She Had No Idea What She Was In For When She Agreed To Let Her Best Friend Be Her Surrogate

Published on September 2, 2020
Kevin and Nicole Barattini were madly in love and talked about their future all the time. They planned to get married and start a family as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they received some devastating news that would change their lives forever.

A Beautiful Love Story

Nicole married the love of her life, Kevin, in 2010. The couple settled in Smithton, New York. Their dream was to have a baby as soon as possible. They wanted a big family and wasted no time in getting started.

A Beautiful Love Story

A Beautiful Love Story

The Dream Was To Become Parents

After getting married, Nicole went to see her doctor because they were ready to start a family. Sadly, the doctor didn’t have good news for her and Kevin. This unexpected news shattered their dreams of having a baby of their own.

The Dream Was To Become Parents

The Dream Was To Become Parents


They Remained Optimistic

The couple tried to be optimistic in the hopes of becoming parents one day. Years went by without any success. Something was wrong and they needed to get to the bottom of it if they had any chance of falling pregnant.

They Remained Optimistic

They Remained Optimistic


Getting A Professional Opinion

The concerned couple made an appointment to see a specialist as soon as possible because they needed a professional opinion. Nicole needed to know what the next step was. They had no idea how difficult things would get for them.

Getting A Professional Opinion

Getting A Professional Opinion


Tests Needed To Be Done

They both had to have an array of blood tests done because they didn’t know if the reason why they couldn’t conceive was from her part, or his. The fertility doctor wanted to be thorough and leave no stone unturned.

Tests Needed To Be Done

Tests Needed To Be Done


What Would The Tests Reveal?

What could be the issue? Waiting for the test results was agonizing. They were not prepared to hear the news that the doctor shared with them. It seems Nicole’s diagnosis from when she was a teenager was to blame.

What Would The Tests Reveal?

What Would The Tests Reveal?


Unusual Symptoms

Nicole Barattini was 16 when she fell very ill. She became jaundiced, had high fevers, and was extremely lethargic. One day she noticed that she had small red dots all over her body. No one knew what was wrong with her.

Unusual Symptoms

Unusual Symptoms


Blood Tests

The doctors didn’t know what the problem was so they ran blood tests, hoping to get some insight. The results showed that her platelet count was dangerously low. The average adult needs between 150,000 to 450,000 in their blood.

Blood Tests

Blood Tests


Nicole’s Results

Nicole’s results showed that she only had 8000 platelets, which was life-threateningly low. They had to admit her straight away because her life was in danger. The doctors told her she was lucky to have come when she did.

Nicole’s Results

Nicole’s Results


A Diagnosis That Would Be With Her Forever

After seeing several doctors, specialists, and many tests later, she was diagnosed with TTP. This is an autoimmune disease called Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. This means she would have to live with this condition for the rest of her life.

A Diagnosis That Would Be With Her Forever

A Diagnosis That Would Be With Her Forever


What Was TTP?

This autoimmune disease causes blood clots that can be fatal. When the spots appeared, Nicole needed a plasma transfusion and was hospitalized for several days. She would need to be on medication all her life to manage this illness.

What Was TTP?

What Was TTP?


She Had It Under Control For Over A Decade

After living with TTP for over 10 years, she thought she was managing it well until they received the news that her illness was the reason why she couldn’t fall pregnant. She hadn’t had an episode like that in years.

She Had It Under Control For Over A Decade

She Had It Under Control For Over A Decade


How Would This Affect Her Ability To Get Pregnant?

Nicole was in a predicament because the doctor had explained that her medication would harm the baby if she were to fall pregnant. They advised her against trying because it wouldn’t be a good idea. She couldn’t believe it.

How Would This Affect Her Ability To GetPregnant?

How Would This Affect Her Ability To Get Pregnant?


She Had An Idea

Nicole told her doctor that she would stop the medication in order to try to fall pregnant. But that wasn’t an option because it could be fatal for her. If left untreated, TTP has a mortality rate of 95%.

She Had An Idea

She Had An Idea


A Risky Option

Nicole was so desperate to have a baby that she was seriously considering going off the medication, even though it was very risky. She was known to be a little stubborn at times and persistent when she wanted something badly.

A Risky Option

A Risky Option


What Would Kevin Think?

She knew she wouldn’t make such a big decision without consulting her husband, so she told Kevin that she was thinking of stopping the medication. When he heard her idea he became very worried and concerned for his wife, understandably so.

What Would Kevin Think?

What Would Kevin Think?


Kevin Talked Some Sense Into Her

Kevin knew he had to take control of the situation and talk some sense into her. He couldn’t let his wife risk her life this way. He absolutely refused, even if it meant disappointing Nicole. She was just so desperate.

Kevin Talked Some Sense Into Her

Kevin Talked Some Sense Into Her


What Were Their Options?

They were deeply saddened by the situation but didn’t want to give up hope. They decided to do some research to see what other options were available. He knew that she would be willing to go to extreme measures.

What Were Their Options?

What Were Their Options?


What Could They Do?

The couple knew that there had to be other alternatives that didn’t involve risking Nicole’s life. Maybe there were other pills she could take or new tests she could do? They weren’t ready to give up on their dream yet.

What Could They Do?

What Could They Do?


What About Adoption?

After much discussion, they decided to look into adopting. What are the costs, what are the criteria, and how do you go about it? These were a few of the questions they had. After doing some research they encountered another obstacle.

What About Adoption?

What About Adoption?


Was Adoption A Feasible Option For Them?

They had discovered that the legal fees for adoption were exorbitant. Kevin and Nicole felt disheartened because they did not have that kind of money and couldn’t afford to adopt. How else could they make their dream a reality?

Was Adoption A Feasible Option For Them?

Was Adoption A Feasible Option For Them?


Other Possibilities

The next options they decided to look into were surrogacy or IVF. Adoption was already out of their reach financially, would these options be more feasible? And what about would Nicole’s condition, how would it affect their chances with IVF?

Other Possibilities

Other Possibilities


Had They Found A Solution?

Doctors advised them that TTP was not genetic so there was no chance of passing it on to her kids if she ever had any. Her eggs were apparently very healthy and her doctor believed that surrogacy was their best option.

Had They Found A Solution?

Had They Found A Solution?


They Were Faced One Obstacle After Another

They were finally feeling hopeful until they found out that the cost for a surrogate was over $75,000. To make matters worse, surrogacy was not legal in New York, which meant that it was completely out of the question.

They Faced One Obstacle After Another

They Faced One Obstacle After Another


Or Was There A Possibility?

Just because it wasn’t legal in New York it didn’t mean that they couldn’t find a surrogate outside of New York. But then again, there was still the money issue. They most definitely did not have $75,000 to spare.

Or Was There A Possibility?

Or Was There A Possibility?


Family And Friends Might Help

The couple decided that they would ask family and friends for help. Many offered to be their surrogate at no cost. But sadly, after undergoing several stringent tests, none of them were cleared as fit for the task.

Family And Friends Might Help

Family And Friends Might Help


They Were Running Out Of Options

They had exhausted what they thought was all their options. They felt deflated and defeated. Their last hope for becoming parents was fading and there was nothing they could do about it. But then their guardian angels came along.

They Were Running Out Of Options

They Were Running Out Of Options


A Lifelong Friend

Nicole and Kevin had been friends with Lianna and Shawn Fives for 20 years. By the time Lianna was 37 and Shawn was 40, their dreams were fulfilled as they had created the big family that they had always wanted.

A Lifelong Friend

A Lifelong Friend


A Beautiful Family

The Fives had been married for several years and were blessed with five children. They had heard about the Barattini’s struggle and it broke their hearts. When their youngest was 6 months old, they invited the couple to dinner.

A Beautiful Family

A Beautiful Family


A Life Changing Announcement

The Fives had invited them for dinner because they had an announcement to make that would change the Barattini’s lives forever. Nicole and Kevin thought it would be an ordinary dinner and didn’t expect what they were about to hear.

A Life Changing Announcement

A Life Changing Announcement


Was A Bigger Family In The Cards For The Fives?

The Fives had always wanted a large family and they were happy with their five precious children. But maybe they wanted to share with their good friends the news that they were expecting another baby? Maybe they were relocating?

Was A Bigger Family In The Cards For The Fives?

Was A Bigger Family In The Cards For The Fives?


Maybe Five Wasn’t Enough

The Fives began telling Nicole and Kevin that they had five children and would love to have one or two more. The Barattini’s were confused and looked at each other puzzled and wondering why they would blurt that out.

Maybe Five Wasn’t Enough

Maybe Five Wasn’t Enough


A Selfless Act

Lianna could see their confusion and explained that she wanted to have one or two more kids but not for her. She wanted to carry a baby for them. She wanted to be their surrogate. The couple immediately started crying.

A Selfless Act

A Selfless Act


Could This Be Too Good To Be True?

Once Nicole recovered from the shock of the announcement, she became concerned.
She had experienced so much disappointment the past few months in this quest to have a baby that she thought this might be too good to be true.

Could This Be Too Good To Be True?

Could This Be Too Good To Be True?


Accepting A Life Changing Offer

Nicole was worried that maybe Lianna would grow attached to the baby and would change her mind. But she realized that this could be her last chance at having a baby of her own and they gratefully accepted the offer.

Accepting A Life Changing Offer

Accepting A Life Changing Offer


Test Ahead For Lianna

Lianna had to undergo a variety of medical, as well as mental tests, to see if she was fit to be a surrogate. All her tests came back and she had passed with flying colors. The next step was implantation.

Test Ahead For Lianna

Test Ahead For Lianna


Their Dreams Were Finally About To Come True

Nicole’s eggs had been extracted and fused. Some miraculous embryos formed and they were implanted. The Barattinis wanted to be involved every step of the way. They were praying that the embryos would take and that this would work.

Their Dreams Were Finally About To Come True

Their Dreams Were Finally About To Come True


Would She Finally Become A Mother?

They were all devastated to hear that the embryos didn’t take. The doctors said it was normal for it to fail at first, but he encouraged them to try one more time. They felt defeated but agreed to try again.

Would She Finally Become A Mother?

Would She Finally Become A Mother?


Second Time Around

They gave it one last try and Lianna was implanted with two embryos. Both couples waited anxiously for weeks to see if it would work this time. The results came back and they couldn’t wait to hear the news.

Second Time Around

Second Time Around


It Was A Success

Both couples were ecstatic when they heard that the embryos had taken and Lianna was pregnant.
Nicole and Kevin were finally going to become parents. But that wasn’t all, there was one more surprise that the doctor wanted to share.

It Was A Success

It Was A Success


More Than What They Had Expected

The doctor broke the wonderful news that both embryos had taken. That meant that Lianna was pregnant with twins. Nicole and Kevin were over the moon and felt beyond blessed. Lianna and Shawn were so happy for them too.

More Than What They Had Expected

More Than What They Had Expected


A Celebration Was In Order

The Fives and the Barattinis decided to throw a big party to celebrate this wonderful news. They were so happy they wanted to announce to the world that Nicole and Kevin were about to become parents to twins.

A Celebration Was In Order

A Celebration Was In Order


Sharing The News With Family And Friends

The two couples planned a party and invited all their friends and family to share the great news. There were more than 60 guests. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by their news and celebrated with them. Then, the big day finally arrived.

Sharing The News With Family And Friends

Sharing The News With Family And Friends


The Best Day Of Their Lives

After a healthy pregnancy, the big day finally arrived. Lianna gave birth to two beautiful babies on February 10th, 2017. Nicole and Kevin were now parents to a beautiful baby girl and baby boy. They were the perfect pair.

The Best Day Of Their Lives

The Best Day Of Their Lives


Two Precious Blessings

They decided to name the baby boy Dominic and the baby girl Luciana. They couldn’t believe that they were not only parents to one but two babies of their very own. They had no words to express how blessed they felt.

Two Precious Blessings

Two Precious Blessings


Proof That Dreams Can Come True

The Barattinis were overcome with emotion when they saw their newborn babies for the first time. They had had this dream for so long and it seemed that it would never happen. They were so glad that they never gave up.

Proof That Dreams Can Come True

Proof That Dreams Can Come True


Real Life Super Heroes

If it weren’t for Lianna and Shawn’s big hearts and selflessness, this would have never happened for the Barattinis. This amazing couple truly were Nicole and Kevin’s real-life superheroes, so they planned to show their gratitude and honor them.

Real Life Super Heroes

Real Life Super Heroes


A Stronger Bond

Nicole never got the chance to be pregnant but knew there’s a strong bond that forms between a mom and the baby she carries. For this reason, she was even more grateful to Lianna for the sacrifice she made for her.

A Stronger Bond

A Stronger Bond


The Best Way They Thought To Thank Them

Even if you didn’t give birth to a child that is yours, it would still be difficult to give away a baby that you carried for 9 months. That’s why the Barattinis wanted to express their gratitude by making the Fives the twins’ godparents.

The Best Way They Thought To Thank Them

The Best Way They Thought To Thank Them


Friends That Became Family

Nicole never had a sister but she considers Lianna as her sister. This process brought them closer together and made their friendship even stronger. They turn to each other for advice because their friendship is open, honest, and strong.

Friends That Became Family

Friends That Became Family


Two Families Joined By A Selfless Act

Not only have Nicole and Lianna become closer but Kevin and Shawn have too. They now see each other more frequently and love to have family barbeques. The Fives’ kids also absolutely adore the twins and enjoy spending time with them.

Two Families Joined By A Selfless Act

Two Families Joined By A Selfless Act


They Feel So Blessed

Not a day goes by that the Barattinis don’t realize just how lucky and blessed they are to have the Fives in their lives. To have someone be willing to do that for them is something they will never forget.

They Feel So Blessed

They Feel So Blessed


How Their Lives Have Changed

Kevin and Nicole had no idea that their lives would turn out like this when they started their journey. They knew they wanted to have kids but they could have never imagined that they would be parents to beautiful twins.

How Their Lives Have Changed

How Their Lives Have Changed


Helping Others

Nicole and Kevin felt that in order to fully embrace their blessing they had to pay it forward. They weren’t sure at first but soon realized what they could do to help others struggling to have a baby as they had.

Helping Others

Helping Others


The Fives Were Willing To Help

Even though the Fives had their plates full with their five children they were willing to help the Barattinis with their quest in becoming activists for surrogacy. They knew that there were many others like Nicole that couldn’t fall pregnant.

The Fives Were Willing To Help

The Fives Were Willing To Help


A Campaign That Could Change Many Lives

The Barattinis wanted to help other couples who couldn’t have a baby so they started a campaign to legalize surrogacy in New York state. The state didn’t recognize surrogacy as a viable option for couples struggling to start a family.

A Campaign That Could Change Many Lives

A Campaign That Could Change Many Lives


Media Attention

Kevin turned to Facebook and posted that they had been working closely with an organization called Reproductive Specialists of New York and local legislators to make surrogacy recognized. Once the story went public they received lots of social media attention.

Media Attention

Media Attention


Sharing Their Story

Once the media got wind of their story they wanted interviews with both couples. It was all so surreal as it happened so fast. The Barattinis and the Fives were content to share their happy stories with the world though.

Sharing Their Story

Sharing Their Story


It’s Not Impossible

Their story was all over the media and Nicole prayed that it served to give hope to those couples that had given up on their dream to become parents. The Barattinis want to show that it is possible.

It’s Not Impossible

It’s Not Impossible


The Couple Continues To Be Activists For This Cause

The Barattinis continue to do activism for this cause because they see the need for it in New York. They love being parents and hope that every couple gets the chance to have their dream come true like theirs did.

The Couple Continues To Be Activists For This Cause

The Couple Continues To Be Activists For This Cause