Celebrities Who Don’t Drink At All

Published on June 28, 2022


Eminem decided to get sober after he nearly lost his life in a drug-fueled incident in December 2007. He joined a 12-step program which has helped him stay on track with his sobriety for years. He shared that Elton John helps him as well, saying: “He usually calls me once a week to check on me, just to make sure I’m on the up-and-up. He was actually one of the first people I called when I wanted to get clean.”



Gerard Butler

After struggling for many years with his drug and alcohol addiction, Butler decided to check into rehab and get clean. He has been able to stay sober for over 20 years at this point. On rehab, he said: “Maybe a stronger person wouldn’t have needed to go. When you hear the word rehab, you think, ‘He’s a mess, he’s f—ed up.’ But I’m glad I did it. I’ve made a s–tload of wrong decisions in my life. But I know I’ve made some right ones as well.”

Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler