Brotherly Confrontation Goes Viral After Rent Money Was Pocketed

Published on December 16, 2021

Money Makes People Weird

Even people who get along really well can find themselves in awkward situations when it comes to money. This is magnified when large sums of money are involved. An example of a will that evenly splits up assets looks something like: “my estate shall be split evenly, between my two children, with each receiving 50%.”

Money Makes People Weird

Money Makes People Weird

Clearly Stated

For those who don’t want to leave anything behind to their families, this should also be clearly stated. Otherwise, confusion could still arise, and any blood-relations could still claim assets left behind that were not assigned to anyone in particular. Money, legal matters, and family don’t always go together nicely, and so it’s best to be as clear as possible.

Clearly Stated

Clearly Stated