced that millisecond where your life flashes before you? When you feel like your world is coming to an end? This is what that millisecond looks like.

One Milisecond

One Millisecond


Suck It In

Well hello again, mister “I throw heavy balls and make funny faces.” You’re going to be famous one day, we hope also for shot-put.

Suck It In

Suck It In


Clint Eastwood

It was the annual “Clint Eastwood playing tennis impression day”. Spanish Rafael Nadal was doing a pretty good job, but he still only managed to come in second place after Anna Kournikova.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood


Don’t Eat The Grass

There are a number of rules in soccer that we all know. However, there are some that we don’t really know about that the players do. One of them is that it is forbidden to eat the field’s grass.

Dont Eat The Grass

Don’t Eat The Grass


No Way, A Ball

As a soccer player, you’d believe that you get to see a soccer ball quite often. So why does this Japanese player look as if he’s just seen one for the first time.

No Way A Ball

No Way, A Ball


Hug The Ball

Out of all the balls in the world, ping pong balls are definitely the smallest and the cutest. In fact they’re so small and cute that you just want to hug them!

Hug The Ball

Hug The Ball


He Nose This Won’t End Well

A ball to the nose might just cause a nose bleed. But it could potentially break your nose, and then you’ll have to go to hospital, and then you’ll have to get surgery and you’ll need health insurance and they’ll make it expensive and then… Relax. His nose didn’t even bleed.

Atlet Kena Bola Duh Kasian Headline

He Nose This Won’t End Well


First Swim Of The Season

This is almost exactly what it looks like when you plunge into the pool for the first time after the winter. It’s never warm enough, and we never get used to it.


First Swim Of The Season


Who Needs Air?

If you don’t have a nose, why would you need air? This could just be “jellyfish man” once again, but I guess we’ll never know.

Who Needs Air@

Who Needs Air?


The Team’s Magic Player

There was a very good reason they drafted him to the New York Yankees – everyone had said that he was a magician on the pitch. They didn’t realize that that’s all he was.

Alex Rodriguez

The Team’s Magic Player


Up And Squeeze

Tension is killing so many people every year and bad habits aren’t helping that. This Ten Shin Gon – a ping pong stress expert, and he claims that seven days without ping pong makes one weak.

Argnetina's Song Liu Returns A Shot To C

Up And Squeeze


Headball? Handball?

There is definitely a name for this game, but these two aren’t sure of it. They’re both playing, but they’re playing different games.

Headball@ Handball@

Headball? Handball?