Check Out The Most Expensive Divorce Settlements in Hollywood

Published on January 30, 2023

Heidi Klum – Seal at $70 Million

Heidi Klum is a German supermodel who claimed that her husband’s temper was out of control. It got so bad that she feared for the lives of her children. Overall, it was a messy breakup, and she also had to shell out $70 million even though they had a prenuptial agreement!

Heidi Klum - Seal at $70 Million

Heidi Klum – Seal at $70 Million

Robyn Moore – Mel Gibson at $425 Million

Mel Gibson had a rough year back in 2006. After the DUI arrest, his wife filed for divorce. Though they’d been married 26 years, she’d had enough. They had no prenuptial agreement, so she got over half of Mel’s fortune, which added up to $425 million!

Robyn Moore - Mel Gibson at $425 Million

Robyn Moore – Mel Gibson at $425 Million