Best & Worst Choices While Shopping At Aldi

Published on February 19, 2021

Buy – Berries

Berries are so delicious, they really are like nature’s candy. The fact is they can be so expensive at regular grocery stores, so the fact that they’re sold at such affordable prices at Aldi is absolutely incredible. That being said, you always have to make sure to thoroughly check the boxes and make sure the berries haven’t started to get moldy, which unfortunately does happen at some Aldi stores.



Buy – Grapes

While it can be tricky to find good berries at Aldi, the grapes are usually in great condition. They’re a great item to buy there because they usually cost about $2 on sale for a 2 pound bag, while the usual price is $3.98 for green grapes and $1.98 for red, which is still better than many other stores.

