Do Big Stores Really Save You Any Money? The Best And Worst Deals To Look For

Published on January 4, 2022

Generic Medication

When it comes to generic medication, “The Equate brand of generic medication is a good option if you are looking for good deals on things like Ibuprofen and Naproxen. “In general, I have found generic medicines to perform as well as their branded counterparts, but at a fraction of the price. 500 tablets of 200mg Ibuprofen are $7.72, whereas 100 200mg Advil is $8.47,” shares Bodge.

Generic Medication

Generic Medication

Non-Organic Produce

Non-organic produce is very affordable at Walmart, and they also tend to be quite good quality as well. Ramhold says: “It’s worth checking the quality of the produce at your local Walmart. If you find some that looks delicious, odds are you’ll spend far less on it there than you will at higher-end grocery stores. Shopping for produce at Walmart means only buying what you need and will eat, long before it goes bad.”

Non Organic Produce

Non Organic Produce