The Stories Behind The Most Popular Banned Songs

Published on August 31, 2020

Royals – Lorde

Lorde’s song “Royals” was banned in San Francisco for quite a funny reason. In 2014, the song was banned due to an upcoming baseball game between the San Francisco Giants and the Kansas City Royals. The song was antagonizing for Giants fans, so the song was temporarily banned. After the game, it was no longer banned.

Royals – Lorde

Royals – Lorde

Anarchy In The UK – The Sex Pistols

When the Sex Pistols completed their album “Anarchy In The UK,” which included the single of the same name on it, it actually took a year until the album was released. Many organizations refused to ship the album due to its controversial lyrics, which led to the whole album being delayed.

Anarchy In The UK – The Sex Pistols

Anarchy In The UK – The Sex Pistols